4,589 Topics
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Hi All i m reading Xml file attchment in email using pop3. but i m getting extra char in xml after xml read. [code=xml]<FinalDraft DocumentType=3D=22Script=22 Template=3D=22No=22 Version=3D=221=22> <Content> <Paragraph Type=3D=22Shot=22> <Text>=E2=80=9Clighting is everything=E2=80=9D</T= ext> </Paragraph> </Content> </FinalDraft >[/code] like -- =22 and 3D <T=ext> pls help me and give me … | |
Hi, I'm trying to include a Intellisense in my Rich Text Box, but i'm having problems. I'm trying to implement the one from: [url]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/diy-intellisense.aspx[/url] Can someone please point me to a much more simpler open source intellisense for C#, importing methods from a DLL file? - Thanks! | |
Hi every one ; i need to change default printer settings,especially tray selection method . please help me. | |
I am very new to c#. I would like to get into c#. Kindly give me suggestions in where to start c# with. Suggest me some books too. Is "Head First C#"book is that good for begginers Thanks, Jam [url]http://prog2impress.com/[/url] | |
Hello, I have followed a guide to use a library created in C# with the Register COM Interop option using Visual studio 2008 and .NET 3.5 (also tried on 2.0 and vs 2005) i then created a tlb from the output dll using regasm filename.dll /tlb:filename.tlb now back in excel, … | |
[code=.cs] using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 { public partial class Form1 : Form { double no1, no2,ans; void commonEvent(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button b = (Button)sender; if (b == btn0) TextBox1.Text += "0"; else if (b … | |
Hi all I have a program that interacts with files. Now I would like these files to have thier extensions changed upon processing in my program. Any good tips/tutorials you can throw at me? Many thanks. | |
[B]how can i sum the sum of fields in crystal report C# i have report take sum of any field such price end of group i want to sum of these sum[/B] | |
hi, Im trying to see if an Option button is checked or not. can someone help me out with the syntax please. I can already read cells etc from a worksheet, so i just need the option button. all i want to do is set some text if an option … | |
hi guys, i need to encrypt a plain text limited to 15 characters but the output the encryption must also be 15 characters since i am limited to database constraint. how can i do this? thanks | |
hello all in vb we can use controll array to make the calc so with in single block we can write our entire code Is there any way to make calc in c# like vb's controll array ?? pls provide ur suggetion | |
hi all in fact i made updating ,deleting,insertion in my datagridview normally before i made paging in it but after i made paging when it deletes or updates a record it doesn't execute some instructions related to filling the datagridview and when i try to update it removes the selected … | |
Hi everybody. Do you know what's equal for code "app.patht" in c#.net 2008 ? I tried "Application.ExecutablePath" and "Application.StartupPath" but they didn't work. I think they have their own name spaces that I havent added them. | |
can someone help me wit this, why does my form becomes unresponsive when i execute this code: [code=c#] private Thread trd; private int y = 0; delegate void MyDelegate(bool show); private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { trd = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.ThreadTask)); trd.IsBackground = true; trd.Start(); } private void ShowProgressBar(bool … | |
I have a little situation that I can't seem to resolve and was hoping someone might have some suggestions ... I have a Windows Service (Serv.exe) which runs under LocalSystem when a user is logged-on (it is only running when users are logged-on), this service is responsible for performing various … | |
Hi, does anyone know how to access a sql .mdf file directly using c# without using SQL server. I am planning to make an portable application with a database on a flashdrive, i really need some help.. thank you :) | |
current code: [icode]Response.Redirect("DeviceInformation.aspx?arg=" + e.CommandArgument);[/icode] which redirects to a page with a data grid. The argument is passed into a stored proc on a database and the infor is returned in a grid. What i want, is the same thing, but, open it in a new page. So something like: … | |
I'm trying to write a program that will use the content in a flash video player as an input stream in C#. Any help on this subject would be greatly appreciated. Thanks | |
Hi friends, i want to query from excel data(sheet1) and create pivot table in sheet2 and copy that pivot table into .net data table. Is it possible? if yes, plz tell me how to do this? For example my query is "select productname, cost from sheet1" then from query output … | |
Does anyone know how to accomplish this? Or know of any Open Source C# Web Browser? I'm trying to port one to the Xbox 360, but I don't know where to begin for programming a Web Browser without a GUI. Thanks. | |
Aside from many projects I'm working on to learn more about general programming and this language it self. I was wondering how do programmers create "program specific files". Examples: Microsoft Word has .doc type files. Adobe Acrobat Reader has .pdf files. Photoshop has .psd files. On a current project I'm … | |
First off. Hello, I'm having issues with my little program I've got a few classes down to a tee and am having issues with the War class. With the following code I iterate a new game of War and I have stats that hopefully will help some figure out whats … | |
Hi, i am using this code to show form2 in my program, [code] Form2 form = new Form2(); form.Show(); [/code] however when i want to use the on load event to change a labels name nothing happens, i suspect because it isnt loading just showing, does anyone have a solution … | |
All, I'm facing a strange issue regarding remoting in C# (entire solution attached). I have a written a very small serial terminal which has a tcp server method: [CODE] TcpChannel ch = new TcpChannel(8085); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(ch); RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType(typeof(Class1), "test", WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton); [/CODE] sever is running, no problem. Client code: [CODE] QAserialTerminal.Class1 c = … | |
Hey all I've been developing in c# for a few months now, but to my shame have only recently started looking at threads. And now that I do look at them, I'm having issues... Here's a sample of my code: [code] private void cmdNext_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ... Thread … | |
Hi, i am creating up to 10 textboxes using the following code: [code] if (textBoxIndex != 11) { TextBox field = new TextBox(); field.Name = "field" + textBoxIndex.ToString(); textBoxIndex++; field.Size = new Size(200, 20); panel1.Controls.Add(field); } else { MessageBox.Show("A Maximum of 10 Areas is Supported"); } [/code] What I need … | |
HI all! in c# when i write a query to update there occurs an error "Syntex Error in UPDATE query" my code is as [LIST=1] [*]string query="UPDATE Employee_Table StartTime='"+txt_StartTime.Text+"',EndTime='"+txt_endTime.Text+"'where id="+txt_id.Text+";"; [/LIST] where Employee_Table is a table in Acces the field StartTime is of date/time data types and EndTime is also … | |
Hey guys, Is there a standard library for communicating with a USB device? I've got a smart card reader that works via USB, and implemented the PC/SC interface. To my knowledge and googling I've not been able to answer the question. Surely someone somewhere as written a library to allow … | |
Hi, I am having problem with a particular process of commands. My program begins with detecting whether a textbox is empty at the press of a button and if it is it will display an error code which i scripted to do, you can create up to 10 textboxes which … | |
Hi, Is it at all possible to detect if a user has inputed text into a text box for example. [code] if (textbox1.Text == ("detect if text is in textbox") { // do something } [/code] |
The End.