1,521 Topics

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Member Avatar for mattb0611

The Linux mascot, Tux, is about to introduce himself to the masses—by driving really, really fast. [URL="http://tux500.com"]Tux500.com[/URL], a Linux marketing site, is working to raise $350,000 to take primary sponsorship of Stephan Gregoire's car in the Indianapolis 500 race on May 27. So far, only about $6000 has been raised, …

Member Avatar for helios
Member Avatar for mattb0611

While announcing the name of Ubuntu's next release for October, 2007, Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth spoke of a new version of the Ubuntu distribution to be released alongside Gutsy Gibbon. This release, he says, will not include any firmware, drivers, applications, and even sounds and imagery which are not completely …

Member Avatar for bryhawks
Member Avatar for John A

Last Tuesday, Palm announced that they're developing a new operating system. Not surprising, especially since the current one that they've got needs a revamp. The huge news here is that this new operating system is going to use the Linux kernel as the base of the operating system, freeing them …

Member Avatar for John A

Open source means that it's not possible to pirate the software, right? Well, somehow OpenBSD developers have found out exactly how you can do that, by copying sections of some Linux wireless drivers (released under the GPL of course) and then releasing them under OpenBSD's less-restrictive license, allowing proprietary use. …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for TKSS

For those of you who use Microsoft products on a daily basis (I'm included in that list...my job uses WinXP daily) Linux might seem silly or stupid. You might think the people that use it are just nerds or geeks or those people with IQ's tipping the scales at 180. …

Member Avatar for John A

Actually, I was not surprised in the least when Dell announced that they're going to begin selling PCs pre-installed with Linux. After all, it was quite obvious that they had it coming: the selling of PCs without operating systems, squarely aimed at the open-source market. Then the consumer poll that …

Member Avatar for John A

Red Hat's been the king of Linux for a while -- but as of lately, it's been quite some time since they released an update to their enterprise edition of their distribution, RHEL. 2 years in fact. Now, Red Hat has finally released a new version of RHEL: REHL 5. …

Member Avatar for markdean
Member Avatar for John A

When we think of "open source", many things come to mind: free, created by volunteers, open to everyone, no profits, etc. That's the steriotype that the media paints mostly, and that when open source programs are created, they are done for the passion of it, and not at all for …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for happygeek

The trouble with asking your customers what they want is sometimes they tell you and it is not what you were expecting to hear. Case in point, [URL="http://www.dell.com"]Dell[/URL] requesting just such feedback 10 days ago and being inundated with thousands of customers and, one assumes more importantly, potential customers yelling …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for John A

Red Hat last month [URL="http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=07/01/11/1841241"]released[/URL] the Fedora Core 6 LiveCD. The tools used to create it can also be used to create your own custom LiveCDs. It's designed to look identitical to the full release of Fedora Core 6, having Gnome 2.16 and X.org 7.16. Very nice. But how come …

Member Avatar for lproven

A recent post on my Livejournal was a link to a story on The Inquirer about someone moving to Linux because it's just less hassle than XP. (I may yet repeat that story here, so for now, I'll not link to it again.) I find it interesting that one of …

Member Avatar for John A

The open-source [URL="http://fedoralegacy.org/"]Fedora Legacy Project[/URL] is now shutting down. It's no longer supporting Fedora Core 4 and earlier. On the website it says, "The current model for supporting maintenance distributions is being re-examined. In the meantime, we are unable to extend support to older Fedora Core releases as we had …

Member Avatar for John A

With the recent release of [URL="http://wesnoth.org/"]Wesnoth 1.2[/URL], the open-source strategy game, the game's developmet never seems to stop. It's so popular, and it's addictive to play. These days, anybody without internet access is considered to be "living in the dark ages". And with the ever-growing popularity of social networking services …

Member Avatar for John A

I'm always excited when I see people inventing new uses for existing devices. Linux kernel developers have been working hard, and have now added PS3 support for the Linux kernel. Sony helped by contributing patches for the machine, which have now been merged into the kernel. This will be included …

