4,589 Topics
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Hi, I have such simple structure in unmanaged C++: struct Cam { char ip[16]; char login[16]; char pass[16]; char name[16]; }; and C# marshalled structure: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)] public struct Cam { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 16)] public string ip; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 16)] public string login; … | |
HiHi seems like i have so many queries for programming.. EG. textbox use to set the password how can i make a program so that i can set MINIMUM character to be inserted in textbox is 7 then i can save the data if not validate[ insert password with at … | |
Hi, I have a requirement where I need to generate the combinations of string based on some rules. For Eg: I have a string like: [x | y] z [A] Possible combinations are, z,ZA,xz,xyz,xzA,yzA The rules are, 1.[],| are symbols. 2.Any text inside [] is optional eg: [x] 3.| means … | |
Create a class named Book that includes auto-implemented properties for the International Standard Book Number (ISBN), title, author, and price. (An ISBN is a unique number assigned to each published book.) Create a child class named TextBook that includes a grade level and a CoffeeTableBook child class that contains no … | |
I am new to programming and picked up the following book by microsoft. I am taking Computer Science in college and would love to know if this is the correct step. I am very interested in how computer language works and wantto get into this a lot more. I've read … | |
I am working from the sample project here: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/8086/Extending-the-save-file-dialog-class-in-NET I have hidden the address/location bar at the top and made other modifications but I can't for the life of me manage to disable the button that lets you go up to the parent folder. Ist is in the ToolbarWindow32 class … | |
Here is a sample code snippet of logging in a user against a user table in an MSSQL database with password encryption. Scott Knake | |
I need to find out how to cut text and insert text into a textfile.....I know about StreamReader and StreamWriter but i dont think any of these will do unless theres some method in the class that I dont know about. I want to be able for example read from … | |
I'm trying to write a program than can take two audio files (e.g. WAV) as inputs, compare them, and spit out a number that tells you how similar the audio files are. If someone has done something like this, know how to go about doing it, or just have some … | |
Don’t know if this is ever been done before, or even if it is a good way to do it. I’ll just await your comments if any. What I mostly found on the web is that if you want to define a polynomial you need to have an array containing … | |
Hi, Dear Friends i have complete my C# project and its working greate, Now i want to make a Setup / Installation file of my Completed C# project, so i can install it on any Machine and use it, just like a softwares we download and install them on our … | |
I have in a MySQL database with the column type being DateTime the following time: Timestamp: 9:34:09 9:34:23 9:34:45 9:34:50 9:35:09 9:36:17 But a DataGridView in C# only shows me 9:34 9:34 9:34 9:34 9:35 9:36 Why? | |
C# Interview tomorrow Hello fellow programmers. I know this doesn't have anything to do with code but I really need some advice. I have a .NET(C#) interview tomorrow for a junior vacancy. The problem I have is that all my experience is based on PHP. I have a good understanding … | |
Hi I want to display the html content of the web pages(url address) in a c# window applications, but it is possible to get the dynamic content of a web pages also. If yes please query your comment. | |
Hello, So I basically created SQL Server Database and I got it working with displaying my images and drop downlist and everything, however, I want to make it to display an image only if a continent is selected. So if I select Europe, I would like to receive a picture … | |
I have a placeholder control where i have added the files from my folder. I have also binded a check box with each file How i can download the files if checkbox is clicked. string strDir = Request.QueryString["d"] == null ? FileBrowerProperty.IntialPath : Request.QueryString["d"]; //read the directory DirectoryInfo DirInfo = … | |
Hello! I am working on updation of an old asp classic website. I have experience in Asp.net but dont know much about asp classic. I want to show my query results in xml format. I am getting data in my record set but unable to convert it into xml and … | |
I will be showing how to pass data between two forms in C#. I will be using two forms, two classes which we will define, a delegate, an event, and an event handler. It is a bit long because I wanted to make it easy to follow. If you want … | |
I am developing a client server application in C#. I am sending from my server to client an object of `Student` type which I serialize on the server side and deserialize on client side. The serialization and deserialization are as follows : // server side serialization. Student s1 = new … | |
Good Evening. :). I just want to ask who knows any COMPLEX DATA TYPES IN C#. I badly need it tomorrow morning. I can hardly search and find the exact codes for it. Please help me. PLEASE... THANK YOU VERY MUCH. :D | |
I developed a desktop application using C#, i used crystal reports for the purpose of diffrent reports. Crystal reports working well when i run through visual studio 2010. But after making its msi file all the features working well except the crystal reports. Niether application showing me any error nor … | |
Why isn't the Microsoft built in class Random class an type static class as the Math. class is. Why didn't they make this class static? | |
I want allow only to enter numeric values in a textbox in C#. Can someone assist me on this. would be a great help. | |
hey all again i have a little issue it may be a little stupid but i'm not able to figure it out what i'm trying to do is to make a counter ,, i'm trying to get a number from database and increment 1 to it and adding it one … | |
Hi, I am Developing Desktop application in VS2008 with C#. I wan to send SMS using my C# Application. Can any one give me idea abt that. Thanks in Advance Pratik Asthana | |
Hi Does anyone know how to send sms using c#? do i need to buy a modem which can insert sim card? i have search the web. some do provide source code but it can't seem to work when i copy and paste the code to c#. Thanks | |
I'm trying to find a way where the database name and the server name can be dynamic. I'm developing an application which uses C# and crystal reports. Both application and the reports use the same database which is setup on a separate database server. This application now needs to be … | |
How do I detect left mouse button down and up events on the 'Close' option of the system menu that appears when the mouse is clicked on the top left corner of a form? | |
So here is the thing its been days since im trying to solve this, i'm debuggin a project from the company i work, its a web system, and here is the thing i have a javascript file which im going to call 'docart.js' and a core file which i will … | |
I have a textbox called ssd. I want it to compile the C# code in it to "Prgoram.exe" at the same location. I tried this: CSharpCodeProvider codeProvider = new CSharpCodeProvider(); ICodeCompiler icc = codeProvider.CreateCompiler(); System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters parameters = new CompilerParameters(); parameters.GenerateExecutable = true; parameters.CompilerOptions = "/target:winexe"; parameters.OutputAssembly = "Program.exe"; parameters.GenerateInMemory = … |
The End.