4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for sachintha81

First I created a Login to SQL Server using a T-SQL command from within C#. This is the query I used. [code] CREATE LOGIN NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE FROM WINDOWS WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE="MyDB"; [/code] Here, NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE is the name of the Login I created and MyDB is the DataBase I …

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Member Avatar for shinnxennosagga

Anybody ever use InkX or RichInk from OpenNETCF? Im having difficulties adding it on my windows mobile form, building the application is no problem, but when deploying it, a strange error pop up, saying something like missing Assembly. Btw, Im using Visual Studio 2008 as my editor.

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Member Avatar for something78

Hi, I am student doing my final term project. For my project, I am suppose to create a webpage that controls the a robot, the webpage will send out commands to allow the robot to program routines. The command will be send through serial port via the webpage. I have …

Member Avatar for something78
Member Avatar for TeCNoYoTTa

hello all i am using web browser component in my C# application to view PDF files so it use Foxit reader so it shows like that [img]http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/108/30521507.png[/img] but after minimizing and maximizing for some times it be like that [img]http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/835/brokeny.png[/img] ??? thanks in advance

Member Avatar for dandel

I have made a few applications in Visual Foxpro and now I'm trying to convert some to C# and use DBF files as is. I have tried successfully to "load" the DBF file into a DataGridView but it does not show empty date as blank but "12/31/1899" instead. Is there …

Member Avatar for AbuBakar

Hello ! I am developing a Desktop base not Web base application in C# by using Visual Studio 2003 I want to show images in one column of datagrid against each Product Id by using Picturebox which is coming from Database and want to raise events against the click and …

Member Avatar for rupspatil
Member Avatar for ebiemami

When install my application in PROGRAM FILES in vista I can`t add records to it cause its read only , but when I istall it somewhere else it works!!!!!!!!! what do I do? this is my connection string and the database is in my application folder: "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;DataSource=|DataDirectory|\\Database3.accdb"

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I want to run a Transact SQL statement from within C# in order to create a login to SQL Server. It is important that I do it inside the code, without executing a .sql file from outside the program. How do I do that? Following is the T-SQL statement I …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Poab9200

Ok, first things first. Hello everyone, I have a question. How would I go about adding Shortcut Arguments to my program(Code shown below). My idea: I play a game called [I]Counter-Strike:Source[/I] and recently I've needed to gather all the names of custom maps added to the \map directory. To the …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for korssane

hi all, i am developping a c# asp.net web app and i have a few questions please. 1- i want to make visible a dropdown list when a certain radiobutto is checked. 2- i want to add this dropdownlist to the same Groupe name as the radio button ( could …

Member Avatar for Sri_r
Member Avatar for dev_kc

I have written my code in a CLASS LIBRABY file,now i need to call this on click of a button which is there on the windows form... I am using Visual Studio2005 Please help me,i don't have any idea about how to do this:S

Member Avatar for Prof.Mendl
Member Avatar for Bhoot

I am developing a client-server application. However, here the situation is a bit different : There is only a single client that would connect to several servers that are listening for a connection. This means that the only client would require the port numbers of all the server exes. I …

Member Avatar for brandguru

Hey All I want to create a simple dice golf game in C# The basic idea is: A player rolls 3 random dice until they roll a double The number of rolls taken until a double is rolled is calculated and displayed on the console This is run 18 times …

Member Avatar for Poab9200
Member Avatar for Califer

So I'm starting to use XML and I'm trying to use it as a database of sorts. I've managed to save it off and read the whole thing in, but now the problem is that I want to be able to search through, get an item, and make it. My …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for gowthamkg

hi, I want read contacts in Particular Distribution List in outlook 2007 using C#(visual studio 2008)...i'm able to create to new distribution list and add members..How to retrieve them ?.Please help me to do this

Member Avatar for Bhoot

Currently I have started with my college project - Network monitoring, which may include features like keylogging, application blocking, h/w restrictions, catching snapshots, file operations surveillance, etc. (i mean as many as i would be able to add.) The platform for this project is C#.NET which is new to me. …

Member Avatar for Bhoot
Member Avatar for ram_mategunt

Normally through Test -> Administer Test Controllers, we will be able to see the status of Agents. Can the same be acheived through code in C#. Thanks. Rams

Member Avatar for gooddevilgod

Hi All, Me again..;) I have a general question of performing the Statistical operations on a given list of data elements. Like standard deviation , Mean, Median. Are there any dlls or APIS to do that. I have been using dotnetCHARTING.dll in which there are certain inbuilt functions which used …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for DaveD3

Hello, I am new to C# and .NET. I am working on a application which will run on a number of machines at the same time. All instances will access a single access database in a shared directory. All instances will be able to update the database. What I need …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for jonnytabpni

Hi folks, I'm sorry if this is the wrong section. I am making an application in VS2008 C# which accesses a 112MB .dbf file using OLEDB which has been taken from an old system. Please see here for background info: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/showthread.php?p=860812[/url] Depending on what system I use, seek times vary …

Member Avatar for sivak
Member Avatar for DaveD3

I am new to C# and .NET and am having a problem. I have a windows form application. I created a Ole data adapter to look at an Access Database with 3 tables. I then created a dataset which gets loaded by the adapter when the process starts. I then …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for bigN

Hi, I have a question about UI design in NET. I am creating a scientific application with C# and VS2008. Currently I am using a tab control were till now I have 3 level tab depth (eg tab inside tab etc) which is not very convenient, nor user friendly. I …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I have SQL Server Express 2008 installed in my computer. I need to create a Login to this using C# code. That is, I need to implement the same functionality that is performed when you create a Login to SQL Server using the wizard. Also I need the program to …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for bobber205

Been following ([url]http://codeidol.com/csharp/csharp-network/Asynchronous-Sockets/Using-Asynchronous-Sockets/[/url]) to help me learn the ins and outs of Asynchronous communcation. However, when I pass my "Server" socket to my callback function and when it gets there it says its disconnected. My BeginConnect and EndConnect work ok so far. Below is the appropriate code. What do I …

Member Avatar for Acedia
Member Avatar for mreynol5

I can not remember how to use the C# equivalent of "FIND" to locate a character's position in a string. Once I find the position I am searching for a Substring method to extract up to that. Can anyone point me to some documentation?

Member Avatar for ndeniche
Member Avatar for moiseszaragoza

i am trying to call a C# fonction or event from a JS object. i have this [code=asp.net] <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function UpdPanelUpdate(){ __doPostBack("????",""); } </script> <a onmouseover="UpdPanelUpdate()"> mose over me </a> <asp:Button ID="ClientID" runat="server" Text="Press ME" onclick="ClientID_Click1" /> [/code] i know that [B]__doPostBack(" ","");[/B] will cause my page to …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for Tank50

Hi Once I wrote below coding it give error meassage.Error meassage is "Member not found".I wrote red color that show the error meassage is occur. [CODE] Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xl = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook = (Excel.Workbook)xl.Workbooks.Open("D:\\Test\\VOIP_X.xls", 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true, 1, 0); [COLOR="red"] …

Member Avatar for Tank50
Member Avatar for love_dude1984

hi.. i just wanted to knw What is BusinessLogic Class in C#?? how it can be used in a program? & which namespaces should be used to access this class..?? i tried adding new namespaces bt it is not working. i will b reli happy if anyone helps me.. thanx..

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for nilaxiranjan

hi i want to update the exsistin user details in the database. Here i want that when the user loged in the edit profile page is there and all the details of the user can be displayed in there perticuler area. and after that if user want to update it …

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The End.