13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for lgriess

I have a very weird problem with my TreeView OnSelectedNodeChanged event. I have dynamically populated the whole tree via sql and one table. Everything was working correctly until I tried to add rdls to the mix, My treeview populates correctly but when I try to add two reports to my …

Member Avatar for Roses89

Hey guys, Im not very good at programming but ive a huge project and i needed help on something. The basic thing is that im making a project for a doctors hospital Now im working on the prescrption and i wanted the doctor to be able to select the patient …

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Member Avatar for Arun.Emm

Hi , Basically I want to display a popup box only at a specific time in asp.net application. so i'm using the following code.. aspx page : [code] <head runat="server"> <title>Untitled Page</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function timedMsg() { var t=setTimeout("alert('good morning!')",6000); } </script> </head> [/code] C# code : [code] protected void …

Member Avatar for Tarang
Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi... everybody... i've designed one crystal report to display the total number in indian currency format which works good... following is my code. [code] numbervar RmVal:=0; numbervar Amt:=0; numbervar pAmt:=0; stringvar InWords :=" "; numbervar totalAmt; totalAmt:=Sum ({employee.salary}); Amt := totalAmt; if Amt > 10000000 then RmVal := truncate(Amt/10000000); if …

Member Avatar for ranu jain

Suggest me some lonk for making payment gate way and to set session and authenticate session in my site. i m working in asp.net.

Member Avatar for ranu jain
Member Avatar for sumisudhakar

I am currently working in an ASP.Net application where i need to implement ASP.Net Membership and Roles. I have used Login controls in my pages. Also I am using a menu in the master page, which is getting data bindings from database. For data bindings I am using XMLDatasource and …

Member Avatar for jackparsana

Hi, Please me to do this. I have one Webapplication. its build on vs 2010 and back-end is MsSql server 2008 and create setup for installing in another Standalone PC. The Problem is I can't run Application without installing Vs? is there any solution? can I run setup without install …

Member Avatar for jackparsana
Member Avatar for lanitooot

i dont know how to make my log in system to have a multiple users with different access levels. for example when the admin logs in it can access all the features of the system and if the ordinary users logs in some of the features are disabled. my log …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for router.exe

I'm trying to display a progress bar or animation for an update panel that takes a while to load. The update panel is housing a chart that uses multiple chart areas, and the code behind is building these chart areas during the update. I'm not sure what I'm missing using …

Member Avatar for router.exe
Member Avatar for anish.anick

Hi All, I am using Three tier application in my project (having Presentation, Business and Datalayer). I want to know what kind of Design pattern is Three tier approach? Thanks

Member Avatar for MichaelWClark

I have a stored procedure that I am using through LINQ to SQL as a data source for a gridview. Rather than editing my stored procedure is there a way to use Linq to search the result set? [code] Dim DC As New DistributionDataContext GridView1.DataSource = (DC.usp_GetInvestorData(GridView1.PageIndex, GridView1.PageSize, "InvestorName", Session("sort"))) …

Member Avatar for queryme

Hi Please let me know how to scroll text inside a textbox or lable. i am using .net framework2.0, i need it in Asp.net c#.

Member Avatar for MichaelWClark
Member Avatar for piranha3d

Hello everyone! I wanna know If how will I get the values from the selected checkboxes of my datagridview, the values of the textboxes on the right and how will i put the selected values in a Session? thanks in advance! heres the pic of my project. [url]http://i53.tinypic.com/2cz7z2o.jpg[/url]

Member Avatar for Sals
Member Avatar for Lazarevski

[code] var q = from nar in db.Narackis where nar.datum == TextBox1.Text select new { nar.ID, nar.sifra, nar.kolicina, nar.naziv }; [/code] Error Message: Error 4 Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'method group' and 'string' C:\Users\Dragan\Desktop\MegaKameriWebApp\prodavnici\Naracka.aspx.cs 20 47 C:\...\MegaKameriWebApp\ I've tried both nar.datum.toshortdatestring and nar.datum.tolongdatestring and neither …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for kiran@kumar

hi friends iam kiran i have a doubt in javascript. In asp.net we have a flushing concept.it works fine. But i want that same flushing concept in javascript. Exact Requirement: From my database i got 1000 records to javascript function. then here i am open one js window and iam …