Member Avatar for happygeek

I am more used to reviewing routers and network webcams from D-Link than reading about the company launching a cellphone, let alone one which will run on a Linux OS and be populated with open source software. But apparently that is exactly what it is going to do, and do …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The General Public License is not something to be messed with lightly, after all it is ‘the law’ as far as many open source projects are concerned. Which is why the Free Software Foundation is running into trouble with plans to introduce a proposed version 3 of the GPL to …

Member Avatar for mikeandike22

ReactOS is an open source operating system that has been in development for 10 years. The main goal of the project is to build an operating system that is completly compatible with Windows XP. It uses all free software and uses a similar directory structure and program names to Windows. …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

The Intel Open Source Technology Center has officially released open source graphics drivers for the 965 Express chipset in a move that while not exactly unprecedented is, nonetheless, a most welcome display of commitment to the provision of free software drivers. Moreover, it is a display of that commitment in …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The reports that are popping up all over the web that [URL="http://www.ibm.com"]IBM[/URL], along with [URL="http://www.gatech.edu"]Georgia Tech[/URL], has [URL="http://www.gatech.edu/news-room/release.php?id=1019"]demonstrated [/URL]the world’s fastest ever chip are, sadly, not quite as exciting as you might at first think. Not least because this wasn’t a chip at all, but rather a transistor, and even …

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Member Avatar for php_noob

I am kinda mixed up right now..... CAN IIS and APACHE work in the same machine? from my [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread203902.html"]thread [/URL](marked as solved) XAMPP + VISUAL STUDIO + MS SQL SERVER [while mysql is running] can exist in one machine. I have projects both in APACHE and ASP +IIS [not in …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for alebiosu_farouk

SIR, KINDLY help in throwing more light on why a redhat linux server restarts itself and the possible solution to that for re occurence.thak you sir.

Member Avatar for matthewl
Member Avatar for chathuD

guys i need to develop a smal web site using abouou tools and must have a working data base. the problum is i only know about oracal.so i need to kbow about jsp (how to creat a jsp file,how to connect a data base,how to handle a data base ...blah …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for balagod

Hi, I am configuring my staging server apache with virtual host. Whenever i try to access the site with host entry in my system(hosts file) it's always displaying first site in vhost. i am not able to access other sites. always i am getting [url]www.ocms.com[/url] site , i am not …

Member Avatar for tracedinesh
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all, i am new to php, i dont know how to run the php files, i am going through some tutorials, but not able to install it on my pc. i have dowloaded . . but dont know how to proceed further so please help me out ...... regards, …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for IntoDEV

Ok.. i have a script that lets the authorized user to browse and download the files they want(that's what it supposed to be), but... i can't get to give the user files via links. The files are in a different drive and folder then apache, so how can i make …

Member Avatar for Barefootsanders

Hi all. I want to set up a small array of linux servers on a couple computers I have.. I'd like to use virtualization software and set up 2-3 VM's on each computer. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to what software and OS to use i.e. …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for noktasizvirgul

Hi everyone, In my internship, I need to prepare a telephone directory with LDAP and a simple program which uses that with C language. I am using Ubuntu machine and I guess I manage to install LDAP without any configuration. 3 days past and I have nothing done. Is there …

Member Avatar for naimaa

I "d like to build freebsd mail server in my organization. I've installed postfix by following instruction. [url]http://www.sima-it.com/en/how_to_step_by_step/freeBSD/Postfix_with_system_users/2_qpopper_mc_postfix/[/url] I tested it by outlook., pop3 works but smtp shows error. So I have 2 questions: 1. How do I check my mails by outlook? 2. I also want to check my …

Member Avatar for badre.zouiri
Member Avatar for craigers

does anyone know of a sendmail program for windows that actually works with the formmail variables? i have tried 3 and the closes i got was with fake sendmail it will log all the form data in an error log but fails to authenticate to send. and one other one …

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man

Hello, I was wonder if it is possible to change the DirectoryIndex based on the incoming IP address. Heres a senerio. We are working on a new site for our company and are doing redirection to pass users to a temp site in a sub folder. but for us internally, …

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The End.