13,153 Topics
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Hi all, I'm designing a web page in ASPX. I have a few textboxes where the user enters the number of items, and a label that shows what they would currently pay if they checked out at that moment. I need help using a UpdatePanel to refresh the label when … | |
hi.... i've developed on ssrs report which displays the number in words i.e in million and billion.. i want it in crores ,lakhs,thousands,hundreds,rupees and paise.. can any one modifiy the code below.. which is in reports properties->code tab.. the below is my code which is of million and billion dollars … | |
hi.... The code is about place the comma's (,) i.e separator between numbers in this format (12,21,21,123) it works good.. but when there's a decimal point such as 12345.58 it will show as 12,346.. it will round up the values.. ( which i dont want that .. i want as … | |
Hi all, I have a page on which I've done several successful ExecuteNonQuery calls that added new rows to existing tables. But one, despite all the parameters being correct and receiving a positive return value and also a valid output parameter, seems to have no effect on the database. Several … | |
Hi all Im trying to create a site that is multi language, in order to do this all copy, alt tag text and url links are stored in a db. I then get all the info for that language and put it into a cached dataset. i then loop through … | |
hi all.. i'm working with slide show extender.. i'm referred to this website [URL="http://www.dotnetspider.com/resources/27734-Ajax-slide-show.aspx"]http://www.dotnetspider.com/resources/27734-Ajax-slide-show.aspx[/URL] on how to make it.. it is completely tell the way to make it but i want to modified it to make it suitable with my requirement.. this is the code [CODE] using System; using System.Data; … | |
hi... to all.. i've developed one ssrs report in "sql server 2008 express with advance services"... The virtual folder is not there in IIS .. ok it works fine .. i.e [url]http://mysystemname:8080/reportserver_sqlexpress[/url] it works good... but the same thing i want to execute in another system .. with my system … | |
hi.... to all.. i'm using sql server 2008 express with advance edition with BIDS... i've developed one report in that employee salary.. i want to print the salary in the format (12,34,56,78,91,01,11,233.89) and i want to print in words such as (" ninty nine crores fifty one lakhs fourty nine … | |
hi... i'm using sql server 2008 with advance services the below error is of reporting services.. "The permissions granted to user 'sysname\ASPNET' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)" when i'm trying to host appliction.. the above error is occured.. it works fine when i try to execute locally.. but … | |
Hello, I want to check the username & password of the user with the already stored database and then login. Iam using asp.net(vb) with sql server as database. Please help ME [CODE] Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Data Partial Class MasterPage Inherits System.Web.UI.MasterPage Dim con As New SqlConnection("server=localhost;database=reg1;integrated security=yes;") Dim ds As … | |
were i work has an access they use to record customer details which has been running forever and just uses a access macro form to enter the data. i am wanting to try viewing and editing this using vb,net which i have a little bit of experience with. can you … | |
HI to all i want to add a feature or i want to upgrade my website so that user will be able to save his file or folder,photos etc like social networking site,after the signup. I work in asp.net with MSSQL2005 please give me some hint so that i can … | |
In ASP.NET, how do you run site management tasks? I am still thinking in a Windows Forms mode, where a management function would say check the date every time a user runs the program. For instance, if more than one month had passed since the last time a management function … | |
Hi, appreciate if you can spend few minutes to analyze the problem below and shed some lights. Thanks I would like to Sum up MTD Value and separate by employee ID. I've used SUM(MTD_Value) and Group By Employee_ID but is not work. Thanks [B][U]VB.NET Coding[/U][/B] [code] Dim connetionString As String … | |
Hi I have to open a popup window on clicking a hyperlink templatefield in gridview .I gave the javascript code for opening a popup window in navigateurl property of hyperlink. Am getting the popup window but the previous page is navigating to a blank page. Can anyone help me out? … | |
I have developed a program that allows users to sell domains.I am trying to work out how when a buyer, buys at domain off one of the sellers I could put the money in escrow and when the domain is recieved by the buyer it is then transfered to their … | |
Hi, What is the purpose parallel programming?. I am using multi threading and I am getting all the services in the current version VS 2005 in the form of Async thread for my product. I heard that parallel programming in vs 2010 will provide the futures for parallel programing. Should … | |
Hi, am having trouble figuring this one out. Am using stored procedure and using databind for the gridview . i got the codes off other sites. how or what do i use as the datasource for the sorting event. I used the Session for the paging event and that works … | |
Hi all, I have a grid view I am trying to use, and it displays a large number of pill codes, (thousands) that I would like to be able to filter down. I have set up a dropdown list that gives the different options to filter on, basically every letter … | |
Please Help, I am creating a Simple Crystal report that views outstanding logs for our call centre,I have a stored procedure that retrieves all the Info I need.Here is where it gets interesting.The Report retrives all the relevant data and shows me page One.When i try to view the second … | |
can anyone tell how can i get SUBSCRIBE NOW button ....free. if there is any S/W like easy menu and button maker can any one send me. actually sites are asking for pay but i dont have an bank account. | |
hi all, i am making dynamic folder of company name which user enter in a textbox..... in my project all documents, images ...ect stores in that folder... fetching data for that company, report , image are fetching from that folder..... my proble is here that suppose user enter company name … | |
i have gridview in my project and database records are displayed in that but if i want to edit the row then wht code should i write?? pls help me for this. | |
I am making a site in which user will be registered and after the payment (or subscribed) he will b served some facility like he can visit some pages of site only after payment . i m working in vb.net visual sudio 2008 . what is the easiest way to … | |
i have an free web host on aspspider.com and i have made an page with asp.net and a sql database under root\Database\db1.mdf. the code on my page is in c#. i have an code for db acces but it doesent work [CODE] string connectString = @"Data Source=~\root\Database ;Initial Catalog=DB1"; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection … | |
Hi this is Kiran kumar How the Controls that are created dynamically in the page load will maintain their state that means how they will preserve the values . if anybody knows the answer please help me thanks in advancce regards kiran kumar | |
Ok guys, im here with a problem The thing is that ive created a website for a doctors hospital.Now the admin staff are allowed to create new patient and add new staff to the database. I have two databases right now.The aspnet membership data base and another one that has … | |
Hi, I recently joined a web designing. I've been given two dummy project already to work on but i don've idea from where i've to start the project. can anyone pls help me wit this problem. Project is developed using asp.net c# . | |
Hey guys, Im really new at vb.net and i have a huge project on it.Somehow, ive managed to complete 90% of it but im stuck at the last 10%.This is a system basically set up for GPs.Medical Centre.The system has 3 users, patient doctor and admin. The admin are allowed … |
The End.