4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for MaggieLynn

[code] using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; class Program { public class AccountInfo { public int Number { get; set; } public double Balance { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } } // private class members, creating new arrays private int [] AcctNumber = …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for complete

How do you span columns in C#? In silverlight, suppose you have a grid, and this grid is in 3 columns. and you want to add a UserControl to this grid but you want it to span all three columns. How would that C# code look like? Grid1.Children.Add(UserControl01); But then …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

Hi I am creating an store procedure in sql server 2005. i want to pass table name as parameter dynamically in sp. here is my sp but it give me an error [CODE]ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.ImportToTable ( @TableName nvarchar(100), @que_id int , @sub_code int, @chap_no int, @que nvarchar(max), @opt1 nvarchar(max), @opt2 …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for udigold1

Hi, I'm trying to parse a csv fiel using a code i've found on line: [CODE] private DataTable ParseCSV(string path) { if (!File.Exists(path)) return null; string full = Path.GetFullPath(path); string file = Path.GetFileName(full); string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(full); //create the "database" connection string string connString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=\"" + …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for ejazmusavi

Hi Expert I am working with a project in c# vs.net 2005 and sql express as backend. I have successfully completed the works.i want to connect my application and sql express on lan. I have successfully connected the data base one day before but because of some problem i have …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for vincezed

i have a treeview in which i need to get the selected nodes text and its child node text(if any). I tried using AfterSelect event to get this but i only got the selected text but not the child text.. so can any one help me with this.. i am …

Member Avatar for vincezed
Member Avatar for lnk2019

Hi everyone, I'm writing an application that needs to be able to [I]capture and playback audio from specific audio jacks, specify the sample and bit rate, and if possible generate a signal given a frequency, amplitude e.c.t.[/I] I've tried to write it using [B]DirectShow[/B] in [B]C++[/B] but it's proved problematic …

Member Avatar for jfarrugia
Member Avatar for kapojian

help please.. how can i store the selected value from my database to a variable in my c# form... (eg. variable=select idnum from tblename)<--- i know i cant do that.. how can i pass its value?? im talking about a specific value from the database. lets say i log in …

Member Avatar for kapojian
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi i created a master page and i formatted it for the height and with, it is displayed correctly in the asp.net design page, but when i view it in the internet explorar i get a white space in between the menu and the body part. i can't find the …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for gnl74

Dear All, I am writing a web application based on C#. What I would like to achieve is the following: an application that uses a single, global SQL connection. Which can be opened or closed when querying the db. I think it would be nice to avoid instantiating an SqlConnection …

Member Avatar for gnl74
Member Avatar for rbn01

I have a simple C# windows form which acts as a login, but also has a form to change the password of a user. When you click on Change Password the form loads with a text box of current password, new pass and confirm new pass, and one save button. …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for normmy

Hi all, I am having some difficulty in finding how to make a Table Valued Function (TVF) work in C# and T-SQL. I have managed to get a Scalar Valued Function (SVF) working perfectly however I have not been able to find any adequate documentation on how to implement a …

Member Avatar for scrivomcdivo

Hey folks. I currently have the below code:- [CODE] int double weeksInYear = 52; int double num; while (num <= weeksInYear) Console.WriteLine("Week " + num); num += 2; [/CODE] Now when my code runs, it produces approximately 26 lines of text as below:- Week 1 Week 3 Week 5 etc..... …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

A couple weeks ago, Microsoft Research made available a project that had been under development for a while called Debugger Canvas. This is a visual tool for debugging applications where your functions appear as bubbles, similar to a database diagram or UML diagram. It only works on Visual Studio 2010 …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for Ssnowlin

I am not sure I am under the write forum but here is my problem: I have a pretty simple program written that works just have a lot of repeated code and am not sure how to condense it in this situation. The program reads in table names from the …

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Member Avatar for wickedBlast

Hello community! My first post here. (might probably have been under c#.. filename.asp.cs) I have a web AD management project undergoing as I am currently at testing.. the interface *yay* Extent of the project; pulling a list of employees managed by Mr X. Edit specific fields. I'm building my interface …

Member Avatar for wickedBlast
Member Avatar for rminator

How can I convert a DataTable to a multi-line graph in c#? i have a DataTable with values,and i want to convert it in a multi line Graph, first Row will be my X axis(Date) and the other one values of sensor(in °c). Thx in Advance.

