1,828 Topics
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I need an ASP code that will allow me to search my database from my website that will retrive data from my database back to my website. I also need to edit and delete infromation once the data has been retrived. can anyone help. | |
i am trying to make a widget which we will offer to our partner sites to display latest interest rates from our database i have made the asp page but don't know how to get it displayed on other sites iframe is one way but i also need to have … | |
Can anyone help me create a search engine for my website that retrives data from my datatabse and displays it on my website using ASP. | |
Hi I need to add a calendar control to my data grid when edit button is clicked. I am not able to retrieve the newly selected date from the calendar and update it. Will be helpful if I can get the code. | |
Hi, There is a problem with session ID haunting me for a couple of days. In Mozilla Firefox, the session ID changes every time the page is refreshed. But in IE it does not change and is working correctly. Is this because of some browser settings? Since I am checking … | |
Hi I am writing a search script that you will type in a search term and then the system will go off and search 2-3 tables at once and bring back the search results. Now the proble that i have is that i am unsure how to go about sorting … | |
Hi all :) :( i want to make messaging system in my site contains : -sending messages to users when there are new threads user can choose to receive it or not -sending messages to users when there are new threads user can choose to receive it or not -sending … | |
hi all !! i have to make a page in asp, in which the user can upload a file to the server and download it when he wants it... how can i do that ? | |
hii !!! I have to upload a excel sheet into my asp page... how do i go about it ? the format of the sheet would be fixed.. i.e it will always have the same columns but the rows can differ. please give a example.. | |
This is boggling my mind right now. Here's what a client wants: On the index page, there is an iframe with links inside it. When you click on a link, it opens the page (not in the iframe, but in the top level) and sends a url string variable. This … | |
[code] <html> <head> <title> database connectivity </title> </head> <body> <H1> DATABASE CONNECTIVITY </H1> <% dim constr constr= "provider=sqloledb;data source=,1234;initial catalog = abcd; User Id=abcd; password=abcd" set conobj = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection") conobj.connectionstring = constr conobj.open set comobj = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") comobj.CommandText = "test2" [COLOR="Red"]comobj.CommandType = adCmdTable[/COLOR] set rs1 = comobj.Execute %> </body> </html> … | |
Hi Everyone, Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated. I have an ASP page with Javascript that obtains input from the web page. For example: [url]www.google.com/?test[/url] would result in test as the search string. I then populate an ASP textbox with this string and either click a button … | |
[code] <html> <head> <title> database ado </title> </head> <body> <%constr = "provider= sqloledb; data source =,1234; initial catalog=dbase;User id=scot; password=pwd1"%> <%set conpubs= server.createobject("ADODB.Connection") conpubs.connectionstring= constr conpubs.open%> <%Dim rstest Set rstest = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rstest.Open "test", constr, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCommandTableDirect rstest.addnew.fields("name")="three" rstest.update%> <%while not rstest.EOF Response.Write rstest("name") & "<br>" rstest.movenext Wend%> … | |
hi i want to call a sql server stored procedure from my webform. the stored procedure return parameters. how can i "catch" these parameters and use hem ? | |
hi i have an ajax calendar extender control that is set to a textbox. how can i get the current selected date value from the calendar ? | |
Hi there, i would like to find out what the hell is wrong here [code] /// <summary> /// Get a single integer value /// </summary> /// <param name="sql">The sql query used to retreive a result set</param> /// <returns>The value of the first column in the first row of the result … | |
Here's the scenario. I have a web server running with IIS 6 and website running written in ASP. The site and code has been working perfectly up until about 2 days ago when for no reason whatsoever the ASP has decided to partly work. and by this i mean as … | |
hi i'm trying to dynamically add columns to my gridview control. i tried this code: [CODE=asp]BoundColumn col = new BoundColumn(); col.DataField = myDataTable.Columns[0].ColumnName; col.HeaderText = "last exit time"; col.DataFormatString = "{0:mm-dd-yyyy}"; GridView1.Columns.Add(col);[/CODE] the datafied property is taken from datatable which will be the source of the gridview. the build gives … | |
I have a ASP web application working with SQL Server. It has around 500 records and it works great. Now my management wants to redo the application for the 5th time in the last several months. The management knows nothing about web development and engineering. The management now wants to … | |
Hi, I have created two web pages say [B]first.asp[/B] and [B]second.asp[/B]. first.asp has a link of second.asp and [B]username is embedded in url [/B]of second.asp.([B]second.asp?username=dvhsdghsdg[/B]) [B]Second.asp [/B]has a link for some [B]https site say securelogin.asp [/B]and i want to access the [B]server variable "referer Url"[/B] to retrieve username in https … | |
When emailing an ASP form using CDO is it possible to make words bold and use line breaks? When I get the email it looks like this: <b>Card Type:</b> Visa<b>Name On Card:</b> test<b>Credit Card #:</b> 2881<b>Expiration (MM/YY):</b> 04/32 no line breaks and obviously not bold | |
Hi everyone, im new to this site and also abit new to programming with asp. I have this form which is working fine, except for this little thing that I want and is not doing it. I want that when the user hit the Enviar btn (Submit) the info gets … | |
Good mourning or Good night ;) i am working on asp site (VBscript) of course with javascript as client side i wanna 2 count n of visitors at same page just like when u open for ex asp forum in daniweb.com displays [COLOR="Green"]Currently Active Users browsing ASP : 7 (1 … | |
My server configuration are . SQL Server in Marchine1 - is setting in Mix Mode(SQL Server and Windows Authentication) . IIS Server in Marchine2 - is setting as following Directory Security - > Authentication and access control .Unchecked "Enable anonymous access" .Checked "Intergrated Windows authentication" .Checked "Disest authentication for Windos … | |
I have an ASP script that gets information from an Order Form. I have it so it displays the data. I would like to take the data displayed and send it in an email. How do I go about doing that. I've looked at tutorials on google but I dont … | |
hi i'm trying to edit gridview rows. the grid columns are template columns. i added the commandfield buttons for update. i wrote a rowupdating event: [CODE=asp]MonthTable.Rows[e.RowIndex]["FirstEnter"] = ((TextBox)(MonthGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[6].Controls[0])).Text;[/CODE] on runtime i get this error: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.LiteralControl' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox'. what have i done wrong ? | |
i have a project for which i have to retreive values to a excel sheet and make a chart for it, automatically... can you suggest a way to do that ? maybe i could use macros, but then how do i use macros in asp ? thank's | |
Hi, I am wondering if code below is right. Is there any unnecessary line? Thanks [code] <% on error resume next ad=request.form("name") Set RcSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") sql = "Insert Into veriler (name) Values ('"&name&"')" 'ADD sql = "Update veriler Set name='"&name&"' Where id=1" 'UPDATE sql = "Delete From veriler Where … | |
I am using The Microsoft Visual InterDev6.0 for ASP but it is not showing any kind of intellisense in the editor. Please help me how I can get the editor userfriendly with all the colors and notations? Do I need to reinstall it or just a problem of any functionality … | |
table items barcode quantity price id table serial_number barcode serial_number id table items_out barcode serial_number quantity price id i have three table just like i describe above. if i choose a barcode and quantity=2 from table items and i want to move 2 serial_number from table serial_number to table items_out, … |
The End.