4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for BO2LA

I'm a senior student in computer science and i'm doing a project on WEP password cracking, i found a pretty good paper on how that can be done but i reached a point that i can't understand! after i get the first character of the password, how do i get …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for 2009march

trying to write a program in C# that will take a DC voltage as an input into a PIC16F88 (18 pin). and will output 2 seperate voltages, to run two different motors. when the input voltage is greater then 1.5v it will output a small voltage to both outputs, and …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for madhatter84gn

I am running into an issue that involves sharing an XSD2Code generated class. I am working with one huge xml schema that I generated into a class in a common class library. The problem I am facing is multiple applications will be referencing this common class but I want to …

Member Avatar for madhatter84gn
Member Avatar for Joka527

Hi, a noob programmer just starting in C# with Visual Studio here.... I came across this while coding in Visual C# and I couldn't figure out anything about it so a little explanation would be greatly appreciated.... In Microsoft's Visual C#...when using Windows Forms for GUI..... You guys know how …

Member Avatar for bcasp
Member Avatar for Swapnil Palande

Dear all, Please help me in solving following query. I want to use Encryption and Decryption to add password to database and to retrive password from database. What is the code for this? Thanks and regards, Swapnil.

Member Avatar for Yanivhl
Member Avatar for srvishnukumar

Hi Friends Wish U Happy New Year 2009 I Need Email sending Concept in asp.net If possible sent me some notes about email concept and sample codings.... Waiting for valuable Rply Thanks with vishnukumar SR

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for manjusaharan

hi all, i have an c# GUI apps with i provide on CD but i dont want them to install Whole setup again and again. So i just want to give them the new datafiles as patch sothat they can update only the new and updated portion. But i dont …

Member Avatar for manjusaharan
Member Avatar for born2achieve

Hi, i am creating excel using c# code. here is my code. Excel.Application XL =new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); Excel._Workbook WB; Excel._Worksheet Sheet; Excel.Range oRng; Object objSaveAsFile = (Object)SaveAsFile(StrDocName,"Xls"); object objMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; Excel.ChartObjects chartObjects = null; XL = new Excel.Application(); XL.Visible = true; //Get a new workbook. WB = (Excel._Workbook)(XL.Workbooks.Add(Missing.Value)); //Excel.Chart xlChart …

Member Avatar for blondie2007

Hi, I'm new to C# and trying to develop this program that allows the user to draw freeform with the mouse on a panel. There are 2 groupboxes. One is called Color and it has 4 radio buttons: red, blue, green and black. The second is Size and has 3 …

Member Avatar for hkdobrev
Member Avatar for hwa

Here is my code: [CODE] override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e) { InitializeComponent(); base.OnInit(e); } private void InitializeComponent() { this.cmdUpload.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.cmdUpload_Click); this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Load); } private string strConn; OdbcConnection cnn; private void cmdUpload_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { OpenDatabase(); if ((File1.PostedFile != null) && (File1.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0)) { // …

Member Avatar for hwa
Member Avatar for localp

i want a way to do validations for a String (the text should contain only characters, and not _ @ or any number) .. i found a code that does validations for integers, but not for strings.. Please could u, send me the code to conduct validations for Strings,, i …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for mansi sharma

I know how to access Server Side Session variable at client side(JS)..But i want to know how to Set Sessin varable at Clinet side(JS) & access its value at Server side..If somebody knows help me out!!!

Member Avatar for danishbacker
Member Avatar for mastermosley

I'm working with Network stream and building a small telnet server, I have two questions: 1) How to implement a backspace, when connected via telnet when it backspaces it doesn't delete the character but just moves the cursor back and overwrites it when you type another character. I've noticed that …

Member Avatar for swinefish

Hey Guys I'm kind of a newbie to C#. Now the syntax and the like don't bother me because I love java, so the actual programming is no problem. However, I'm trying to do something I can't figure out. I want to write a module in Visual C# (Visual Studio …

Member Avatar for swinefish
Member Avatar for BobLewiston

Is there any way to copy an entire Visual C# solution in such a way that it works? If you just copy it and rename it, it gives an error message that it's been renamed and therefore it refuses to work.

Member Avatar for BobLewiston
Member Avatar for mastermosley

I'm building a telnet server and I need a type of arraylist. I need this arraylist to contain an index 0 - 100 thats how many connections I allow at once, and an Ip address so when I refer to index 0 it will give me the ipaddress. I'm new …

Member Avatar for mastermosley
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

i couldnt find the server explorer, where is it, i need to connect to sql express database.

Member Avatar for ITech

hei, i want to make sure the user enters an email address in the correct format. eg:it shud contain a "@" , period "." and after period it shud make sure there is only 3 characters.. some one told me thet this could be done using regular expressions ..but i …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for lcandrade

I have a task witch need to be done by Dijkstra’s algorithm, but I didn’t have opportunity to learn it. Anybody knows any a good online tutorial in this subject

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for ITech

hi, i have a table with customer information(name, date of birth etc) i have created a windows form in c# and binded it with the database. the thing i want is retrieve the DOB from database and calculate the customers current age n display in a label in the form;; …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for shikeb

Hi , I'm bit confused, what to use as a base langauage for ASP.net, which one is better and easy to code. Please !! help me out... Regards, Shikeb Ali.

Member Avatar for Dhaneshnm
Member Avatar for amerninja2

So I'm working on a program "Master Directory Control", it gets all the information about all files in a directory (name, location, size, exists, etc.) and puts them into ListBoxes. That all works fine. There's a feature where you right click on selected file in the Name ListBox, and you …

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Member Avatar for itslucky

Hi, :) Dear Friends i want to run the Windows Calculator when i click on the Particular button in my C# application anybody please tell me that how can i do this... :?:

Member Avatar for itslucky
Member Avatar for itslucky

Hi, My Dear Friends, i have created a database and connect it with the C#, now i want to view the Print Preview the reports from the Database and show the preview in the C#, (when i click the perticular button) Now please help me to print and view the …

Member Avatar for itslucky
Member Avatar for mastermosley

I have the function AddToText which is located in the Form1 Partial Class [code] public void AddToText(string text) { this.txtStatus.Text = this.txtStatus.Text + "\r\n"; } [/code] I want to call this from a different class so I do: [code] Form1 frm = new Form1(); frm.AddToText("Test"); [/code] I click a button …

Member Avatar for mastermosley
Member Avatar for cljlxwater

hello, i want to guide dates from Excel to use in C# Form . can you tell me how to do ? or, i should look which books ? thank you

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for VRspace4

Hello, I'm writing a simple C# connectionless UDP application that communicates with a C++ connectionless UDP app. I could send from the C# to C++ using the following sets of functions fine: Send from C# to C++ C#: SendTo() C++: recvfrom() However, I'm having trouble receiving the C++ UDP messages …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for manjusaharan
Member Avatar for manjusaharan
Member Avatar for Digvijaysinh

Hiii I am developing one window application in c# and .net with sql server 2005 as database. now, i have Four questions: 1] I have one dropdownlist in form and i want to fetch the content/data of table category in to this dropdownlist and when I run this form on …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for Hugers

[B]I am new to this coding world. Recently I have started with Turbo C/C++. What next should I go for c# or java? Are their any online tutorials available through which I can start by myself?[/B]

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol

The End.