1,828 Topics
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Hi. I am making page which in essence is like a recent history section. When an item is viewed, a cookie is set storing its ID. I have managed to read the cookie and make a pop-up to display its data so I know it works. Does anyone know how, … | |
Hi everyone, i got very good help from daniweb with regards to my project; online project allocation system in drawing up my erd but now i need serious help with the asp coding as that is what stands between me and my first class and time. I would need help … | |
Dear Friends, I am developing such a website where i have uploaded the ringtones for mobile phones, and i need to know that how can i play the ringtone in the [B]Asp .net C# pag[/B]e. before download user can [B]listen[/B] the ringtone and same action can done with Videos. Please … | |
I'm rather new to this and really need some help. I know I'm close but I just can't get this to work. My omonth table has only 2 fields, id and month. I want a drop down to lists the months and I want the selected value to become a … | |
Hi, I have an objectdatasource as shown: [CODE] <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource2" runat="server" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectMethod="GetProducts" TypeName="ProductsDALTableAdapters.ProductsDTTableAdapter" MaximumRowsParameterName=""> <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter DefaultValue="" Name="Param2" QueryStringField="ID" Type="Int32" /> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="???" Name="Param1" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:ObjectDataSource> [/CODE] This returns products that include (in a particular field) what is placed instead of ??? with the exception of the … | |
Hi, Could you please explain or suggest some links for calling Virtual Directory file and returning attribute to the registry? I need to return values back to asp page from aspx. Thanks in advance. | |
Hello Below is my entire code of a mobile application. The 4th form with the ID "bookDetails" is supposed to be used to retrieve data from a database called butternut3.mbd. I am currently stuck on writing a code in the script part, for a user to search and view details … | |
asp technology is not obsolete, I still need to learn to do, I need to learn php, please tell me | |
Hi everyone! I'm currently doing my assignment and I'm stuck on making a form that uploads a picture, save it in a database and retrieve it via datagridview. I don't know where to start, i don't have any idea on putting objects in a database. Can't seem to find a … | |
In php we use the following code to block the url link passing via text boxes or textarea on form submit(For avoid bad link passing from contact us form ).Is there any methode like this in classic asp using vb. if($_POST['Register']) { $username=$_POST['username']; if (preg_match('~(?:[a-z0-9+.-]+://)?(?:\w+\.)+\w{2,6}\S*~i', $username)) { die('Access Denied Avoid … | |
How check that database record is not present in ASP page? i have two combo boxes, selecting both if the record is present in the database it is showing, but if the record is not present how to check that & how to show msg? | |
Hi, I'm sure this has been discussed here somewhere, but I can't find exactly what I want... I have a form set up that is sent to different email addresses based on field selections. Sometimes that user will need to attach a file to send too. I have found code … | |
Hi there I have created a simple form for my assignment in Front Page(FP) Which has to submit info to a MDB file MDB file was created by FP its self. the thing is when i click submit it gives me a successful submit confirmation but when i open the … | |
How can block url in asp? here i could only when the input is https://www.myopenid.com ie, when it starts with https://www.myopenid . But i want to block the input in the following cases 1) www.myopenid.com (here .com ,.in ,.org etc) 2) myopenid.com I give asp code below that i used: … | |
[B]Hi, I get this error .... I have seen it posted before but no-one seems to have a solution so I am posting it again. I have pinged IIS, set permissions in folders, reset IIS. Any help appreciated [/B] [B][COLOR=#000000]HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error Internet Information … | |
I have a Model popup form with a button which is coded to send an email. When I click on the button, it first opens another Model Form and fires off the same code on this new form. Not sure why it's opening a new form, there is no code … | |
