13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for deepa2585

Hello, I am validating a textbox for TaxID using the foll code: [code=asp.net]<asp:TextBox ID="txtTaxID" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("nvchrTaxID") %>'></asp:TextBox> <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="rvTaxID" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtTaxID" ValidationExpression="^\d{2}-\d{7}$" ErrorMessage="Invalid Tax ID"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator>[/code] My question is I dont want to save the TaxID with dash(-) in the database.How do I do that? please reply

Member Avatar for sonia sardana

[code] protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM UserLogin", conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { if (txtUserName.Text == dr[0].ToString()) { if (txtPassword.Text == dr[1].ToString()) { Response.Redirect("FrmLogin.aspx"); } else { lblError.Text = "UserName & …

Member Avatar for Anupama G

Hi, How do I change the Row height of the GridView? Can anyone help me out in this. Thanks.

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for jerMAn

When I run my crawler once it works on any page. Run it again on another page or the same page and I get this error [code] Server Error in '/WebApplication5' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (txtBody="...e customer’s experience,..."). Description: Request Validation has …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for omotoyosi

I have a validation summary on a page. If i set the height of the validationsummary1 to 0px or 1px it will not show any thing in the runtime. I want the height to be autosize base on the number of error. I tried the same project in another system …

Member Avatar for fawadkhalil

Hi How can i resize an image before uploading and saving to database to the size im showing in my application.How will i accomplish this.

Member Avatar for Dhaneshnm
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

Hey frnds tell me to see ASP.net site video tutorials,is it necessary that msdn sites will open up. Because msdn sites will not open up in my computer. Or by installing silver light,i can watch tutorials. Plaese give me the links to download silverlight.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for phoenix_dwarf

Hi, i'm trying to add a checkbox to a datagrid but don't seem to get anywhere. I got to add a new column but that's where it stops. I'm reading data out of my database and then deleting the first column of that dataset's table as it is not needed, …

Member Avatar for phoenix_dwarf
Member Avatar for Wiizl

I have SQL datasource and all columns are directly displayed in gridview. [CODE] DS_params.SelectCommand = "SELECT ID, ParamName, ParamValue FROM Params WHERE ProductID=" + pid; DS_params.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); grid_productdata.DataBind(); [/CODE] The first thing I cannot figure out is how to make some column read-only so it can't be edited, without directly adding …

Member Avatar for f_atencia

Hi all, I have a Subscription database running and i am trying to insert values into it from an ASP web form when i click on a button with an id of 'confirm'. The name of the field is 'startdate' (date data type) and i need to enter today's date …

Member Avatar for prashantpani
Member Avatar for Anupama G

Hi, I have a calendar control which displays the selected month from a dropdownlist.The calendar control displays the last few days of the previous month as well.How to disable the dates of previous month? Can anyone help me on this. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for anup.maverick

Hi, I am using vwd 2005 & SQL Server 2000. Now I got 2 problems - 1. How to Copy the SQL Server 2000 Database on Hosting Server(What i mean is where to search SQL 2000 Database file on my local PC)? 2.What Connection String to Use (should work on …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for thilinam

HI I am developing a part of asp.net web site as a training project. My part is creating authentication structure and authorization. Can any body please tell me are there any way to do this except using sql membership provider. Because we have to implement according to the class definitions …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for ritu verma

I wnat to open Website Data Sources Window. When i add a report,in VS 2008,its open automatically ,but in VS 2005. Its not open. How to open it. See Pic attached

Member Avatar for ricksvoid

Ive got my first paying gig since graduation and im very interested in finding out what the .net community thinks about e-commerce. I have a decent command of the VB.net language and asp.net but I know very little about e-commerce. I noticed that there is an existing starter kit called …

Member Avatar for Dhaneshnm

I want a file uploader,that doesnt cause post back in asp.net 2.0. With some googleing i found that if i set traget of the form to an iframe on the same page,i can avoid post back.But when i try this the page is getting opened in new window.(ie7 is the …

Member Avatar for Dhaneshnm
Member Avatar for mldardy

I am having trouble uploading any file to the path in the error message below. Does anyone have any idea what the problem is. I did some research on this and most sites say that the permissions need Read/Write access for the asp.net user. I tried this and I still …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for mansi sharma

I want to ask that y there is need to add user control in web.config & when we add it?? If we want to use user control in different pages,we can just drag & drop it on the form,then y we add it in web.config file.

