1,828 Topics

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Member Avatar for dips255

hi i have query about database connection object i have made a function to send sms and used it on several pages. Now i want to keep track of no. of sms used. however i have not opened database connection on all the pages where i'm calling this function. so …

Member Avatar for tania khan

[QUOTE=ardav;788833]This sounds like a clear cut research job that YOU should be conducting for your coursework (or whatever). BTW This is a pHp forum[/QUOTE] [code] Hi I need your help in my project of "online examination”. I am developing this for my lab. backend: sql server 2000 front end: ASP …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for ruchi18

Hello, I have an application in actionscript & flash my application design contain 7 tumbnails picturs & 2 button for scrolling this tumbnails actually i hav 28 photographs which i want to be scroll 4 times on clicking on button each time so can any one give me the solution …

Member Avatar for jkdil33

Hi, I want to create a web page in my local website for user to send e-mail to my ID.It should be in the following way There should be a text box for entering the mail ids of recipients,text box for entering the details(suggesstions) and a submit button when the …

Member Avatar for IT_Techno

hi, i have create asp.net web site that do alot of requests (write, read, go to some links ) this web site using sql DB during accessing requests it redirect to the default page after short time how can i solve this problem in redirection ?? Best Regards IT_Techno

Member Avatar for dips255

Hi I often get this error on some of my asp pages Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e31' Timeout expired what should be done to resolve it? is there any way to trace the error and show a custom message to the users instead of the above …

Member Avatar for msaqib
Member Avatar for enoch365

Hi I am just a student doing survey about Employers helping empolyees with their housing during this recession and I need helps to make this ASP form.... anyone willing & able to help me out? =========================================== My -survey.html- File for getting the info =========================================== [code=html]<html><head><title>Survey</title></head> <body><form method=post action="sProcess.asp"> <pre><input type="radio" …

Member Avatar for themailsian

I have make a form in ASP page wich contain a dropdown menue containing record from the database. These records are related with an other table. I want when I select any record from the drop down menue its concerned record should display in next text box with in the …

Member Avatar for enoch365
Member Avatar for closetosane

Hello, I am sending a string created in vbScript via CDO. My scripting is working but the whole string is not showing up in the receiving email. My code was on the bulky side with bordercolor and bgcolor in the tables cells, removing what was not needed for html in …

Member Avatar for closetosane
Member Avatar for OnlineD

I am trying to count how many entires appear in one table which is linked to 2 others, then show the result on a web page. Table 1 - Companies CompanyID CompanyStatusID FundID Table 2 - Company_Status CompanyStatusID CompanyStatus Table 3 - Subscriptions CompanyID FundID What I need to do …

Member Avatar for sma245

Help! Somehow I've ended up with the task of maintaining a system built around SQL Server, IIS, and ASP. For development I have Visual Interdev 6.0. The trouble is, this is way outside my usual domain, and the system is, as tradition demands, pretty much totally undocumented. Apologies if this …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for chkchelsea

Hi, I have a problem accessing server time using javascript. I'm making a home page in asp and want to access server time using javascript. What i'm doing presently is accessing server time in vbscript, and now want to display this in a javascript calendar which i hav already made. …

Member Avatar for suraj145
Member Avatar for nadineatwaroo

Hi (First time user) I am developing a team unit leader page. On my page I have a table with one column and multiple rows with each row having a department name. I would like to do two things but i'll focus on one for now. When i click on …

Member Avatar for nrvinayak
Member Avatar for kaden712

I am using ASP with MS Access Database to create a photo album there are two tables in the database tblGallery and tblPics each table has the following columns tblGallery = [galleryID] [galleryName] [galleryDate] tblPics = [picID] [picCat] [picName] tblGallery.galleryID = tblPics.picCat in order to create a relational Database and …

Member Avatar for nrvinayak
Member Avatar for JackieW

I have a simple form that collects names in time slots. The form lists all the time slots with the names and blank spots available. The problem I'm running into is people are overwriting other names so they can get a time slot they want. I've done some research and …

Member Avatar for JackieW
Member Avatar for shivani15j

i m using session in my website(ASP) but after logging in if i don't acccess the page for 5 minutes session expires n if i continously access some pages then after 15 minutes session expires.i have used global.asa file then same problem occurs and if i dont use global.asa then …

