1,828 Topics

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Member Avatar for reyanseo
Member Avatar for swornavidhya_m

I want to send mail from an asp page. The asp page is called from a html page. The sending mail using CDOSYS and CDO is not working properly. When i call the asp page from html page, the script for sending mail in the asp page is getting displayed …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for apachex

[COLOR="Green"]ERROR : [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Implicit conversion from data type sql_variant to uniqueidentifier is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query. [/COLOR] I made a admin side for editing roles and user passwords if necessary.. But since the default ASPNETDB,mdf have UserID and Password in 'Unique Identifier' …

Member Avatar for blackdragon1027
Member Avatar for lewilaloupe

Hi - new to ASP... I have a form with a dropdown list. Based on what option is selected I want the form to be send to different email addresses. Sample code I have is: [code=asp]<p>Gender: <br> <select name="gender"> <option selected value="">Choose....</option> <option name="gender" value="male">Male</option> <option name="gender" value="female">Female</option> </select> <% …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for apachex

I need help for connecting my 'Access' database to asp.net website. Coding is in C# . I was working on making a registration page, but since i was unable to connect, I tried a test code for login and it ain't working :icon_cry: I am using the following code for …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for syarafina

im a student of softare engineering corses..i hav a problem.how to insert document that we fill in the table ms access.. tq.

Member Avatar for CEK
Member Avatar for SeekAnswers

Good afternoon, does anyone know of a free web component which can display a pop-up calendar upon clicking a button, and allow the developer to capture the date chosen by the user? Thanks for your time...

Member Avatar for muktiranjan
Member Avatar for campkev

Having a problem connecting via dsn on windows 2003 x64. Keep getting : ADODB.Connection error '800a0ea9' Provider is not specified and there is no designated default provider. Code works fine on regular server 2003

Member Avatar for cptspock
Member Avatar for leonard1968

Good Day Guys, I am trying to develop a system that will connect my webcam into a my vb 6 application system.. I searched through the internet and found some code.. Although i made my system run, i can't fully understand those codes i have copied from the net... Here's …

Member Avatar for zoran

[font=Courier New]Hi I am trying to communicate with EPP Server. I have java client example which use Java HttpURLConnection method to establish the connection. Example: =================================================== 1.String address = "https://someserver.serv.com:429/epp/proxy"; 2.URL url = new URL(address); 3.HttpURLConnection c = (HttpURLConnection) 4.url.openConnection(); ==================================================== How can I do something similar to communicate with …

Member Avatar for ysihaoy
Member Avatar for amer.m

Dear all, i'm new in vbscript and i want to take a string from database and load it into xml dom object but i can't. My code: 'Creating XML object set xmlDoc=CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xmlDoc.async="false" xmlDoc.load MsgBox xmlDoc for each x in xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes frmMyForm.timeinfo2.value=x.nodename frmMyForm.timeinfo3.value=x.text 'document.write(x.nodename) 'document.write(": ") 'document.write(x.text) next

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for thebluestar

I wonder if I can send an email via smtp using Gmail account without installing a mail server or not? For example: re_pass.asp [CODE]<p>Password Reminder</p> <form method="post" action="re_pass_process.asp"> <input type="text" name="email"> <input type="submit" value="Send"> </form>[/CODE] re_pass_process.asp[CODE]<!--#include file="connection.asp"--> <% openConn() email = request("email") response.Write(email) ''response.End() if trim(email) <> "" then sql= …

Member Avatar for arunss
Member Avatar for malashukla

i am working on a asp.net application. and my problem is i want to show the data i stored in database in hindi characters. what should i do to display the data in hindi characters.