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for sandeep_1987

My sitemap file contains [code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0" > <siteMapNode url="" title="" description=""> <siteMapNode url="www.cnn.com" title="CNN" description="CNN News" /> <siteMapNode url="www.bbc.com" title="BBC" description="BBC News" /> <siteMapNode url="www.reuters.com" title="Reuters" description="Reuters" /> </siteMapNode> </siteMap> [/code] Now Menu appears in the order CNN BBC Reuters When i click on any …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for santhoshvarma.a

hi, i want some examples regarding user control in asp.net with c# and how to retrive data from main page and send it other pages thankx & regards A.Santhosh kumar

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for ritu verma

I have never used this control,i m facing problem in using it. In some sites coding are used in Report Viewer Control,whereas in other sites coding is not used. In this site no coding is there [url]http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/mahesh/ReportViewerIntro04042007100143AM/ReportViewerIntro.aspx[/url] In this site coding is there [url]http://www.aspfree.com/c/a/ASP.NET/Binding-Data-to-the-ReportViewer-Control-Dynamically-in-ASPNET-20/1/[/url] Explain me out plz,I m not …

Member Avatar for Ptero

We're using a lot of typed datasets in ASP.NET application, most of them have many tables+adapters and each table has some functions that call Oracle Stored Procedures. It works using System.Data.OracleClient. Our purpose is to make a migration to ODP.NET ( Oracle.DataAccess ). If i build a new typed dataset, …

Member Avatar for elidotnet

Hello, im a little bit new for mobile.NET and tryin to work with sql express data base during my mobile web form. Im tryin to make some contact form and its work great. the data send from the mobile form to the sql contact table. my question is there is …

Member Avatar for amodiaas
Member Avatar for sandani1225

Hi All, I have an web application written in .NET 2003, I want this aplication to migrate to .NET 2005 and I want to know it will cause any problems. Also it would be helpful if you can tell me how to migrate application in 2003 to 2005. Thanks in …

Member Avatar for indhu arun

For the last two days I was banging my head to move the control to a specific record in a formview(that is used to update a specific record based on the primary key selected in a dropdown). I use asp.net 3.5 and Linq.. so using Linqdatasource I couldn't find a …

Member Avatar for Anupama G

Hi, I am working on C#. I have 2 dropdownlists(for Year and Month) and a ImageButton. On click of the image button,a calendar is displayed. I want the default month and year of the calendar to be the same as selected month and year from the dropdown list.Also the previous …

Member Avatar for Dhaneshnm
Member Avatar for shxrainz

hi.. I got an error said that ""Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed." Currently i follow the book of beginning Asp.net in c# E-commerce .NET 2.0 and i using visual studio 2005 with SqlExpress 2005 Can anyone help me.. Thanks

Member Avatar for singharchana06
Member Avatar for Rofling Waffles

In a gridview I've edited the columns so it only appears buttons, so my question is how can I add the event on that grdview1 for when I click a button doesnt matter in which column.

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for gtyagi

I m facing problem in Update operation,Select operation is completed. To Perform Update operation- 1)Add Class Products 2) Add a new method called UpdateProducts below is the Vb code,but i want to work with C# Code [code] Public Sub updateProducts(ByVal ProductID As Integer, _ ByVal ProductName As String, _ ByVal …

Member Avatar for sandeep_1987

I want to show a menu.As u see in websites,wen we move a mouse over the menu item,Drop down menu appears.How to do that? See in Pic on URL [url]http://www.vbforums.com/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=31[/url]

Member Avatar for shenulal

The End.