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Member Avatar for DongleDaniel

Morning/Afternoon/Evening... Been up now for about 7 hours trying to figure this out and been googling too much... Trying to basically Connect to my active directory server on the FYP.Com Domain ip address and pull of a lise of uses within the Users OU. Tried playing around with the …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for canterorist

hi! In php we use this [CODE]<a href="hello.php?a=1&b=2">hello</a>[/CODE] so that when we click, the $_get will catch the value of a and b. If i used asp.net what is the code to link for it?. I need your help, I'm new in using asp.net.

Member Avatar for canterorist
Member Avatar for sujimon

Hi, The website that I have been working on for sometime is about to be deployed now. However, after deployment the reports are not opening in one of the two machines that I have deployed. All other pages seem to be working fine except reports not opening with the error …

Member Avatar for sujimon
Member Avatar for jainsurbhi

Hello all, I’m a bit weird because just 2 days ago I had an interview for a .NET developer post .They promised to call me last day but they didn’t so I just want to confirm few answers given by my side. Please review them and let me hear your …

Member Avatar for devloper

hello friends if anyone know that is it possible to more than one crystalreports call on same form in asp.net?then how?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for itslucky

Dear Friends, I am developing such a website where i have uploaded the ringtones for mobile phones, and i need to know that how can i play the ringtone in the [B]Asp .net C# pag[/B]e. before download user can [B]listen[/B] the ringtone and same action can done with Videos. Please …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for new SE

Hi all.. i'm working with asp.net c#.. i want to make a chart that can retrieve the data from the database.. i found one website that tell the way to make it but i dont understand the query used.. this the the link [URL="http://www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=238"]http://www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=238[/URL] and the query is [CODE]SELECT CategoryName, …

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Member Avatar for usg

Hi, I am doing a web based chattebot system and my problems are these. I need to get a particular user question and check for some specific keywords in it(for example take the nouns) and find for synonyms and well as do the spell check? Therefore What is the best …

Member Avatar for adeela83
Member Avatar for nilu_r

How to integrate asp.net application using iDEAL lite payment? Can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for devloper

hello friends any one help 4 this... m new in asp.net and in asp.net, when i add New item (report file .rpt) i am not getting its .cs file and i am not able to create instance of it and i get an error on the first time button(report show)'s …

Member Avatar for eng.amira

Hello...... i want to select from the drop down list ID then all information connecting to the ID will appear in the report , i wrote this SQL statement but only information related to the first ID appear each time when i select different ID from the drop down list …

Member Avatar for Lazarevski

i have two tabels in my database. The first is called 'Products'(consisting of the product's id and the name of the product) and the second one is called 'Orders'. Is it possible, and if yes please gimme the name of that property so I can google it up, when a …

Member Avatar for jackparsana
Member Avatar for harika.k

Hi, I am coding the loginpage, i want know how to code 1.) To check whether the User entered username,pwd matches with any of the rows of database data, if it is so it should navigate to next page like inbox.aspx. As i am new to Asp.net, please help me …

Member Avatar for vijaykrishnabor
Member Avatar for ptemedia

Hi, I have an objectdatasource as shown: [CODE] <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource2" runat="server" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectMethod="GetProducts" TypeName="ProductsDALTableAdapters.ProductsDTTableAdapter" MaximumRowsParameterName=""> <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter DefaultValue="" Name="Param2" QueryStringField="ID" Type="Int32" /> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="???" Name="Param1" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:ObjectDataSource> [/CODE] This returns products that include (in a particular field) what is placed instead of ??? with the exception of the …

Member Avatar for prem005

This is in class file Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System.IO Imports System.Collections.Generic Public Class FileSrch '' File Search Options Public Enum FileSearchOptions YearFirst MonthFirst DateinExtension NormalFiles End Enum Public Shared Function GetSearchcriteria(ByVal DatetoSearchwith As Date, ByVal Filename As String, ByVal FileExtension As String, ByVal SearchOptions As FileSearchOptions) Select Case SearchOptions Case …


The End.