1,828 Topics

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Member Avatar for thegodson_1234

I am requesting a querystring from another page. This field in access db is a text field. The field is a field containing URL Links. HOWEVER, If the field that Im requesting contains the character "+" anywhere in it. When calling the querystring as a value. It displays everything except …

Member Avatar for RobUK
Member Avatar for oly

I want to know if there is a way to display an excel doc in a web page and be able to edit the source doc on the server and have it update it in real time back to the web.

Member Avatar for ame12
Member Avatar for brob5000

When using the windows script encoder to encode ASP files that include other ASP files that are also encoded using the windows script encoder, I receive an IIS ASP compiler error message indicating that the @ language directive can only be used once when the interpreter encounters the second @ …

Member Avatar for RobUK
Member Avatar for sara_baboo

what is the command to insert the values of variable into sql table from asp coding. if i have to write the sql statement then what is the command to execute the sql statement. saras

Member Avatar for RobUK
Member Avatar for nandkishorenair

Hi, I had installed VS .Net on my system. But my work shifted to asp-com and I had to install VS 6. But I am not able to debug my asp pages.. It does not give the "do you want to debug" option, on error. Is this a conflict with …

Member Avatar for RobUK
Member Avatar for migazankodian

Can anyone tell me why, after running a script is supposed to send over 15,000 emails, the email goes directly to C:\Inetpub\mailroot\Badmail without sending the email?? In the past after running the script I would be able to view the email in the Queue folder. However, that was way before …

Member Avatar for RobUK
Member Avatar for scham

Currently, users can download mps files from my website PROVIDED the files are relatively small. With large files (4 mega), the files do not download. I undestand that large files must be downloaded in blocks. How does one do this?? My current code reads as follows: [size=1][color=#800000]<% Set filesys = …

Member Avatar for RobUK
Member Avatar for marlongill

I am currently working on a system developed some 3 years ago by a developer who used to work for our company. It is an ASP/DHTML administration system for accident reporting. The main page of the site is written in HTML and consists of a set of forms providing the …

Member Avatar for RobUK
Member Avatar for red_evolve

Greetings. I'm very new to asp and I encountered this little problem. I have 2 files -> home.html & process.asp In home.html, there are some input textfields. In process.asp, I have inserted a textfield also. I tried to post the form in home.html to process.asp. I managed to get the …

Member Avatar for RobUK
Member Avatar for vyruzxxx21

Hi there, I just wanna know if....How others make their web pages not to be remembered in the address bar? Just like if you're using a computer from another location and your accessing a secure page....and when you closed your browser, the url of the page won't be listed in …

Member Avatar for RobUK
Member Avatar for jigar_eng

When I run the following ASP email script I get error. I am sending the script and error messege both. Please help me as soon as possible as I am a fresher at ASP scripting. The script:- <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>New Page 1</title> </head> <body> <% Option …

Member Avatar for RobUK
Member Avatar for squirrelj

I have the following checkbox on my site but it dosen't work, tried to solve it before but still having trouble. this is the code from my first page <P>Do you want to take pets with you? <INPUT type=CHECKBOX name = "PETS" value = "Y">Yes<br> This is the code from …

Member Avatar for RobUK
Member Avatar for cybour

can some one help me with the CursorType i try to use Connect.Open "DSN=vault; uid=colu; pwd=colu;" strSQL = "select CusId,CusName from Customer ORDER BY CusName" rstdpt.Open strSQL, connect, 3, 1, 1 now some times this code works and some time PrintRec.Open strsql, connect, 3,3 this works some times when i …

Member Avatar for RobUK
Member Avatar for steadfastpc

I have reality site that connectes to an asp page to pull listing is there a way to intergrate this asp site with a frame site top is menu of curnt site when the click the asp page loads on bottm if so how and if not what is the …

Member Avatar for RobUK
Member Avatar for rchandrasekaran

Hi Friends, I installed IIS6.0 in my system. I can't include my parent directory files. It displays Error msg [I][B]Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0131' Disallowed Parent Path /working/login_main.asp, line 9 The Include file '../_ScriptLibrary/pm.asp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory. [/B] [/I] Please any one can help …

Member Avatar for RobUK
Member Avatar for ymcapa

I have a page that is primarily designed to search the database for all entries within the entered state. I'd like to open the page with no results being returned in the results form. Currently when the page is loaded it returns all the records in the db. Here is …

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Member Avatar for vyruzxxx21

Hi techies, I have searched so many "Replace" function topics, but there is something that I don't understand....I found some like this... Replace(strField, " ' ", " ' ' ") .... do anyone knows what's the use of replaceing ' with ' ' ? Tnx in advance.

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for Shamail

hello please have a look at this part from a very simple code for paging. The problem is that though the recordset is fetching about 20 records and its even displaying it properly. But when I try to print record count or page count it prints either -1 or zero. …

Member Avatar for squirrelj

I am trying to select the number of rooms from my database but want it so the user can select a minimum or exact number. This is a snippet of the code on my search page <tr><td>Number Of Bedrooms: <td> <SELECT NAME="REQUIREMENT"> <OPTION VALUE="AL">Minimum</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="EX">Exactly</OPTION> </SELECT> <select name="Bedrooms" size="1"> …

Member Avatar for ShizNiz

I want to create a new asp file with another asp file already made using VBScript. Is there anyway I can do that without concatenating every few chars to a writeline function?

Member Avatar for Slade
Member Avatar for mengDaniWeb

Hi, I'm a newbiew in ASP, but find it very fun. I 'm now designing code for data validation using VBScript at server side, instaead of a javascript client side approach. I use an asp page (asp1) to verify the data validity, and do some additional reformating, meanwhile. ( for …

Member Avatar for DVHost
Member Avatar for Nandhini

I would like to know the ways to read MSWord document through ASP statement.I tried filesystemobject.but it works fine with .txt documents only and not with .doc,.rtf etc files.how to get around this problem?.some say to implement automation objects.what's that? kindly help me thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Drew
Member Avatar for venkat_9099

Hi, I want to create invoices using ASP which should be printable and with page breaks. Please help Thanks in advance

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Member Avatar for evilgenius

Im looking for a test site so I can check my ASP scripting. anyone know a website or company that i can register and get a free account so i can test ? My ISP does not support ASP. Im also looking for CGI hosting ? If possible ? Thanks …

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Member Avatar for yourmna

I am using ASP 3.0. I have 2 access database (mdb) files; source.mdb and destination.mdb. There is a table with the name "countries" in source.mdb and I wish to copy it in destination.mdb file with the structure and data. Can any body give the ASP code to do the same?

Member Avatar for Drew
Member Avatar for okonjiaustin

I have IIS running on my MS windows 2000 professional, but it seems I have been unable to configure my web server to be able to run ASP correctly. Please kindly give me a step by step guide to be able to do this well. Thanks. Austin Okonji.

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for vikrantshirsath

Calling Oracle Stored Procedures with ASP the stored procedure is returning an array as out parameter. Any one can help me in this. Vikrant

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Member Avatar for AlPhA

Incissor... you have any ideas for a script (something that you put into a big asp script) that will considerably slow down the server? So far, i've been able to develop a script that will make the computer go into a loop, but i don't want that. I want something …

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The End.