13,153 Topics
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Hello, I am relatively new so bear with me. I am looking for help with creating a navigation link from a datalist that shows featured projects on the homepage. When the user clicks the link supplied in the Feature Projects datalist, I want to redirect them to a "projects" page … | |
I was just wondering whether there is a software-based web server that can provide ASP and/or ASP.net functionality, just like IIS would to Windows. Reason why I asked is because I shuffle between Windows (home) and Macs (work) and the only things that I carry around with me is a … | |
hi, I am doing an application which displays images dynamically.i have resized the images to fit to the screen. Now when i display the images, the images seems to be pixelized. There are more dots around the border of the image. How can i reduce this pixelization? Any ideas. Thanks … | |
hi, i'm kind of new member here. i have a doubt about login using vb.net and asp.net. actually, i built a website using vb.net and asp.net. But i don't know how make a login for user. which registered user. i hope anybody can help me with this. :eek: | |
hi, I have a text element which needs to be rotated at 90 degrees. i put the text in a div layer and used the following code to rotate, oDiv.style.filter=[COLOR=#800000]'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3)'[/COLOR]; This code works fine in IE but i am not able to run it in other browsers. Can anyone suggest … | |
Hi, I am new to asp.net programming. I want to know how I can display the record after login. This is the scenario: I have login.aspx and employee.aspx. After login it will direct the user to employee form and display the record of the logged in employee only. The employee … | |
I’ve been developing ASP.NET 1.1 applications for quite long. About 4 month ago I switched to new .Net 2.0 platform. And here are few stuff that really confusing me about it. (I use MS VS 2005 Standard for development) #1 what’s the big A in the VS2005’s way of site’s … | |
Hi guys, Have been testing on internet explorer and firefox and it worked as required. But when i tested it at work, firefox won't display the site. Instead it shows a dialog boz of whether to open or save the file. It does open on internet explorer though. Any clue … | |
hi all im currently developing a website on my local computer and im a beginner.the front end is asp.net and back end sqlserver. But now i want to upload it to a server to so that it destributed to internet. So could any one tell me some of the hardware … | |
I have problem in ASP.NET 1.0 report So please tell me how to code and run Project report in ASP.NET back end is SQL SErver. | |
VB.NET Code behind: [code] [COLOR=#0000ff]Private[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]Sub[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] Button1_Click([/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]ByVal[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] sender [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] System.Object, [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]ByVal[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] e [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] System.EventArgs) [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]Handles[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] Button1.Click[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] dbconn [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] SqlConnection [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] dbcommand [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] SqlDataAdapter [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] dslogin [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] DataSet dbconn = [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] SqlConnection("Server=localhost;UID=sa;PWD=sa;database=websiteDemo") dbconn.Open() dbcommand = [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] SqlDataAdapter("Select UserID from " _ & "Login Where " _ & "Username = '" … | |
Hi, I'm new here, but I'm hoping that you guys can help me out. I'm using ASP.NET 2.0 (C#), and I'm having a problem binding a DataReader to a DataGrid. If it makes any difference my IDE is MS Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition. [code]System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection dbConnection = null; string … | |
hello.... as i m building a job site. i am getting resume for the applicants through,but now i want to send them auto generate mail. i.e; when they send me mail and after i get the mail. my system should automatically send the mail to them that thank you for … | |
Hi guys, I was just wondering if I could get some help with .aspx files. I have been creating a website for a school assignment. I need help with creating a user sign up page, confirmation page and a login page. If you could point me to any documents online … | |
Hi all... I have an issue that I've been puzzling over here and there for about a week. I should say that I'm new to ASP.NET and new to this forum. I Had some experience with VB6 some years back then my career took a left turn. Now I'm back, … | |
[COLOR=#000000]I use messagebox on a web page but when I upload my file on a virtual directory on a server the messagebox does not work and there are some errors, why?[/COLOR] | |
hello there i want to send an email in which user has selected an attachment to send. below is the code for it: [code=asp.net] [COLOR=#0000ff] Imports[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] System.Web.Mail[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Public[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]Class[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] WebForm1[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Inherits[/COLOR] System.Web.UI.Page #[COLOR=#0000ff]Region[/COLOR] " Web Form Designer Generated Code " [COLOR=#008000]'This call is required by the Web Form Designer. [/COLOR]<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> … | |
Hi all, i need the code to detect the USB using Asp.Net ... thnx | |
This happens intermittently all the time, but at times like today, it just go on. This is what happens: Our website is hosted by a company in Honk Kong. No one inside our office, on either of the 2 dsl connections can open our own website on the host, but … | |
[COLOR=#000000]I need some information about dropdownlist on a web page .[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I want to select items when I type each item on dropdownlist without opening dropdownlist .[/COLOR] | |
We are looking to add a "bookmark a page" link to our website that is written in asp. Does anyone have a code example we can use? Thanks for your help. Best Regards, Rodney | |
Hi I need a function with jscript cod that the function can search a word . | |
Find out the ASP, ASP.NET Related articles information, Sample codes and FAQ's from the blog at [URL]http://dotnetbeauty.blogspot.com/[/URL] It's really Cool. Check it out. :) | |
how can i display the scope_identity() in a textbox on a web form. also, how does scope_identity work when trying to pass a primary key from 1 table to another? | |
hi guys, I need to create an image with a plain background and a color.and in that ,i need to bind a text and an logo. The text and the logo(a jpg file) are dynamic. How can i do this in javascript? Hope I am clear with the question..... Plz … | |
i have a form that has several checkboxes. I want a label to display the total amount of all the checkboxes clicked. for example: cbo1 = 100 cbo 2 = 75 if the user clicks both then the label will display 175 also, if the user unclick a box it … | |
Hi All I am hoping you may be able to help me with a general query I have, I am working on a small script to query our MSSQL database, it is basically a database of search terms, i.e. Term, Date help me, 22-10-2006 searchfor, 22-10-2006 What I want to … | |
Hi. Stuck with some problem again. Here is the case. I have a sql server database table for storing users information. In the table there's a field called menu_link which stores menu URLs for my web application. This is to restrict which menus are viewable to authorized users. Those who … | |
Hi everyone, I've been trying to pass a parameter to my popup window but I still can't do it. I think that I am close because a browser window opens but it's a "Page cannot be found" page. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Do I need the … |
The End.