13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dhruv Shah

I am developing a SIte. in which i have to build login page... so can somebody plz help me out....i have to complete within 4 days... i am using ASP.NET 2003 with VB.NET 2003 as COdeBehind and SQL SERVER 2000 as BAckend... Please help me...............

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for mishmash8888

Hi I hit the wall with ASP.NET2 letarally immediately.. I just installed VS2005 and created the first Web Site project. It wouldn't compile with two almost idential errors showing in the Error List: Error 1 C:\Documents and Settings\Misha\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\WebSites\WebSite1\Default.aspx: ASP.NET runtime error: Request for the permission of type …

Member Avatar for mike7510uk

what is the best way to design a shopping cart (or similar) in asp.net? I have a products page already with all the items displayed but am unsure how to go about passing the data to another page as well as adding up the price etc

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for Tim Cook

Hi - I need some advice on how to force web controls to update. I have built a custom header and footer as two separate web controls, and have added them to the Toolbox. I can then drag and drop them onto any aspx web page. All has been going …

Member Avatar for mooresharon72
Member Avatar for j1979c

[B]Well... just post this up in case you guys are having the same problem that I did for a couple of weeks. I've been experiencing this everytime I shutdown my com. aspnet_state.exe. Application Error. The instruction at 0x6a2a2fec referenced memory at 0x0000000c could not be "read". Click "OK" to end …

Member Avatar for abexander

hi everybody, currently im developing a website for my final project and im a beginner for asp.net. I want to display information from database to my dropdownlist page on page load.it works but i want to dislay only distinct information from the columns of the table how can i do …

Member Avatar for abexander
Member Avatar for bpopp

I'm putting together a project in C# and .Net and would love to get some feedback on it. It's a podcast aggregator (tentatively named CastGrabber) intended to automatically download feeds as they are released and add them to one or more playlists (similar to Juice/Doppler). Honestly, it's my first project …

Member Avatar for John Gerard

Hi All, I hope somebody can help b4 I go mad. i have a web page I need to open it is a ASP.net page (or so it says) [URL]http://www.ths.teleware.com/[/URL] then click on click here. When I try it wont open. In a new window in tries to open then …

Member Avatar for John Gerard
Member Avatar for mike7510uk

i have 2 database tables and want the primary key from table 1 to appear in table 2. The tables are connected to two web forms, so in other words, the user enters personal details into form1 which is sent to table1..then the user enters company details into form 2 …

Member Avatar for peerusman

Hi every one i need help i want to develop a web page let say its usman.com and having 2 text boxes on it one for first name and other for last name ok now the problem is that let say i have another web site named salman.com and it …

Member Avatar for kidiwizi

Hi, I'm currently doing a registration module for my project. When user click submit button, I want to compare all the existing UserName in the database and the UserName enter by user to see if there have any duplication. If the UserName already exist, user is require to change UserName. …

Member Avatar for aman.tripathi

hi, My problem is that i have to insert label in tags in an xml file. ex. after inserting, each tag should look like this : <udf_01 label="Eye Color">yes</udf_01> here , 'udf_01' is the column name and 'yes' is the for this column. i have to insert the label inside …

Member Avatar for pvong

:eek: Newbie here using VS2005 learning to program in VB.Net. I've got a simple Formview and in the Insert Template, I have s simple Textbox. The txtbox is databound and I have a code that auto put today's date in the txtbox. This post fine as long as I want …

Member Avatar for async_141

Hi I have reinstalled .net 2003 framework. i work on asp.net 1.1. before i use to use F8 key for debugging but now it debugs by F10. Second thing while debugging the debugger use to debug sub-methods or sub-functions aswell as usual. but now it doesnt debug sub-methods or sub-functions. …

Member Avatar for Fenerbahce

hi, 1-how can i do multiselect in calendar. 2-how many days between 2 dates? how can u calculate it? example : 10/10/2006 - 12/10/2006 there is 1 day between those 2 dates. thanks

Member Avatar for Fenerbahce
Member Avatar for mike7510uk

Hi I have a user form that sends info to a database this all works well but when i click the browsers BACK button the info they wrote into the text boxes is still there. Is there anyway of clearing these boxes on the click of the submit button?

