1,828 Topics

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Member Avatar for DaMaster121

Hello, I used dreamweaver to create a website, i used the dreamweaver features of 'Log In User' form which is ingregrated into dreamweaver application, now i made a registration page using dreamweaver as well using the 'Record insert wizard' i have microsoft Access database connected to this, now my assignment …

Member Avatar for katarey
Member Avatar for cancer10

Hi All, I have a question and I hope you guys can help me out. If you have worked with php-mysql, you might have noticed that there is a featured to encrypt a password while inserting it in the database using the password() function. I am looking for a similar …

Member Avatar for katarey
Member Avatar for cmrhema

Hello, I am new to this forum. I want to learn ASP . I am basically a VB programmer with good experience. I want to learn ASP with SQL SERVER. Kindly provide me the links with some good tutorial to start with Thank You

Member Avatar for davidcairns
Member Avatar for cancer10

Triggering - Hello, Need help :) Herez the scenario: I am maintaining a list of members of my site in a database. All members have an expiry date column in a table which is in mm/dd/yyyy format. I want that every members should be emailed on the day of their …

Member Avatar for davidcairns
Member Avatar for kohkohkoh

Currently i am building a message queue program which one is sending a message to another party. lets say ABC sending a message to DEF if ABC sends a msg out using message queue, it stores at the msg queue manager, once the msg stored in,i want the server side …

Member Avatar for kohkohkoh
Member Avatar for mtarby

[COLOR=navy]I'm new here and hoping for a bit of help - I've got an table that has event name, start date, end date. For instance: EventID: 1 MEETING_NAME: My Event START_DATE: 1/1/2007 END_DATE: 1/4/2007 Right now we just display the name, start date through end date (if there's a different …

Member Avatar for mtarby
Member Avatar for aparnesh

I am developing a small Intranet application where all date displays are being handled by the DatePicker control. In many cases, the server is sending a date value to the browser where a Javascript function is getting the date and setting the datepicker to the received date. For example, if …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for McCarthy

Hi there, Looking for ASP.NET 2.0 hosting I have the right one for you check it out [url]http://www.webhosting-rated.com[/url]

Member Avatar for asull100

This is a dumb question. I'm trying to find a way to put a button on my ASP page that will reset a date field in my access database to now(). I'm an ASP beginner and I have scoured the web for awhile now looking for an answer to this …

Member Avatar for jac39
Member Avatar for enggars

Hello. I have array that i deffered from my database. For i=0 to 4 Point(i)=Cint(Rs("Point")) Name(i)=Rs("Name") rs.MoveNext next The result is giving me : Point(0) Point(1) Point(2) Point(3) Name(0) Name(1) Name(2) Name(3) I would like to built a chart from it. The chart goes this way: [B]ShowChart[/B] Array(Point(0),Point(1),Point(2),Point(3),Point(4)), Array(Name(0),Name(1),Name(2),Name(3),Name(4)) That …

Member Avatar for enggars
Member Avatar for jhl2

G-Day I am a real newbie to ASP. I took over for a fellow who wrote a whole intranet full of ASP that I get to support now. I am having several users that are not able to use some of the pages in the intranet site. When the pages …

Member Avatar for enggars

Hello... Is there a way to retain the value of radio button during paging in ASP? Thanks....

Member Avatar for gil857
Member Avatar for gil857

I'm having trouble sending an email when I use .AttachFile - below is the code that I am using: [code] Dim objMail Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") objMail.From = fromAddress objMail.Subject = "Form Requested" objMail.To = toAddress objMail.Body = "message" objMail.AttachFile (path) objMail.Send set objMail = nothing [/code] If I disable …

Member Avatar for queeneve75

Can anyon recommend a good cheap web hosting that supports ASp.net 2 , Ajax and SQL dat base, with an average rate between US$ 120 to US$ 180 per year Thanks

Member Avatar for queeneve75
Member Avatar for enggars

I'm currently working on my online quiz application. It is based on ASP. I want to add the countdown timer in every quiz that run. But the problem is the javascript will go freeze in my ASP, it only run each time i refreshed the page. Some suggest me to …

Member Avatar for davidcairns
Member Avatar for k_en

dim num, GOPercent num = Request.Cookies("Result") GOPercent = num/25 [COLOR="Red"]Type mismatch: '[string: ""]'[/COLOR] Error Type mismatch. But the value i put in Response.cookies("Result") is a CInt(value) how to solve this ?????

