13,153 Topics
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guys have anyone ever work with ajax with asp.net. if anyone have any information regarding this subject, may he share it with all? thanks in advance sam | |
Hi everybody, i was planning to learn Visual C++ .net 2003 but don't know where to start. Can somebody recommend a good link for the same. Thanks in advance.. | |
HI, I am new to web development as well as ASP.Net....I am trying to design and a develope a web UI....in which I have two HTML <a href tags> If I click one of the item I should get one ASPX page and if I click another tag it should … | |
hi can u plz tell me how to maksing in asp.net i tried a lot of codes but no use plz helpo me out | |
I don't know if it is acceptable here, i am newbie and trying to learn asp.net, I want to know how to do this tree view of informaton (see attachment to see what I mean. A simple code/ explanation will be appreciated. Thanks. | |
Hello to all.I have this project and I must say I am quite stumped with this ASP.Net ( I just can't feel the freedom when I was using JSP:-| ) Anyways the problem is this: After connecting to the database and verifying that the given password and username was correct … | |
Hi, Can anybody send me a tutorial on how to handle a dynamic dropdownlist in vb asp.net. What I want is to have 2 dropdownlist. In my first dropdownlist, I have the list of departments. Then in my second dropdown list, I have the list of the members of each … | |
HI, I am new to web development as well as ASP.Net....I am trying to design and a develope a web UI....in which I have two frames....in one one of the frames I am placing my menu items (presently a href tags)....when I click on any of the menu item the … | |
I'm currently programming in C++ at an intermediate level and now moving on to the Win32 API. I know basic Win32 API programming so far and I don't find it too difficult to learn, but my question is: is it worth it to continue learning it while Windows Vista will … | |
I am having a wierd problem in that i can run my website from VS2005 and it hits the db for my articles list and gets them all back successfully. Although if I build my site and run it from the local host I can see the DB get hit … | |
Hi all. Hoping someone could help me out here. I recently started toying around with ASP.NET web development and had downloaded a small business website starter pack from the MSDN site. I've gone through and made many modifications to the pages (only as they relate to the content of the … | |
Hi: Hello everyone. Can any one tell me how to change the location of _viewstate(hidden form field) in asp.net page from its default location( its usually the first control rendered in the form when u view the source of the page). This is for SEO(search engine optimisation) perpposes. I want … | |
I found some old floppies with some of my early basic programs on them. I made them in vb3 (.bas .frm) but I'd like to open them in VB.NET is there a way to do this? I saved all my files in ASCII. p.s. please don't post [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/www.advantageware.com/VBAD_free_tools.htm"]this[/URL] link, because … | |
hey all, i have an ASP.NET application which was developed under VS2003. the application has a project for webservices, now i'm trying to convert it to VS2005 using the migration guide (you can find it in [URL]http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnaspp/html/webprojectsvs05.asp[/URL]). anyways, after converting, i build the application to check the build errors, and … | |
hi.....when i try to view the page [code] http://localhost i've also tried[/code] i get this error msg: both with IE & mozilla firefox. [B]The page cannot be displayed[/B] [COLOR=#000000]There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Please … | |
Hi All, Well it's now 8:49 and have been at work for twelve hours and it starting to show. While I was going to copy a website to my webserver for some reason I though hey why not click the checkbox "Connect using Secure Sockets Layer". I then hit open … | |
[COLOR=#000000]Hi I set printmode property in crystalreportviewer to activex and I want to send reports that I designed them in crystalreport, directly to printer in local machine. I downloaded printcontrol.cab and wrote webconfig code from MSDN but when I uploaded the files on server the reports have not sent to … | |
display a database column in listbox, that when an item is clicked it will display into a label another database column, for example...in my listbox i have it databound to display the TITLE column of database. when a TITLE is clicked i want its corresponding SOLUTION displayed into the label...any … | |
Hey All guys i need your help in a new problem regarding crystal reports. Its not missing dlls or export. well when i click on a web page to see my report its opens and the data are there but the problem is i am seeing 3[B] same reports and … | |
Hello all, I need a good .NET book that doesn't cost too much but has a base for beginner and advanced programimg. I want to know about the framework to sample code. I am familiar with C and C++:eek:. So I think I will need to refresh my VB or … | |
Hi all, I am working with a project which includes Crystal Reports in Vb.Net and SQL Server2000 as Back end. The code in button click is [code] str5 = "D:\AttendanceReport.rpt" If Not IO.File.Exists(str5) Then Throw (New Exception("Unable to locate report file:" & vbCrLf & str5)) End If str6 = "SELECT … | |
hey guys i have web project and crystal is part in it. all is working fine, my project is finsihed and the crystal are working good in my pc. when i take a copy of my project and past it in another pc, it worked fine but the crystal didnt … | |
Hello Everybody there, I am developing a site in which I require that once a user login in the site then and then only user is able to click on the aviable links to other pages. If user has not logged on and tries to click on the links, then … | |
Hey all, I'm developing a Reports module for an application. anyway, i'm dynamically generating tables and adding them inside an existing DIV which has the following style : [html]<DIV id="forPrint" class="hide" style="PADDING-RIGHT:0px;PADDING-LEFT:0px;LEFT:0px;PADDING-BOTTOM:0px;WIDTH:100%;PADDING-TOP:0px;POSITION;absolute;TOP:0px;HEIGHT:100%" runat=server> </DIV>[/html] when creating each row inside a loop and add it to the table i check that … | |
Hi, Can someone tell me how to put one page in frame from event in another frame. There is a frameset on the page with 2 frames (top bottom) I have a paging done in top frame and when i click on that link some aspx page should be displayed … | |
Hi people, I am very amateur with ASP.NET. I am working on a movie booking system and i am currently having some problems linking my normal html homepage to my membership registration page which is done with asp.net. I tried using Frontpage hyperlink propeties to link my homepage with my … | |
Hi, Just want to ask a little tutorial on how I will goin to verify the email address of a user indicated in my registration form. Let say if he/she put an email address then once submitted, a verification email will sent to the email address she/he inputted. Registration will … | |
hi, I am creating a rss feed for a blog site. I am able to create the rss(XML file). I would want to implement paging in the xml file created. say i would like to display only 5 items per page in the rss feed(XML file) instead of the entire … | |
hi guys, I am creating a blog site.I need to create a rss feed for the same. I am able to create a rss feed it.but i would like to know how to read the rss file in asp.net. Thanks and regards Exelio | |
Hello Everybody, I want to know that how we can delete the record from the datagrid only, that data should not be deleted from the database. i.e., It should not be seen in webpage,but it should remain in the database. Please help me out soon.My existing code is: [CODE=asp.net] <%@ … |
The End.