Member Avatar for ManicCW
Member Avatar for nade93

Hi All New to this so forgive the stupid questions. I have an apple macintosh and wanting to get the microsoft programs (i.e. asp.net, sql server and c# etc) downloaded onto there. although when i got to the micro website it doesnt appear to be available for the tiget OS …

Member Avatar for j1979c

Has anyone noticed that...if you create a ms access database with "Password" as one of the table's column name.... You can't make a data insertion through sql statements via oledb (no rows are affected)? like : insert into employees(password) values('asd32f1asdf') wasted me 1 1/2 hours trying to debug the thing …

Member Avatar for j1979c
Member Avatar for danae

Hi, I've got a problem with searching for record(s) that match the staffID in my "Staff" table in the database. I have a string named mstrSql, a txtStaffID text box and a sql statement that goes [code]mstrSql = "Select * from Staff where staffID like '" & txtStaffID.Text.Trim() & "%" …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for Smithy888

Hi, I have the following code in a D2005 .Net winform. [code]ReportDoc := ReportDocument.Create; ReportDoc.Load(ReportPath); ReportDoc.PrintOptions.PrinterName := PrinterName; ReportDoc.PrintToPrinter(1,true,0,0);[/code] I get the message "Invalid printer specified" only if I try to print to a printer that is not the current default(CD) one. Having PrinterName as the CD one prints fine. …

Member Avatar for sravankolla

Hii All, I havea problem with uploading Images into Database(MS Sql2000).. and i want to retrive them back.. Please do favour to me..

Member Avatar for postmaster
Member Avatar for lconvoy

I have a few simple php and asp sites hosted on cheap shared hosts but I am working on a new project which I hope to be much larger in scope. I have not yet decided between PHP and ASP.NET as a programming, but leaning towards PHP. My question looking …

Member Avatar for lconvoy

Hey all. I have tried my hand at some simple programming in both ASP.NET and PHP. Now I am pitching a complex website to some investors where I will be outsourcing to professional developers. I must decide between PHP and ASP.NET platforms. In my experience, ASP.NET seems to offer a …

Member Avatar for ManicCW
Member Avatar for lconvoy

Hey all. I have tried my hand at some simple programming in both ASP.NET and PHP. Now I am pitching a complex website to some investors where I will be outsourcing to professional developers. I must decide between PHP and ASP.NET platforms. In my experience, ASP.NET seems to offer a …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for faze

[B]I'm looking for a .NET developer that is good with SSL encryptions and has experience with headers. Have a project or two in mind, and will pay well. You can Email me at [email]ssl@faze.endjunk.com[/email] for more details[/B]

Member Avatar for pac0cxd

Hi, I need anyones expertise. Can you lead me the way on how I will make a log on web page that will authenticate the user ID tru the active directory that we have. I really appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for mmonaco27

In add/remove I see .NET v1.1 and .NET v2.0 listed. Do I need them both installed, or can I remove v1.1 from the list?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for danae

Hi, everyone. Hope someone can offer some help on this. I need to generate a chart, preferably, by using Microsoft Excel. I need to retrieve some data from an aspx form and use the data to generate the chart in Excel. Okay, there are some input fields in the aspx …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for nithin_cr

hi i am nithin pursuing my final year btech it , i need your help in doing my final year project so kindly help me in doing the project in asp.net, i request u to guide me completly in completing the project.

Member Avatar for Blah Blah
Member Avatar for bagi

Hi all, Im not familiar with asp.net and both learning this and doing my final project of the year. So there are so many problems i faced....... Here are one...........I want to display user detail information after he/she logod on. How can i codig this??????????????????? Any idea would be much …

Member Avatar for Blah Blah

The End.