Is there any way of making an e-mail form using ASP/ASPX? I am limited in what I can do since I'm not a root administrator on the website this is for. The site uses Contensis as it's content management system so if there is some way of doing it via … | |
hello to all, i have write a code in asp.net to show and hide the div. according to the value in the query string. here is my code: [code] if (Request.QueryString["divid"] != null) { divid =Request.QueryString["divid"].ToString().Trim(); if (divid == "watercalc") { watercalc.Style["display"] = "block"; pregnancycalc.Style["display"] = "none"; heartbeatcalc.Style["display"] = "none"; … | |
I just wanted to know the following things if u can just help me. I made a website in Visual Studio 2008 and used the database provided by the VS [I dont know which version is this]. That website runs successfully on the machine having visual studio[As in that i … | |
Hi please help with the coed to upload a CSV file. i triied using this code which i used on msome of my pages to upload files like pictures and text files and it works pefactly [code=asp] strFile = "C:\TBP_IntdevResellerReport.csv " set galaxy = Server.CreateObject("SiteGalaxyUpload.Form") if galaxy("upload_btn") = "Upload" then … | |
Hi, I need some help completing a dynamic form done in asp. I will put the code shown below: Things that need to be considered: 1. Sending this form via email, and output will show after user types his/ her input. 2. Radio buttons are constructed-- so the message and … | |
[COLOR="Green"]hello every one hi i am new to daniweb i think i will find a solution in daniweb. hi i wanted to change my php melody1.6.4 url structure my url structure is like this [url]http://example.com/frozen/frozen-2010-movie-video_1c4063b5a.html[/url] i wanted to change it to like this [url]http://example.com/frozen/frozen2010movie/1c4063b5a[/url] i have spent my valuable time … | |
hey everyone i have sugested to create a new club in my school called programmers , so they told me that i have to bring a list of the club aims and they xheck if the aims are good or bad then they accept the club or no , so … | |
hi guys i need a sql injection tutorial for the site built in asp.. | |
how to send an email remainder using local sql server in my own system. | |
<asp:Calendar ID="cal" runat="server" NextPrevFormat="FullMonth" OnDayRender="cal_DayRender" OnSelectionChanged="cal_SelectionChanged" CssClass="maincalander" CellSpacing="5"> <SelectedDayStyle CssClass="selectedday" /> <TodayDayStyle BorderColor="Black" BorderWidth="1px" Font-Bold="true" Font-Underline="false" /> <OtherMonthDayStyle ForeColor="#999999" Font-Underline="false" /> <NextPrevStyle CssClass="nextprevstyle" Font-Underline="false" VerticalAlign="Bottom" /> <DayHeaderStyle CssClass="dayheader" /> <TitleStyle BackColor="White" Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="12px" ForeColor="#333399" /> </asp:Calendar> --------css--------- .maincalander { font-family:verdana,tahoma,helvetica ; font-size: 11px; color:Black; text-decoration:none; width:250px; } .selectedday { background-color:Maroon; … | |
please find the attached n let me knw how to achieve this [ATTACH]17215[/ATTACH] | |
I'm getting a runtime error on a for next loop and need: Here's my code: [CODE]<% for i=1 to Trim(UCase(Request.QueryString("print"))).Count If Trim(UCase(Request.QueryString("print"))) (i) = Trim(UCase(rsAuto.Fields.Item("vin").Value)) Then %> <tr> <td width="10%" height="45" align="center" valign="middle"><%=(rsAuto.Fields.Item("year").Value)%></td> <td width="15%" align="center" valign="middle"><%=(rsAuto.Fields.Item("make").Value)%></td> <td width="30%" align="center" valign="middle"><%=(rsAuto.Fields.Item("vin").Value)%></td> <td width="15%" align="center" valign="middle"><%=(rsAuto.Fields.Item("title").Value)%></td> <td width="25%" align="center" valign="middle"><%=(rsAuto.Fields.Item("ticket").Value)%></td> <td … | |
If any one convert this code to ASP i ll be very thankfull. bec i donnt know ASP [CODE]<?php session_start(); include("config.php"); $trackid=$_POST['f']; // Find Path of Track $s1="select download_path from trackinfo where trackid='$trackid'"; $r1=mysql_query($s1) or die(mysql_error()); while($array=mysql_fetch_array($r1)) { $path=$array['download_path']; } $ship=$_POST['f1']; // Allow direct file download (hotlinking)? // Empty - … | |
Hi everyone! I am new to asp development, i have problem related to making multi-sub category websites. like if we want to add: prvoince/siem-reap/hotels prvoince/siem-reap/attractions prvoince/siem-reap/how-to-get-there/ prvoince/siem-reap/restaurants prvoince/siem-reap/restaurants/fast-food/ I want to create unlimited sub ? how i code with Access database with asp ? and another with 404 to make … |
The End.