Member Avatar for k_en
Member Avatar for Hellodear

hello, I have SQL server 2005 installed on my computer. How can i construct a database for my new website? From where can i start my process? I didn't find any loop inside. I have full of ASP pages. Hope somebody would help me AV

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for tishr

could any one plz help me for this query. i have tried a lot but only the first one is working. see my code: (1) CommandText = _ "SELECT sr.ResponseAnswerID, count(sr.RespondantID) from SURVEY_RESPONSE sr INNER JOIN ANSWER a on " _ & "sr.ResponseAnswerID=a.AnswerID where a.QuestionID= 284 " _ & "group …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for anitha2324

am trying to create a web page to be used by my network users (inside my intranet) I want to get the visitor's name of my page ( in another words to get the network login user name of the person who is visiting my web page) i tried to …

Member Avatar for davidcairns
Member Avatar for pkkell0

I'm having a terrible problem using two drop-down forms in the same asp page. No matter what, the values for the second form are not passed to the SQL database. I've confirmed this by commenting out the first form and then the second form works fine. I'm sure it is …

Member Avatar for todaydvd
Member Avatar for k_en

i know session variables store on the server side and cookies store on client side. Question: If i save the total answer for a summation as a session variables, and multiple online user are using the same system for calculation, does that means that session variable will be over write …

Member Avatar for todaydvd
Member Avatar for Spycat

Hi, As the title would indicate, I know a lil about PHP, but zero about ASP. I was having problems with spam from one of my forms, and one solution I did was to have a form field I named "message" that is hidden. Humans can not see it, and …

Member Avatar for Spycat
Member Avatar for Avedis

I'm using asp and use the Connect style to my database, it works perfectly on my virtual localhost PC, but when i need to use the server i have my web page it doesnt work, then i says i need to create a database as well using their MsSql "MyLittleAdmin" …

Member Avatar for dukelips
Member Avatar for k_en

i can't see where is the Invalid character with the SQL statement below. i can't see where i miss any character or i added extra characters. mySQL = "UPDATE table SET col1 = '"_& rA & "', col2 = " & rB & ", col3 = " & rC & …

Member Avatar for Mabolo
Member Avatar for GeneM

Hello All, I am trying to perform a simple calculation while in the edit or insert twmplate in a FormView. I am using Visual Studio 2005 and C#. I asked this in the C# forum but not much help. Here is what I have now: protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs …

Member Avatar for GeneM
Member Avatar for srj

Is there a free Host in the Net ... which host ASP and MySQL do anyone of u know..please post if u know.....

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for toeffendi

have 2 database 1. list of product = product type & Product catalog ------------------------- product type Product catalog AA a1 BB b1 ------------------------- 2. Detail of product = product catalog & detail product ------------------------- Product catalog detail a1 1 a1 1 a1 1 b1 1 b1 1 b1 1 b1 …

Member Avatar for Raza

Well, Iam using asp and sql server to store data in database. I have a work to show data to all users. But data is very fast and it must update in a second... so im updating it in a second on a webpage....but ofcourse on internet, it disappears before …

Member Avatar for cancer10

Hi All, I came up with a new issue/question. I have seen in many sites that when I enter my username/password, it displays a new page wherein it says "Verifying Username/Password. Please wait..." I wonder what does it do behind the scene? Does it really take 5-6 seconds to verify …

Member Avatar for Forum123

Hi all, I am very new to this forum. I am looking for a good ASP Tutorial (not ASP.NET since I have a site with .asp extension) that can teach me everything from A to Z. Does anybody know a link for a FREE ASP tutorial, please? Thanks in advance. …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

The End.