13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for brightline

I have a web application that I published it on a server. But I have a problem with this published application, the problem is: I have some validators in the pages, these validators work well on some computers but it doesn't run on the other(with the same explorer with the …

Member Avatar for shenulal
Member Avatar for culebrin

Hi, I've tried to get the geolocation of the clients IP, with this code: [CODE=vb] Dim rssReq As System.Net.WebRequest = _ System.Net.WebRequest.Create("http://freegeoip.appspot.com/xml/" _ & vl_bContadorVisitasBE.vcConVisIP) 'Crear el Proxy Dim px As New System.Net.WebProxy("http://freegeoip.appspot.com/xml/" _ & vl_bContadorVisitasBE.vcConVisIP, True) 'Asignar el Proxy al objeto WebRequest rssReq.Proxy = px 'Establecer el tiempo de …

Member Avatar for ritu verma

Explain me the viewstate with the coding?Its too comfusing. Suppose in textbox1.text contains ASP.net & I set EnableViewState to False of textbox,so when i click on button, textbox will still contains the text or not. I see in forums, <input type="hidden" name="_VIEWSTATE" id="_VIEWSTATE" value="/dfdfdfff"/> Where can i see the above …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for omotoyosi

Hello all, i have validations on my form. And a summary validation but my problem is the the summary validation box cannot be clicked. I want the user to be able to click any of the error messages and it takes them to the textbox of which the error comes. …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for cVz

Hi I use Visual 08 ASP.NET C# and JavaScript I would like to do the following validation on a text box the length MUST be 12 characters long in the following format LLLLLLNNNNNN Where L = Letters N = Numbers if the users input does not match the required format …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for matthewcar

I will be developing an ASP.net website shortly and would like to know what the best environment to work with is. I would like to know what software I can use for coding your ASP.NET sites? (Is it dreamweaver or microsoft web developer) Also I would like to run a …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for decentsimple

Hi, Greetings! I have a problem w/ posting my form onto an internet payment system called enets. they told us that we need to pass them 3 values: amount, txnRef, mid and also, they told us the our system needs to be posting from our domain, site.com lets say. my …

Member Avatar for decentsimple
Member Avatar for john_beginner

hello all, as i know that if we don't want to specify the static path of databse then , we can use "Server.mapPath" like,( in any .aspx page ) [code] str = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=" + Server.MapPath("student1.mdf") + ";" + "Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; [/code] but my question is that , why …

Member Avatar for john_beginner
Member Avatar for athalia

hi i'm using asp.net to create an online order form. i have 4 textboxes and i want to save the information from the textboxes to my database on click of a button. dbName = BikeOrderdb txtQty, txtBikeId, txtBikeName, txtPrice [B]Can you please help me with the code for connecting textboxes …

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Member Avatar for marangajared

Hi. on my form, the field are entered depending on availability. some fields are mandatory while others are optional. The mandatory fields are inserted into one table called [B]Receipt [/B]while the optional ones are saved in the other table called [B]receiptLine[/B]. When all the fields are filled in, then the …

Member Avatar for shenulal
Member Avatar for omotoyosi

hello all, am using asp.net vb . i have a label named label1 but i am passing data into it at runtime which depends on what the user clicks. My problem now is that 1. How do i do autosize for the label because its not in the label properties …

Member Avatar for shenulal
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

[code] public partial class FrmOnline : System.Web.UI.Page { string Query; SqlCommand cmd; SqlConnection conn; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { OpenSQLConnection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Info1 where UID=1", conn); SqlDataReader dr; dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { dr.Read(); TextBox1.Text = dr[0].ToString(); } } …

Member Avatar for shenulal
Member Avatar for suryasasidhar
Member Avatar for mansi sharma

I want to change cursor type & backcolor when mouse moves over a td,Suppose I want to chnage the cursor to Hand, & backcolor to Blue on mouse move, & on mouse leave i want to change the cursor to default..How to do it?????????

