1,828 Topics
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Hi, i got wrote the DataFormatString="{0:dd/MM/yyyy}" but the date format still in "dd-MM-yyyy" .What should i add in to turn to dd/MM/yyyy?? Thanks. | |
how to make customized info window in google maps v3 using asp.net its very urgent. thanks | |
Hi, I am running a batch file to generate a report. A command similar to the below one is put in the batch file. [url]http://localhost/XXXX/XXXX/Test.asp?format=EXCEL&cqs=N3-FMIJTUVMUTPO-QQEWQ3MP[/url] Test.asp contains the below <%@ Language=VBScript %> <% select case Request.QueryString("format") case "EXCEL", "Excel", "excel": Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel" case "WORD", "Word", "word": Response.ContentType = "application/msword" … | |
Im trying to make reminder system The form has inputs for date of reminder and frequency frequency options are daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly Ive coded for daily reminder(using time check) but for other options I need help '==daily reminder -- if FormatDateTime(reminderdate, 4) >FormatDateTime(Now, 4) then NewReminderDate = date … | |
I am unable to update table when the users clicks on the register button. My code is listed below. vb: Dim retstruct As RegisterCourseInfo Dim uN As String For Each row As GridViewRow In GridView1.Rows Dim cb As CheckBox = CType(GridView1.FindControl("ChkSelect"), CheckBox) If cb IsNot Nothing AndAlso cb.Checked Then uN … | |
Hi, I am in need of help to get few things sorted on a classic ASP page, if anyone could please advise me how to get this done or where I can find some examples please. Brief note on what I want to do I have a ASP page where … | |
I'm trying to create remote login form, similar as facebook login, google login and etc. This login will be at other website which people can login and validate using my single database, not local website database. Can anyone help me by giving any clue how to start? | |
Hello, I'm a brand new Junior Developer with about 5 months experience in ASP.NET building pages using .aspx with code behind, etc. I luckily just landed my first new job and my first project handed to me as I got set up is to have information input in a table … | |
i have a formview which show the data from a database.. in another page, i have a datalist that also display data from the database.. in the datalist, i have a hyperlink that when click will navigate to the page that have the formview which display data that suppose to … | |
I have been trying to get javascript to work for this but no luck. What I am needing is: I have a drop down box for a person to select COUNTRY either US or Canadian. If it is US then I need a zip code box to display and validate … | |
[CODE]<% ' Create an instance of the NewMail object. Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") ' Set the properties of the object objCDOMail.From = "Esnatech<marketing@esna.com>" strTo="amandaz@esna.com" strSubject = "Contact Me Submission Received From:" strBody="The following person would like more information" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf strBody= strBody & "Name:" & fullname & vbCrLf … | |
Hello, I am creating my project now and I am using Dreamweaver CS3 ASP VBScript and Access 2007. Can you teach me how to restrict the database to add only three records on the table; say, a student has a MemberNo and he can only use his MemberNo to borrow … | |
Heya people, Here's my problem: i have a (for me quite lengthy) piece of SQL code which is automagically generated by my own application. However, when i try to execute it, it gives me an recordSet error ("Either BOF of EOF is true, or the current record has been deleted"). … | |
We get the above error (see attachment) when trying to access our site when we do not include the target file name. For example: [url]www.sitename/[/url] will produce the error but [url]www.sitename/index.asp[/url] will work just fine. IIS6 is configured to use default file names and index.asp is the first one on … | |
Guys I am following the turorial found in w3Schools, and I am practising how to bind data to a dataRepeater control. I have this error; <tr> <td><%#Container.DataItem("title")%></td> - - - - - ERROR occurs here <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> can anyone tell me how to deal with this … | |
Hi, I am using the AjaxControlToolkit's AutoCompleteExtender without a Web Service(PageMethod). **It is working fine on my local machine, but AutoCompleteExtender won't work in the IIS but other AjaxControlToolkit does.** I've searched around but none applies to my problem. It is running in IIS-6, and Framework 4.0. **Heres my code:** … | |
I want to perform calculation in gridview :NetAmount=(ServiceAmount*Quantity)*Discount I had written code in rowdatabound but it is not working,i amnew to programming help me solve this proble i would appreciate if some one share ther knowledge my Axpx code is: <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" Height="156px" Width="618px" AutoGenerateColumns="False" BorderWidth="1px" HorizontalAlign="Justify" onrowdatabound="GridView1_RowDataBound" BackColor="LightGoldenrodYellow" … | |
im trying to run ASP.Net Web Application in Visual Studio 2010 And never display my work in the browser ....localhost:xxxx/Default.aspx [url]http://www.localhost.com:xxxx/Default.aspx[/url] The connection has timed out The server at [url]www.localhost.com[/url] is taking too long to respond. >> I think its a network problems, firewall...local host, etc...idkk please helppp! Thanks | |
I have code (below) that opens a dialog box to either open or save a file. What I need to do though, is have the file location in the textbox next to it. Can anyone tell me the code to do that? [ICODE] protected void Browse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { … | |
I know this question has been asked dozens of times, but the code I have been looking at has not helped me. So far I have been able to connect to the string and the database from where I need to check the username, but in my page it is … | |
Hi, Currently getting error below when I know the record exists in DB. Only happens on certain records, records in the DB before and after this work, I am puzzled. It is an Access DB ADODB.Field error '80020009' Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been … | |
i knew every thing about it in couple of days, and when i thought i finished the project (ASP project), i forgot about the deployment part and needed to use the database as local database (SQL server database file) the problem is i cant get the report wizard to connect … | |
I've got a piece of code here, that was initially responsible for getting stuff out of a database, and into an array. It used to do that fine, but after that, it needed to add another optional field. However, when i try to run the code with the lines i … | |
Hello guys, I've been to a lot of forums and discussions about this but I never found precise solution. I'm having a WEB application in ASP.NET written in C# and a MySQL database behind. I made a button "Import from Excel" which has SQL command: "LOAD DATA INFILE 'importTest2MorePads.csv' INTO … | |
i am writing parameterized insert query uisng asp but get the following error --------------//error Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.line 34 -------------------- i have table in MSSQL column name (item_name nvarchar 20) asp code ---------- itemname=request.form("itemname") cm.commandtext="insert into … | |
please people i am just looking for tutorial that will guide me through on how to handle graphics designs and photoshop designs in asp.net. please help for any good link. thank you. | |
I have a database which stores some fields as encrypted data. The reason for this is because if the database is accessed from the server then server staff cannot get a list of names and email addresses. But the problem is that when I retrieve a list of my users … | |
i using this system reference beginning e commerce c# when compile button place order..it error say "Procedure or function CreateCustomerOrder has too many arguments specified." this my code checkout.aspx.cs using System; using System.Data; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web; using CommerceLib; public partial class Checkout : System.Web.UI.Page { … | |
Hi everyone! I have a problem about image download from web browser.I'm working asp.net platform.I wanna download image directly but the image open on the browser.Can you help me about this? [U]My HTML code:[/U] <a href ="http://domain.com/file/image.jpg" target="_blank" /> Download </a> | |
Hi Everyone, I have a BIG problem right now. I am currently learning ASP.NET to fulfil my job role, as an IT Manager. Although I have programming experience in other languages, I have never done ASP.NET before. I am currently working on a website called [snipped]. I recently uploaded the … |
The End.