4,589 Topics

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Hi everyone; I need some help Im want to write a WIndows service C# app which will check some urls and choose the one with the lowest ping (the one with high data transfer speed) stream data from that server, and alse check all other servers and write in log …

Member Avatar for jfarrugia
Member Avatar for cutexxbaby

hihi i am a newbiest on c# and window form i am doing a web service, and use a form which contain a datagridview but meet quite alot of problem 1. how to validate user input with database, like example, when the user insert a username, however the database have …

Member Avatar for DaveAmour
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

I want to know what types of useful softwares can be made by using ASP.net/C# ? I have Software Engineering and Web Development as my subjects ...... What type of softwares can I design for a project ? Currently I was working of a ChatRoom application !!!! Please help !

Member Avatar for Sarama2030
Member Avatar for Chair

Hi, Is there a way to "clear a previous loop and form a fresh new loop"? I'm paging my datagrid. Upon form_load, it shows all records in batches of for example 10, which I can set in a textbox. If for example I have 60 records, then my loop code …

Member Avatar for Chair
Member Avatar for Toulinwoek

Borland has released some "Turbo Explorer" editions of it's development tools. I am wondering if anyone here can tell me (as objectively as possible) if the Delphi language is -"Better" -More powerful -Easier to learn -More Flexible -Able to create better performing apps Than C# (I am particularly referring to …

Member Avatar for conhulio
Member Avatar for revjim44

I'm trying to understand the correct way to instantiate objects in C#, and I just can't seem to get it right. My code is in lines 17-37 lines 47-51 and lines 102-103 Any direction would be genuinely appreciated. Jim [CODE] private void findMortgagePayment() { string prompt; bool validPV = false; …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for CeeGee

Hey all, i am a newbie at C# and need help with this program. This is what i have so far.The first part of the program work, but the second method InchesToFeetdoes not work. Please help. Due on Monday. Create a class named InchesToFeet. Its Main ( ) method holds …

Member Avatar for DaveAmour
Member Avatar for khocmedemmua

I have 2000 emails to send to my customers. But I what that, it sends 400 emails at a time. How can I do that? Please help me! Thanks

Member Avatar for khocmedemmua
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

I have attached my whole project as 'Record.zip'. It builds without errors, but an exception comes up ..... Please help me remove it ! Thanx

Member Avatar for localp

Hello, i have written a code in 'C' using visual C++, and i was able to create a DLL out of it. Now i need to access a method of this DLL, from my C# Main() method. How do i do this? The steps that i followed so far; 1.) …

Member Avatar for localp
Member Avatar for pro_learner

I'm novice to C#.net & i'm using Visual Studio 2010 as the IDE.I have created a Desktop Application in C# & i want to connect it with the Database in SQL server 2008.Friends can you tell me the code or web links to solve this issue.....

Member Avatar for pro_learner
Member Avatar for Buffalo101

Hi, What's the best way of integrating a Paypal button in a WinForms application? I can make a tiny WebBrowser and render the form html in it, but when clicking it, processing should be done by the default browser, not the WebBrowser in my application. LEdit: Or I could just …

Member Avatar for Buffalo101
Member Avatar for eaon21

i learned earlier how to move between two forms back and forth. but what if there are more forms? this is my code for form1: [CODE]Form2 form2 = new Form2(); private void aboutoldtrafford_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { this.Hide(); form2.ShowDialog(); this.Show(); } [/CODE] when i click the button I can go …

Member Avatar for Bridgekeepers
Member Avatar for whodoes21

Hello :D we've been working on this simple student database where we can add, edit and delete a student record... sooo going straight to the point I'm having problem with displaying details from two different tables as you can see we can only open using one connection string and try …

Member Avatar for whodoes21
Member Avatar for khocmedemmua

At present, my source code project is in disk E, this is its path : [COLOR="Red"]E:\WindowsApplication1[/COLOR] In this folder has a folder Files, with path : [COLOR="Red"]E:\WindowsApplication1\WindowsApplication1\bin\Debug\Files[/COLOR] I have a form with a browse button to choose file, after choose file, it will save into folder Files automatically. My chosen …

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for rminator

string valeur = ligne.Split(ChrW(59))(0); what is the equivalent of that in C# please???

