1,828 Topics
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Id like to know how to display a logged in users name on a aspx webpage? The website is a music online store that can be view without logging into the site. If the user however wants to purchase a music album and they are not registerd to my site, … | |
Hello All, I just want to know how Can I disable button for some conditions? Say, if I have session- Val. If its -1 then button must be disabled otherwise Enable.. Thanks, Hakoo Desai... | |
I am doing a Music store online that does selling of music albums on the internet. I would like to know how to enable a user who, say for example is viewing all my music albums, but is not registerd with my site as yet, but they do place an … | |
Hi there, i would like to know how to get the first letter of all the word in a string. If i have a string mystring="Name Surname" i would like to get only the fist letter of each words and the results will be N S Anybody could help with … | |
Hi there, I am trying to combline results form a query into one variable/string without drastically changing the sites current code. Bacically I have been trying to add **rs2("name")** for each record into one string. For example, say the customer has "item1", "item2", and "item3" in their basket, well I … | |
[CODE]ADODB.Field error '80020009' Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record. /test.asp, line 0 [/CODE] what does the error actually means when it refers me to [I]line 0[/I]? whereby i cant figure out where the main problem lies.. | |
Hi, I have this question about the control triggers, I have this project that have textbox, using it's textChanged function and setting the autopostback in to true. Now, when I trace the command I have notice that the function have been triggered twice, and I just want to know now … | |
I have to block out a certain div for a certain IP addresss I am using asp here is the code: <% Dim sBlockedIP sBlockedIP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") 'check if the IP is the one that is blocked If sBlockedIP = "" Then 'if IP address is banned then redirect to … | |
Ello, Firstly let me preface this with the fact that I'm absolutely hopeless at ASP.net. I know the basics, but that's it. Right, I'm trying to fix a property site coded in ASP.net. On the property landing page, there is a small gallery of thumbnail images below a larger one … | |
Hello everyone! I have a question regarding p2p software. I need to build a file sharing system. I am going to build it on .NET platform, in C# language. I was reading for a past few days about the topic and came up with an idea of how to build … | |
Can anyone help me on how to create a video embed box? Like on Youtube, when you click on the share button there, there's the embed box. | |
hi.. am new for asp.net... tried all net solution... but nothing can work... how to print a asp.net web page???? | |
i want to include content of some other site on my website..... Suppose i want to display the headlines from all major news sites into my page..... the technique is Screen Scraping but i was not able to implement it..... i heard it can be done by "sgmlreader" but that … | |
For a lack of words, I'm confused with my server at the moment. I moved an old site on ASP/Access over to ASP/SQL Server 2008 Express, and now some data appears, while other data does not. This one is an odd ball to me. I have data cells of the … | |
hi i have installed iis in my laptop that is running a windows 7 prof os and i have been trying to run asp pages and i am not able to do it.. i get the error message saying "the requested url not found on this server"..what can i do … | |
hi everyone , write now i have a with data which i want show the in tabular format like my query gives output like Name Location Rate AA A1 56 AA A2 27 AA A3 67 AB A1 56 AB A2 27 AB A3 67 BB A1 45 BB A2 … | |
Hi, how can I change the HTML code via VB .Net code? For example, on .aspx file I have: <div class="Menu_On"><asp:LinkButton ID="Link_Menu1" runat="server">Menu 1</asp:LinkButton></div> <div class="Menu_Off"><asp:LinkButton ID="Link_Menu2" runat="server">Menu 2</asp:LinkButton></div> <div class="Menu_Off"><asp:LinkButton ID="Link_Menu3" runat="server">Menu 3</asp:LinkButton></div> Then, when I click the "**Menu 2**" link, the class which coping the link should change … | |
Hi, I'm trying to get data from a database and display the results using Eval, but it doesn't seem to work, I've tried `<asp:label id="InfoAvailableDesc" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("InfoAvailable") %>' /></td>` and <asp:label id="InfoAvailable" runat="server"> <asp:literal id="litInfoAvailable" runat="server" text='<%# Eval("InfoAvailable") %>'/> </asp:label> Neither seem to work, these are both inside a … | |
i want to send mail notification to anwer the question in forum.how its possible...?? | |
We are planning to move our website to a new domain. Not only are we moving the site, we are also redesigning the entire site. Both sites are programmed in ASP classic (yeah, I know). Currently we have one single, dynamic page which handles all of our equipment searching/equipment listings. … | |
I am trying to run an asp page with an external JavaScript file but it is showing error like this.... Error Type: Active Server Pages, ASP 0124 (0x80004005) The required Language attribute of the Script tag is missing. /ew-ii-as-8/testserverwithEJSF.asp, line 3 My both files are... TestServerWithEJSF.asp [CODE] <html> <head> <script … | |
Hi there, i have a internet connection with a freebox server who has a static ip address. I would like to use my laptop as a web server to host my sites in ASP language or ASP.NET and see them on the web, my OS is windows 7, which program … | |
Hello, I am getting the error: ADODB.Recordset error '800a0e78' Operation is not allowed when the object is closed. regarding the line below stating: "Do Until intX = 1 Or GEMCCdb.EOF" [CODE] <% strPwd = Request.Form("pwd") strUsr = Request.Form("usr") Set GEMCCdb=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") GEMCCdb.open "TABLE", "DSN=DBNAME;uid=USERNAME;pwd=PASSWORD",2,3 GEMCCdb.MoveFirst Do Until intX = 1 Or … | |
I have a project in visual studio 2010 and i use c# and asp.I want to use a part of code that uses dll files.I don't know to import the dll to my project. I do know for example,how to use css and javascript: But i think for dll is … | |
Dear Sir/Madam, I have created some ASP pages in my computer and stored those pages into the web site content directory (in my case C:\PanWeb) and IIS's Virtual Directory alias is "abcweb" created with the IIS V5.1 However, i can browse those pages in my computer by putting the … | |
I had done my CR with version 8.0 and I can load the report successful with asp.net coding but failed to do the same for asp. Does anyone have any code sample or any reference? I had googled it but failed to get any answer. Thanks in advance. | |
hello ! please any one help me how to pass my array as a parameter from extjs 3 to c# webserivce , so that i can save it in my database please help me Best wishes | |
Hi I've ms database where I've added one image(one so far for testing). Also in that DB(database) I have UserID and ItemID. Image I've added to DB (.mdb format) manually as OLE object. (It was : right click on DB field / Insert Object / from file/ picked up a … | |
Hi Every time I change the parameters for FFMPEG it doesn't work. I want to increase the quality and add meta data with flvtool2 for streaming Video is my input variable and mpg is the output variable. Does the parmeter string need concatenation with & symbols or with + symbols? … | |
[B]Hi all, I would ask about fileUpload control, in asp.net 2008 can I know how remaining time to upload file successfully without using threading and without using javascript? the progress bar not problem, the problem that faced me is how to know how much file size was uploaded...[/B] |
The End.