Member Avatar for ardeezstyle
Member Avatar for creativehacker

I want to generate a tree view using asp in which when I click the file (not the folder) the file should be deleted I found this on net but how can I modify to delete a file when clicked on it. [URL="http://classicasp.aspfaq.com/general/how-do-i-generate-a-treeview-from-asp.html"]http://classicasp.aspfaq.com/general/how-do-i-generate-a-treeview-from-asp.html[/URL] [URL="http://www.aspwebsolution.com/articles/coder4life/treeview/asp/index.htm"]http://www.aspwebsolution.com/articles/coder4life/treeview/asp/index.htm[/URL]

Member Avatar for closetosane
Member Avatar for prithimca
Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for creativehacker

I am wrote a file del.asp where I am deleting a file but I am getting the following error Error Type: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046) Permission denied /asptreeview/del.asp, line 9 The code which I wrote is as follows... [CODE]PhotoFile = "/asptreeview/asptree/" & Request.QueryString("file")(1) PhotoPath = Server.MapPath(PhotoFile) Response.Write(PhotoPath & "<br />") …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for creativehacker

I want to call asp function in anchor link click. Is it possible to call server side function from client side action. I want to delete file from server when user clicks the hyperlink... Any help please... Regards venkat

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for Vladimirr

I got this script from [URL="http://www.w3schools.com/asp/asp_send_email.asp"]one ASP tutorial (click here to see it)[/URL]: [code=asp]<% Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message") myMail.Subject="Sending email with CDO" myMail.From=mymail@mydomain.com myMail.To=someone@somedomain.com myMail.TextBody="This is a message." myMail.Sendset myMail=nothing %>[/code] replaced [email]mymail@mydomain.com[/email] and [email]someone@somedomain.com[/email] with 2 mail addresses of two mail-boxes that I have on [url]www.yahoo.com[/url] and uploaded this script (as …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for punex

hello. i am trying to create a simple e-greeting card sytem that can send send greeting card via e mail to many recepients at the same time on our existing database system.Any ideas or references would be highly appreciated. Our existing system is built using ASP,HTML and Javascript. Thank you.

Member Avatar for Mauricel
Member Avatar for miskeen

Hi, I'm developping a small website using VS2005 and SQLServer Express. This website will be deployed in a local intranet. I don't know how and what should I install on the pc that will contain this website. Can any one help me please? Thank you in advance,

Member Avatar for dips255

this is related to link exchange i have a form field where user can enter his website url or code with anchor tag to display hyperlink. i want to validate the input from user is done properly for hyperlink code(not allow any other html code). Can anyone suggest me how …

Member Avatar for ortora

Hello everyone, I have an ASP chat inside an IFRAME. The ASP file is hosted on a different domain than the main website. When the user logs on by entering their name, the chat stores a cookie so the user can start posting messages. However since the cookie is stored …

Member Avatar for ask2gaurav
Member Avatar for dips255

Hi i want help for my following queries *whether caching a database drvien asp page can help improve its speed. *what is the method of caching *can caching cause a lot of memory consumption

Member Avatar for Drew
Member Avatar for anusumesh

Hi, I have developed one application which should be accessible only if valid certificate from particular CA is installed on client browser . I am using VBscript for writing the code. I am using Request.ClientCertificate collection to get the details of certificate for validation purpose. Now i want to make …

Member Avatar for noman78

How can I send a Crystal Report to Email through Active Server Pages (ASP)? if some one can post a sample code for it, i will really thankful to him. i am using seagate 8.5 and asp 3.0. thankyou in advance regards

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for korssane

HI expert, I have a ms access data base with few tables and 1-2 queries and 1 main form. the problem is this Data bAse is in multiuser enviroenemt and becomes very slow. I'am thinkinh to build a n ew web based application ( c#, asp) . Is it possible …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for vijaysoft1

I found almost in all forums and discussion boards that ' Currently Active Visitors : 11 ( 2 Member & 9 Guests ) ' And Display the Member name . How to do it in Classic ASP ( with Dreamweaver or by coding ) . Please


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