13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for bsousa

Hi all, I'm trying to consume a Service called GetMemberPointsAvailable using VB.NET. Here is the wsdl: [url]http://sp-s3g-uat.iclp.com.au/ws/egapi/v1-0/egapi.cfc?wsdl[/url] This service is written in coldfusion - axis engine. The steps: I'm using VB.net on Visual Studio 2005. I created a new windows application project. Then I added a web reference with URL …

Member Avatar for saisunil1978
Member Avatar for Munendra Kumar

[B][U]Note : -- [/U][/B][COLOR="Red"]Actually the IP address of my system is The sql server is on the system On my system the program is working properly. When I publish tht web service in inetpub, I can access also on machine by the URL "". But the same …

Member Avatar for rk1

Hi, I am not getting any results from stored procedure ,passing a parameter to the stored procedure . My code is [code=asp]<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.UI" %> <script language="VB" runat="server"> Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Trace.Write("This msg is …

Member Avatar for vishakha_ate
Member Avatar for brightline

I want a source code to a web application that I can use to upload a word 2007 file and store it in a database in an image field and then take the contents of this file. but please consider the security issues when this application is being published. I …

Member Avatar for BalagurunathanS

Hi all.. I have a aspx page with a datagrid holding values in it..I need to write the datagrid values in the excel for which i use the following code.. Private Sub btnexcel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnexcel.Click Response.Clear() Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=FileName.xls") Response.Charset = "" Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.Public) Response.ContentType …

Member Avatar for sarad
Member Avatar for pankaj.jainin

i face a problem when i load a asp.net page Server Error in '/' Application. Runtime Error

Member Avatar for Munendra Kumar

Actually I create a new web service and an aspx project to call that web service. Tht was working perfectly. After that I publish tht web service into inetpub. And by IP address I can directly access that service. Every thing was in control. But the problem is now tht …

Member Avatar for Lokesh.snghl

hi all can any one tell me that what should i do for page break after a asp control in Asp.net Lokesh.snghl

Member Avatar for vijiljones

I having a requirement to store the image in mysql and also retrive the image and display in the browser. Please help me. how to do

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for ndodi

Hi everyone it Eric (Ndodi). can someone pls help me , i want to disable the validation controls if other controls are activated and how to display the current date

Member Avatar for ndodi
Member Avatar for Kusno

Dear all, This code below is used to clear TextBox and dropdownlist control value [CODE]Public Sub ClearPage(ByVal Pg As Page, ByVal Form As String, Optional ByRef ClearCombo As Boolean = False) Dim Obj As Object For Each Obj In Pg.FindControl(Form).Controls If Obj.GetType().Name = "TextBox" Then Obj.Text = "" End If …

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for rje7

[ATTACH]6894[/ATTACH] port number at the asp.net developer server and port at which the WebDeveloper tries to run the Website do no match. which gives me a page not found error. each time i have noticed that the port numbers differ by a count of 2/3. i tried using manual port …

Member Avatar for whoost

I have a bit of a problem here that may involve several languages, but i think the problem (and hopefully the solution) lies in the ASP.NET portion. Forgive me if I have posted in the wrong forum. I have an ASP.NET (Visual Basic) page with CSS I wrote that makes …

Member Avatar for kart_racer3

Greetings! I am currently working on a database project that I had started several months ago. What I am attempting to do is allow users to submit data to a database, and then allow them to query information from the database on a separate page. I have implemented database connectivity, …

Member Avatar for kart_racer3
Member Avatar for guptaalok12

I want To pass A DataSet in a QueryString.So that I can get it another page.Is it possible.How i can i do it Pls help

Member Avatar for a496761
Member Avatar for sathiyamoorthy6
Member Avatar for NamrataC

Hi All, I've a java script file in which I've written a validation function. I want to call and execute this function in my asp.net page so that the client-side validation is executed. Somebody please help me soon.

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for ChintuChowdary
Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for KaungGyi

Hi, I am going to develop the Online Community System for IT students as my own project. In that web site, I want the member to send message between them. I dont really clear how to send message between members. I am using ASP.net and VB.net for this project....and JavaScript.... …

Member Avatar for rajeswaran25

first just read my aspx&aspx.cs codes then repaly me aspx.cs code: [code=asp.net]namespace ReceiptsEntryPro { public partial class Groups : System.Web.UI.Page { RecieptBusiness objbs = new RecieptBusiness(); string strid; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GlidMax(); ItemsGet(); //repGroups.DataSource = dsrep; //repGroups.DataBind(); } protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string …

Member Avatar for jamello

I have data I am displaying with a repeater in vs 2.0. Its just a very short record length but high volume data. The repeater displays it vertically but most of the screens real estate is left empty. The challenge is how do I manupulate the repeater table tags to …

Member Avatar for bheeks
Member Avatar for jeffchan86

I'm doing a online hotel reservation system. can i any people tell me how i can i redirect the users to another page which shows the summary of the reservation after the users has submitted the reservation form??

Member Avatar for bheeks
Member Avatar for WhYuLoOkIn

My goal is to set a session variable and have it timeout after 10 min. I tried to do this with cookieless="false": [CODE] <sessionState cookieless="false" timeout="10"> </sessionState> [/CODE] The code above did not timeout after 10 min, I believe I did that correctly if not please let me know. After …

Member Avatar for bheeks
Member Avatar for Lokesh.snghl

hi all Can any one tell me how to show child gridview footer value in parent gridview control like label or textbox

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for knrakesh

hello friends, can u please tell the event for delete, when using hyperlink as a link to delete please tell me with code Thank u Rakesh Nagekar

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for sandeep s

Hi friends,i have one task regarding drop down list. That is ,I have one registration form, in that i have one CITY drop down list,COUNTRY drop down list.I filled it and the city name ,country name should be loaded in the database. Now my requirement is,in update form the CITY …

Member Avatar for reply_alok
Member Avatar for knrakesh

hello friends, how to import .MDB file to sql server please tell in detail please Rakesh Nagekar

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for vishakha_ate

Hi friends, Need you help. I m using some search criteria and searching the data from database. now i got the data from database as per search word. and displaying all information on web page. now i want to change the background color of that word as when we search …

Member Avatar for vishakha_ate
Member Avatar for gouki2005

I cant run a asp.net...this erro appears..."It was not possible to have access to IIS's metabase." any sugggestion..

Member Avatar for mcgarry101

Hi, I am having a small problem when using gridview paging. Basically, the paging numbers are spread across the bottom of my grid, rather than either aligning to left/right, and all sitting together. Anyone else seen this before? This would be fine if there were lots of pages, but for …


The End.