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for smjaved
Member Avatar for localinternet
Member Avatar for PotaZinga

hi! everyone. please help i need to add a date picker to an asp page and i have been looking over the internet and i cant find anything to help me.it may be a drop down or may be like (check this page [url]http://www.asp.net/AJAX/AjaxControlToolkit/Samples/Calendar/Calendar.aspx[/url]) .it would be real nice if …

Member Avatar for localinternet
Member Avatar for PotaZinga

Hi please help i would like to know if it is possible to request all form vairables and store them in one variable and cycle through them and display them in a table like if you where to use the [code=asp] <% For i = 1 To Request.Form("displayname").Count Response.Write Request.Form("displayname")(i) …

Member Avatar for zafs

Can anybody pls help.. I need the script to upload image in ASP... Thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for sinhdtl
Member Avatar for kaden712

Hi Please can some one help me urgently with this I have the following code <% Dim productColors, myString, myArray myString = (prodRS.Fields.Item("prodColor").Value) myArray = Split(myString,",") Dim counter for counter = 0 to UBound(myArray) productColors = (myArray(counter)) Next %> Which works as intended in splitting the string What I now …

Member Avatar for sem123

Select syntext for database search i have a database and a table one colums with items name des items 1 pen,pencile 2 rubber,scale all are in one column with seperated with coma when search from only pen how it is possible to show me row for 1 whole row like …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for malashukla

i am working on a application in which i am storing some images and swf files that is flash. now my problem is how to display flash file at run time.i am unable to apply that code. anyone new about it please help me. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for theighost

Hello, I have just started with ASP, I knew that IIS cannot be installed on Windows xp Home, so I installed Abyss, but it's quite different from wamp,xamp that I was using before with php. Can someone help me run ASP on it? I have followed the tutorial in this …

Member Avatar for theighost
Member Avatar for PotaZinga

hi please guys help am also trying to upload a small file and this is the code i used.i have have also tried looking at the [url]http://www.freeaspupload.net[/url] site but am very new and i learn as i do . i have used this code by the way it was 1st …

Member Avatar for achinaseller
Member Avatar for achinaseller
Member Avatar for webber1

I've been googling for a few days and have tried all kinds of connection strings, but none have worked so far. I have a webpage on one server (using ASP NOT ASP.NET) trying to connect to a SQL database on another server (SQL 2005 server). I tried connecting using .net …

Member Avatar for achinaseller
Member Avatar for emsd123

Hello, everyone. I have generated a treeview loading from database, learned from a book. But I have no idea how can I save the view state of my treeview, I have tried the following code to do, through it, I can only keep expanding the first layer of treeview, but …

Member Avatar for Felipo

Below is a snippet of the actual code that dreamweaver generates to authenticate "username" is unique prior to it being added to the database - The code works fine - My problem is that I want to also make sure that the email field is also unique (email is the …

Member Avatar for Qcdms21

HI DANIWEBBIES, this is my prob. <% if trim(rs2.Fields("loan_approve"))="Yes" then %>Approved<% else %> <a href="loan_approve.asp?id=<%rs2.Fields("stud_id")%> in this line of code , wht is the function of trim ? plz fill me in on this. help appreciated.

Member Avatar for superarun
Member Avatar for Ryujin

We have an [URL="http://www.kutztown.edu/library/tools/proxylink.asp"]ultra-simple tool[/URL] for library database users. It adds a prefix to a given URL to create a link that works with our library's proxy server. Our fear is that some users will inadvertently give it URLs that already have the prefix, as a few of our research …

Member Avatar for LaughingLynx

Hello, I am creating a page that displays sections of a database based on ClassTypeID, and using the following as my SQL statement: [code]"SELECT * FROM Classes WHERE ClassTypeID=" & request("ClassTypeID") & ""[/code] The user will select a category from the following menu: [code] <p><a href="class.asp?ClassTypeID=1">Care Management</a> </p> <p><a href="class.asp?ClassTypeID=2">Claims/Customer …

Member Avatar for testudo_aubreii

Greetings, I have been searching to resolve this issue for a while, so I figured I would try to post this here. We have a website that uses an .ASPX file to retrieve search results from another website. We have it working in Internet Explorer 8, but it is not …


The End.