4,589 Topics
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Hi EveryOne, Can I ask your help/suggestion: click a button to open popup window, how can i carry the one of col. info to parent window's text box when user double click the row in listview in popup window. I have a code collected in the online for PopUpform: private … | |
So here is the thing its been days since im trying to solve this, i'm debuggin a project from the company i work, its a web system, and here is the thing i have a javascript file which im going to call 'docart.js' and a core file which i will … | |
Hello, I heard that microsoft is planning to make an AoT (Ahead-of-Time) Compiler for the C# so it can compile it to a native code instead of the IL... My question is, When will this compiler be available? | |
Hello every one . I have a piece code in VB.net which work perfectly. but now i convert that code to C# Which give me the follwing error. "No suitable Method found to override" my VB.Net Code is Here Protected Overrides Sub onload(ByVal e As EventArgs) startPosX = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width - … | |
I took the liberty of posting the assignment and the work I've done. I can't figure this one out, can anyone help me And I did put an attempt at this, almost 4 hours now and I'm burnt out. If anyone can help me I would soooo love you. "Your … | |
Hi guys, I have some C# code in my Powershell script and in that code I have a global variable. How can I access my variable from the powershell code ? $source = @' using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; … | |
i want to create an activity log on an application i have wereby on the website i am able to see exactly what the user did on the page meaning which buttons was pressed and what else he did . . . Is it possible ? | |
is it possible to create an online database using c# with a specific plug-in? | |
in the programming world which of the two languages is prefferable in software development ? | |
Hi everyone, i'm try to build windows application about: read real time data from serial port and filter. But i don't know how to build function filter signal in c#. Can you help me? Pls! | |
I have an application that is running on the inernet, done in asp.net(webforms). I want a group of users to be able to work offline so I have designed a desktop c# application (winforms) that will do the offline work. I want the desktop application to update a database server … | |
I got error like syntaxt error in update statment strcmd="update emp set Name='"+txtname.Text+"',where id="+tsxid.Text cmd=new OledbCommand(strcmd,con); cmd.ExecuteNonquery(); | |
Recieve Data From Serial Com Port C# In One Line And Convert To int Posted A minute ago Hi guys i have problem i make code that take data from serial com port for weighting machine it is ok working but it recieve data in more lines.I try to make … | |
Hi Guys, Is it possible to call the C# function from Javasript...... Sushil Kumar :rolleyes: | |
Hello Everyone, Was just wondering if anyone here does Windows Phone Development? apart from Android and iOS are there are Windows Phone developers here that could help out? Thanks! | |
How can i make a list of value window in asp.net 2.0 with c# and how i get value from GridView of Child Page to a server control [TextBox] in a Parent window. | |
I have here my code; dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); dataGridView1.Refresh(); OleDbDataAdapter dAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("select * from Personaldata", connParam); OleDbCommandBuilder cBuilder = new OleDbCommandBuilder(dAdapter); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); dAdapter.Fill(dataTable); dataGridView1.DataSource = dataTable; for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++) { dataGridView1.Rows.Add(dataTable.Rows[i][0], dataTable.Rows[i][1], dataTable.Rows[i][2], dataTable.Rows[i][3], dataTable.Rows[i][4], … | |
Hi, I am having trouble writing the code to work for my C# .Net assignment. I already design the form and now I have to get the code to work for my program. The problem I am having is if I put a number in my design form other than … | |
why do we have to seal a classes if we know that it's not going to inherit to any class. | |
hi.. I am working with an desktop application and i want to encrypt dlls after deployment.. Can anyone plz help me??? | |
i need a code in c# so that i can convert webpages n html pages into PDF format | |
What are the differences between Dynamic Var and an Object in C#? | |
Hello wizards Please i need some help from you all. I need to write a c# code to select files(pdf files to be precise) from any location on my PC. Also, i need to get the filename and i will also like to manipulate the text contained in the file. … | |
EDIT: I'm sorry for multiple posts, I couldn't delete or modify the previous one. Hey guys, ASP.net noob here (several years since I've worked with anything not opensource-related). I'm attempting to pretty much copy and modify an ecommerce site tutorial which is driven by my already created MS SQL database … | |
hi all i have made c# project that use sql database and i want publish this project and make a setup file and include sql server program to the setup .. i meen when the project is setup sql server setup too .. | |
How to find a word in a text file in c#? I need highlighted text in image ? (http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/85836723-2f35-44e2-ab0f-277b6d814da2/how-to-find-a-word-in-a-text-file-in-c-i-need-highlighted-text-in-image-how-to-get-that?forum=csharpgeneral) | |
(Get "Temporary Internet Files" directory and files) const int cookies = 32; Shell32.Folder objFolder; Shell32.FolderItems objFolderItems; Shell32.ShellClass objShell; string strFolderpath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath().Substring(0, System.IO.Path.GetTempPath().Length - 1) + "orary Internet Files\\"; objShell = new Shell32.ShellClass(); objFolder = objShell.NameSpace(cookies); objFolderItems = objFolder.Items(); foreach (Shell32.FolderItem objFolderItem in objFolderItems) { //MessageBox.Show(strFolderpath+objFolderItem.Path.ToString()); string strDeleteFile = strFolderpath … | |
Hi everybody, I would like to please for your advice. I need to create objects of the class MyXSDGeneratedClass that is generated by utility XSDObjectGen. Does anyone have experience of how to proceed to get this utility to VS2010 (utility's include into visual studio) and could thus use the above … | |
i have created a webcam , now i want that on starbroadcast click the video that is being broadcasted streams and gets live,,,, please suggest me some code snippet for this |
The End.