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for CeeGee

[TEX]Create a class named Pizza. Data fields include a string for toppings (such as pepperoni), an integer for diameter in inches (such as 12), and a double for price (such as 13.99). Include properties to get and set values for each of these fields. Create a class named TestPizza that …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for umeshMCA

hi, i have a xml file and i would like to read and write data in XML file. thanks regards umesh chand daiya

Member Avatar for thomas6188
Member Avatar for CeeGee

Create a class named Pizza. Data fields include a string for toppings (such as pepperoni), an integer for diameter in inches (such as 12), and a double for price (such as 13.99). Include properties to get and set values for each of these fields. Create a class named TestPizza that …

Member Avatar for samueal
Member Avatar for hawkmcdowell85

Hello, I have some limited background in C++ and Java, though I haven't programmed in years. I'm wanting to begin programming through learning C#. I have a project plan in sight to help me learn along the way using Windows Forms and C#. I was looking for guidance here in …

Member Avatar for hawkmcdowell85
Member Avatar for MaggieLynn

Getting errors stating that 'Assignment3.Converter' does not contain a definition for 'breakdown'...cannot get this to work...I know there is a problem with the breakdown and dollarAmount, but I can't seem to figure out the solution. [code] using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Assignment3 { class Converter { …

Member Avatar for MaggieLynn
Member Avatar for hg_fs2002

[CODE] sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(); sqlCmd.Connection = sqlCon; sqlCmd.CommandText = "update trainn set Adultno=Adultno-1 where ID=@pram1 and adult=@pram2 and Adultno>0"; sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pram1", textBox3.Text); sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlCon.Close();[/CODE] The code is working properly when there is an update,but when it comes to more than one I don't know what to do? The following code …

Member Avatar for hg_fs2002
Member Avatar for Chair

Hi, if somebody can help me.. On main form, I have this set of alphabet letters and a datagridview. Each letter represents the first letter of each item in the datagrid. When a letter has items in the datagrid, it's underlined to show that it's clickable; no items=not clickable. When …

Member Avatar for M.Jama

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Data; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using System.Windows.Shapes; using Business; Guys, I want to populate the DataGridview with a dataset I have created but I am having problem and I would be thankful if …

Member Avatar for M.Jama
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hello, I don't know anything about C# and want to learn it. If anyone could please tell me the quickest way to learn C# in few days, I'll really appreciate. Thanks and Regards.

Member Avatar for CsharpChico
Member Avatar for ddanbe

I find C# very well suited for doing math and all sorts of calculations, so here is an example. Just start a Console application and fill in the code. Have fun! The code also shows a use of delegates and some Console functions. If you don't know what the Newton-Raphson …

Member Avatar for jaskiratj

hello everyone.. 1)is there a way to print the data present in the griedview? 2)for the same, do we need to export the gridview data to excel for print purpose in web application? if yes, how to export that data... thank you

Member Avatar for shiva07
Member Avatar for jmurph333

I am currently working on a game that takes place in the console. I need to know how to combine [CODE]Console.WriteLine()[/CODE] and [CODE]Console.ReadLine()[/CODE] into 1 line so that the blinking underscore appears on the same line. Is there any way to do this? Any help is appreciated.

Member Avatar for jmurph333
Member Avatar for matt240

Hi friends am trying to develop a software that can store biometric input like a finger print to my Sql server using c# how can i do this. thank you in advance

Member Avatar for jfarrugia

The End.