1,828 Topics
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I have made a website [URL="http://www.movieguruclub.com"]http://www.movieguruclub.com[/URL], I have used ASP dontnet. How to do url-asp redirection. Step 1: join.asp Step 2: edu.add.asp IF coming from join asp, OPEN, else REDIRECT index.asp Step 3: other.add.asp IF coming from edu.add.asp, OPEN, else REDIRECT index.asp Step 4: exp.add.asp IF coming from other.add.asp, OPEN, … ![]() | |
ASP electronic exam project, problem when update data base hellow every one........ i have problem with my exam project i program it in asp , and i have javascript function and this function should return the value of raduo button checked and i then use this value in ASP code … | |
Hi New to ASP auth_in.asp [CODE]If (Mgr_Access = TRUE) And (Adv_Access = TRUE) Then %> <!-- #include file = "login_option.asp" --> <% END if[/CODE] login.asp [CODE] <!-- MAIN BODY --> <p><b>Choose your Login Option</b></p> <form method="post" action=""> <input TYPE="radio" NAME="Login" VALUE="MG" CHECKED>Manager <input TYPE="radio" NAME="Login" VALUE="AD">Advisor </br> </br><input type="submit" value="Submit"> … ![]() | |
hello Can any one please help me in the following..... I making a database with Access and ASP. I have created a search option where I have a text box and a submit button. the result to this search is displayed in the same page. all i want is a … | |
what is recordset? n y we use it? <%=RS("fieldname")%> what the above expresion do? | |
I have been trying to get the child nodes out of a XML doc. so far what i have is [CODE] <% ' ' Create new XML reader object Dim xmlDoc Set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") ' Load the specified XML file (returns XML output) xmlDoc.load("http://xmlPath") ' Parse XML if xmlDoc.parseError.errorcode … | |
hellow i have problem with my exam project i program it in asp , and i have javascript function and this function should return the value of raduo button checked and i then use this value in ASP code the problem is that function return null or undifined i try … | |
i have a problem when i am running asp files on linux server running apache. The pages wont open or process the data | |
I am having a problem with sending an email with an attachment Set msg = CreateObject("CDO.Message") msg.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing")=2 msg.Configuration.fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver").Value="" msg.Subject = "Test Subject" msg.From = "some@email.com" msg.To = "some@email.com" msg.TextBody = "Test Message" msg.AddAttachment "C:\files\a.doc") This works fine, but my problem is when a client/user use his computer to send an … | |
Hey ! i want to know that is it possible to copy from word doc and paste it on to textarea on a asp page. when i do it normally bullets on document are not paste on to textarea . they covert into different symbols(inverted ?) what should i do … | |
hi, I'm new to asp codes.I'm making my pages with Dreamweaver and using the simple Recordset dialog box options.i have gone ok with all that... but when i try to see my pages on the first run i have no problems but when i push the back button on IE … | |
I have undertaken a website revision project after not programming for about 6 years. I am beginning to set up a work environment on my pc, and have questions about the software being used verses what could be the ideal software. My background is that I am familiar with classic … | |
I have a problem with my asp script that used to insert a data to postgreSQL database.This is the script : <% Dim sConnection, objConn , objRS ,sql sConnection ="DRIVER={postgreSQL};SERVER=localhost;database=sury a;UID=postgres;PASSWORD=admin;port=5432" Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConn.Open(sConnection) sql="insert into test(number,name) values('3','abcd')" set objRS = objConn.execute(sql) objRS.close Set objRS = Nothing objConn.Close … | |
Hi, Can some one tell me the method of calling an .asp file into a web page with .html extention that too without using frames. Regards | |
I need [B][COLOR="Red"]suggestion [/COLOR][/B]for my master project.. anyone can help me..:'( | |
I am going around the bend trying to get a return value from a dropdown so that I can use else where on an asp page, it gives the alert ok, however I cannot seem to do anything else useful with it. Any help would be extremely appreciated!!! ...Ian <code> … | |
Hi, I have an Access database that I have to create text files, fixed length field width, from a table - actually 3 text files from 3 tables. There's a module that does all 3 for me and puts them in the right place. How can I call that module … | |
CDO.Message.1 (0x80040220) The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid. <% option explicit dim strName dim strEmail dim strSubject dim strMessage strName = request.form("txtName") strEmail = request.form("txtEmail") strSubject = request.form("txtSubject") strMessage = request.form("txtMessage") Dim ObjMail Set ObjMail=Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") ObjMail.To = "address@server.com" ObjMail.From = strEmail ObjMail.Subject = strSubject ObjMail.TextBody = strMessage ObjMail.Send set ObjMail … | |
My search page has form as below to pass data to tsearchresults.asp so that my database can be filter to display correct data. [CODE]<form action="tsearchresults.asp" method="get" name="townSearchForm" id="townSearchForm"> <select name="varBeds" id="varBeds"> <option value="%" >All</option> <option value="1 Bedroom" >1 Bedroom</option> <option value="2 Bedrooms" >2 Bedrooms</option> <option value="3 Bedrooms" >3 Bedrooms</option> <option … | |
I've added a vbscript to an asp page in order to print without showing the print dialog box. Everything works fine when you first load the page, but when you try and navigate away from the page, you get the "A script on this page has caused internet explorer to … | |
Hi All, I am generating a series of tables in CSS. The tables should repeat themselves for a number of times governed by a counter that is calculated at runtime by the ASP code. The problem is that I have used top margins to position the tables in the ASP … | |
Iam a B.tech gradute and I Just completed my B.tech. now I want to do a Liveproject using JSP, but I don't know how to start also,so anyone can guide me as well as suggest me a good topic to do project. please kindly help me. please Iam eagarly waiting … | |
Hello all I am new in asp . I have write a pagging code in it connected with sql server database . But problem is that it show the record at multiple pages. suppose name of user one is show at page one , Its again show in page two … | |
Is there any way to access an include file in the main domain from a subdomain? | |
Has anyone code for a registration procedure in ASP. I will registrate the users in my database before they can use the database facilities. Users can ask services and see the results if they had access to the database | |
Could anyone help me on how to send data to a specific email.I have tried to work with the attached file but can't work.The form is .txt but am uploading in my website as .asp. | |
I am trying to figure out if there is a way to remove the index.asp from my sites root url so that if the user enters [url]http://www.mysite.com/index.asp[/url] the address bar will show [url]http://www.mysite.com/[/url] only. I have tried redirecting but no luck wth what I have tried. Anny ideas? Thanks Simmy | |
had this in the javascript forum, woz refered over here ok, i'm building a website where i want videos (quicktime .mov) available for view. the client ask that if the viewer doesn't have quicktime already installed in their system they see a still image; this is working. I've also created … | |
I have an ecommerce site that uses asp. On my site (on the page that lists the products(prodList.asp)) I have universal navigation code. it goes like this: [code=asp] sub pageNavigation(formFieldName) Response.Write langGenNavPage & " " Response.Write "<select onChange=""location.href=this.options[selectedIndex].value"" name=" & trim(formFieldName) & " style=""FONT-SIZE: 8pt"">" for I = 1 to … | |
[COLOR=#191970]hello Can any one please help me in the following..... I making a database with Access and ASP. I have created a search option where I have a text box and a submit button. the result to this search is displayed in the same page. all i want is a … |
The End.