Member Avatar for Dhaneshnm
Member Avatar for mahesh9100

please someone help me to create a regular expression for "123456789V" this kind of pattern... 1st 9 places should be numbers and 10th place should be "V" argent thnx in advanced

Member Avatar for suryasasidhar
Member Avatar for jumping45

I am having trouble with textbox multiline when it store to Access database and returning in gridview show one chunk of string. Is there anyway to place each data into each own row? Input: google yahoo msn Output: [url]www.google.com[/url] [url]www.yahoo.com[/url] [url]www.msn.com[/url] But right now it is give me [url]www.googleyahoomsn.com[/url] Here …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for nachtluce

I am having trouble getting a button to work properly, it works the first time it is pressed but then it doesn't work again when pressed. [CODE] <script runat="server" language="C#" type=""> public int LogoWidth = 150; public void btn1_Click(Object s, EventArgs e) { LogoButton.AlternateText = "Hello World"; LogoWidth += 10; …

Member Avatar for padtes
Member Avatar for archanaj39

hi, I format my laptop and then install VS2008.but now it gives an error when run my webapplication.error is"Compiler error csc.exe file is not found" and when I run new webapplication it will give an error"Compiler error vbc.exe file not found"

Member Avatar for suryasasidhar
Member Avatar for garyhumf

I have placed a dropdown list in the edititemtemplate of a formview control and followed specific MSDN instructions on how to bind the list source to a separate SQL lookup data source but have the formview bound to the main data source. If I set the selecteditem value to bind …

Member Avatar for garyhumf
Member Avatar for mldardy

I am having a problem with the code below especially bolded part. I have built a shopping cart page where if they select the item 'Real Estate Forms 2d' there will be a sales tax added for that item. If they select any other item they will not have a …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for facadie

Hi I'm new to asp.net I'm using a login view as a login view but has converted to just a template. and I have a problem that how come when i view in browser it already log in as my laptop user account. how can i make it the way …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for adam1991

Ive just created a login system using a tutorial, but it doesnt say how to protect the admin page, just logs you in.. Here first is my HTML, Login form [CODE]<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="login.aspx.vb" Inherits="login" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head runat="server"> <title></title> …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for CelestialDog

Hi all, I have a problem where i want two images loaded as backgrounds for seperate divs on my master page. I have created a seperate stylesheet and used the appropriate background-image: url() style tag. All the other css styles i set such as border size, color and so on …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for phoenix911

hey as the title says, i would like to fill my datagridview from a class i have, this class already gets all the info from my database.... how would i get to fill my DGV... and another question, how will i change my column header names.... i have this [CODE]dgv_Calls.Columns[0].HeaderText …

Member Avatar for phoenix_dwarf
Member Avatar for fawadkhalil

Hi I have an image converted to binay and saved in SQL database. Below is my line of code where application is throwing above exception that im using for showing image [CODE] Dim mem As New IO.MemoryStream(CType(io.File.ReadAllBytes(imgfilepath), Byte()))[/CODE] Does anybody knows how can i fix this? Thanks and regards, f

Member Avatar for fawadkhalil
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

I want to develop a project in ASP.Net. Can somebody will send me the project descriptions plz its very urgent.

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for rajivkumar900

hi please anyone help me in this i want to download .net framework 3.5 sp1 but i cant find any solution please suggest me where i can download it and how to run it. Thanks. Rajiv

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Member Avatar for thilinam

Hello every body. I'm trying to connect my asp.net website with SQL server 2005 database. I have two copies of my site. One in File system and other one in local IIS. When I try to connect website in file system it is OK. But I am unable to connect …

Member Avatar for thilinam
Member Avatar for archanaj39

hi, I have developed website "Job requisition and Interview System". In this website I offer products for accessing resume of Job Seeker . After buying the product they can accesses resumes by activing status.After one month validity of product get over.And status become inactive.In this I did active status but …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for nverma

dear all i have developed a web application using asp.net,c# with ms access as backend. i deployed it to a server and it ran successfully now i need to deploy the same on an individual machine,,which is not a server,,,i installed iis,.net framework then deployed it on browsing homepage is …

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The End.