13,153 Topics
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hey i am using embed tag for video. now i want to change my embed src dynamically so i am using javascript but it does not work. here is my code: javascript-: [CODE] function playvideo() { document.getElementById("play").innerHTML='<embed id="id" src="./video/1.wmv" />'; } [/CODE] aspx-: [CODE] <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClientClick="playvideo();" /> … | |
can suggest me a jquery which is used for rolling videos...like if i click on particular video it should be played... | |
I haven't been able to find anything on this that's very useful anywhere else. Does anybody know if any of the available Virtual Machine software out there works the .NET framework? It make sense to me that it would. If you can install Windows XP or Vista, you should be … | |
hi! in php i use md5 function to encrypt a password. how about in asp.net is their a built in function? please help me. i'm new in asp. | |
Hey all, I want some links where i can find Analog clocks using asp.net. regards, Prasanth | |
I have created a csharp script that connects to my sqlexpress database. It works perfectly in my test environmnet. When I upload the web application to discount asp.net I cannot connect to the database using the hookUp command. The web.config file is working, I can connect to the database and … | |
what is d code for using "FRAME" in asp.net??? Is there any such code??? OR How to design "Frames" in asp.net??? | |
Hi Friends Please check this link in IE8: <a href="http://www.freej.ae/freejaetest/ar/FreejEpisodes.aspx">http://www.freej.ae/freejaetest/ar/FreejEpisodes.aspx</a>. If you select first link below page title from right in the above link, You will see a jcarousel in the bottom which is not displaying correctly...But when I see it on my local machine its showing up correctly but … | |
my iis doesnt support the com componets. I run my web application on localhost it runs fine. But when i ran it on server it doesnt give response. what to do. | |
Hi. I want to ask about this code. I'm trying to upload csv file and import into sql. but this code doesnt working.[CODE]protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); } protected void Button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string filePath = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName; string filename = Path.GetFileName(filePath); string ext = Path.GetExtension(filename); … | |
I have to do an module program which downloads pdf files in the client side. Currently, when users download the file, the url of the downloaded file is viewed by the user. Modification instructed: 1. In the page where the file download is requested, the url of the downloaded file … | |
can I do this? [CODE]response.write (label1.text = exist!)[/CODE] if not.. can someone tell me how to do this.. thanks in advance..:) | |
I have able to generate several labels and textboxes based on a table in the database during runtime. My problem is that I could not get these values from these textboxes whenever a user changes these values and update them. Thank you for any answer or idea. I am using … | |
Hi! I have simple web application called App that is secured with Windows Authentication. I have set identity impersonate to true in web.config. There is only one page (Default.aspx) in App directory. When user enters the site ex.: [url]http://localhost/App[/url] the login window pops up. When user clicks Cancel, IIS redirects … | |
hi! I have a datatable ,I need a linechart shows 2 value from datatable(like velocity vs distance) and their date.But I cann not achieve this is my code public void grafikOlustur(LineChart lc_sorgu, DataTable dt) { lc_sorgu.Graphs.Add(new LineChartGraph()); string[] b = new string[dt.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; … | |
Hi, I have an objectdatasource showing lots of details for a particular product. In the table of products, there is an extra field which is either 'yes' or 'no' Is there a way in the cs code or javascript to make an image visible="true" if the value is 'yes' thanks | |
Im Writing a c# Code that Takes an Excel Sheet ,creates the Corresponding SQl table and Dumps the data in a new table in SQL. Now My problem is: In the " create table" command , i have to specify the DATATYPE for the column !i.e. CREATE TABLE "table_name" ("column … | |
hi...... to all i have one problem in executing the ssrs reports.. i've developed one project for that project there are some SSRS reports which are deployed in path ( "http://localhost/reports/") it is working fine... when i run through the project and press F5 ( i.e execute) the reports are … | |
i need consultancy about the third party component pd shop (shopping cart) this component has certain limitation .for example if u have item1 and add it to cart with certain configuration like size is 1 and color is blue but when u added same item with different configuration like red … | |
I am using a FileUpload control to allow the user to import the contents of an Excel spreadsheet into an DataAdapter and then import into an Oracle database table. This works great when I use a local filesystem project. However, when I try to run this on the server, I … | |
I am planning to create a webpage to collect simple information. Name, email, phone number, college name and also their markes in each subject Exam subject1 subject2 subject3 subject4 Result test1 85 77 90 90 pass test2 89 89 74 74 pass test3 88 91 98 98 pass Name: College … | |
[CODE]using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Web.Mail; public partial class mail : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } protected void SendMail() { var fromAddress = new MailAddress("user@gmail.com", txtName.Text); var … | |
I use calendar extender with targetID of text box. this text box is used as a parameter in EntityDataSource. now problem is that when i select the date DataSource wasn't updated. i also try it by changing the autopostback property of textbox but after postback no changes occurs and textbox … | |
I need to remove the prefix(domain name) if exist in front of a username from a session variable. paramsql.Value = Session("ssNtUser") say the domain is za username is macupryk I would like to remove the za\ so in the session variable I have macupryk only but the domain name can … | |
hello... i am creating a video library using asp.net. i am new with asp.net with c#. in it i use datalist for images and hyperlink of video. now i want to play video in other page by click on image which have hyperlink of video. so what to do? if … | |
hi, I'm working on a an app that uses access database so.. while making the setup file i added the file in the application folder along with the .exe file that uses it.. but after installation the .exe file is not able to alter the database as the user is … | |
Hi I am Manish working as software developer at spaze technologies south-ex. I am new to Daniweb. | |
Hi I have been searching many forums including this one and not found the answer to this anywhere (sorry if it has been and I have missed it) I have a drop-down list in my website. The user can use this to browse the categories and then select a product. … | |
Team - I am in the beginning of a new project. I need to be able to present a list of records on an .aspx page. (This isn't a problem.) and when the "details" link is clicked it woudl show the full record etc. (again, not a problem) Problem? I … |
The End.