Member Avatar for samueal
Member Avatar for user20000

Hi, I need to make a browser in C# (I can use webbrowser I guess), and I need to create 2 buttons, one is on and one is off. If user selects on browser will load all the pictures in the page, if user selects off browser will load only …

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Day all i have a SQL Job and i want to change the times in the job programmatically from C#. The application that will change the Job Settings will be accessing the job remotely. Is is possible ? Thanks

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for historymaker333

Hey, as a part of my semester project. I've made an application which is using the database from the data directory. But i wanted this application to be distributed and for others to be useing it on the same lan etc. So do i just have to change the connection …

Member Avatar for Ken Peterson
Member Avatar for Edward472

I am writing a .Net application trying to automate keystrokes in a Thin Terminal called Persona. I can open the program and set my focus to it but what I need to do is click the connect button in the menu bar. I used Spy++ to look at the window …

Member Avatar for oredigger
Member Avatar for Nurder

Hello All, I've got a problem and I hope you'll help me, because I'm desperate. I've been finding everywhere on the websites, but I haven't found it yet :( .... I found this website [url]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/miscctrl/ClickAndDragPictureBox.aspx[/url] , where it the same function what I want to do it. I want to …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Chair

Hi, I need to have all the letters of the alphabet displayed across my tabpage, with each letter clickable. Can someone pls help me; I can't get this right, I only have the letter A displayed: [CODE] Label[] lblalpha = null; lblalpha = new Label[26]; string alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; char[] …

Member Avatar for Chair
Member Avatar for Stefan_Lam88

Hi everyone. I have a few question to ask regarding email notification in c#. I have the following codes: [CODE] SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(); MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); message.To.Add("alex@hotmail.com"); message.To.Add("alex2@gmail.com"); message.Subject = "Test"; message.IsBodyHtml = true; message.Body = "<html><b>Hello World!</b></html>"; smtpClient.Send(message); [/CODE] While in my web.config I do …

Member Avatar for Stefan_Lam88
Member Avatar for leo88

hi, I am from c# field and now are doing a project using VB, I wants to ask about question as below: 1) private static DataSet ds; I wants to convert the C# codes above to VB syntax, but VB seems like don't have equivalent keywords of "static"(Correct me if …

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Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a project which is build in visaul studio 2008 with the database used the mdf file. how can i keep the mdf file in a local network so that everbody can access if from the application. how can i do this. i want the mdf file …

Member Avatar for historymaker333
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

I have made a program to plot the time domain signal of a wav file and its FFT using C# and Matlab. The link to the application is ... [URL="http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?2e06a68w5supcg9"]http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?2e06a68w5supcg9[/URL] The application was built without errors but, I am having an unexpected exception regarding loading of an assembly file. Please …

Member Avatar for jamesrichards

Hi, Lately I found a C# sip sms example. With it an efficient system can be built for sending sms information or notification. I want to ask your opinion if I should try it or not. It can be found here: <URL SNIPPED> Thank you.

Member Avatar for jfarrugia
Member Avatar for vehpurple

okay so i have to make a windows form app in c# for a car catalog company as an assignment for school. i was about half way done, and i simply dont have time. i could email you my half done app if you would like. i have all the …

Member Avatar for vehpurple
Member Avatar for ScepterMT

When I began the programming for [snipped link], I quickly noticed that Asp.net does not support the MessageBox class that I was familiar with in windows forms. Since Asp.net runs on the server it doesn't have access to produce a modal dialog box on the client. However, by using a …

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Member Avatar for NETProgrammer

The End.