4,589 Topics
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Most people at my college say that Java is easier than C#. Is it true ? On the internet mostly I see are Java apps. !!! Could anyone anyone tell me that what are the applications of C#, 'cause I am planning to a project on this language. Thanx | |
i need to add a column in gridview.. the column should contain image of the person..and the name of the image is to be taken from database. eg: table:tbl_Details columns: Picture:ee.jpg Name:abcd Age:20 Address:"abc street" the picture ee.jpg is saved in a folder "Images" in the Website. could someone help … | |
Hi, I am new to C# and Forms/GUIs. Basically I am trying to pass a value in a textBox to my programs program.cs file where I can apply my programs logic, but I'm stuck with how to do this. To get started all I am making is a form which … | |
[B]i have developed a c# project now i have to make it an Exe so that i can install it on any system and run it... the bin which contains the exe only runs in the system which has .net installed and does not executes where there is no .net.... … | |
Hello freinds, Recently i was interviewes in accenture and i was asked what the difference between tostring and convertostring. I think tostring checks for spaces and convertostring does not | |
can someone send the code for connecting with MySql in asp.net. and code for inserting some entry to a table. I have no idea about MySql. Am having an interview on 16th March.They asked me to do with MySql. Please someone help me.. | |
I have a .wmv file which is 3 seconds long. I want it to play at a certain part of my program. Any ideas? | |
Hello, I'm hoping you can help me make a smart decision. I have some code written in native C++, a full program actually--and I need to use it with C#. The application is, at the moment, very basic. It has a console user interface, and settings need to be changed … | |
I use VS 2008. The forms which I designed in a project does not display in the correct size and alignment when the program is run. Even the controls in that form has changed their relative sizes. What can I do to overcome this problem? | |
Hi, i got some problems with remove and split: i have the outputs, as below: {1 2} 3 How to remove the syimbol {} and split the 3 ?for example. it will become 1 2 3 anyone know? Please help me.. | |
Hi! I'm trying to do a very simple program with C# that opens a webpages, put a nick and a password in the form of that page and that "presses" the login button... I don't know what to search online that could help me. | |
hi, i wants to take the items from a listbox and then store to a dictionary list like this: Dictionary<string, double> sortList3 = new Dictionary<string, double>(); In the dictionary, the key is string and value is double. The listbox content is as below: {1 2} 4 {1 4} 6 {1 … | |
the problem message as above title. this problem cause when I perform update. When I select record and click update button. It will show the data into above textbox,combobox and picturebox. When I click save button it will pop out the message(title). Line 32 [CODE]private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) … | |
Currently I have a windows service written in C# (running as LocalSystem) which creates a user account, needed for impersonation, by using the DirectoryEntry to add the user/password and associated UserFlags. Then it simply uses this account to perform some tasks (using impersonation) using the LogonUser() functionality - works perfectly. … | |
Hi, Currently i have requirement to i have to connect C# applicaton to DB2. I dont know much about DB2 and i dont know how to connect this and which tool i need to use for this. please suggest me how to connect this and which type of tool i … | |
Hey How can I send mail thru C#? It seems that it can be sent only thru Smtp (from Googling) but there has to be a way to do it thru POP3 as Windows Live Hotmail supports it and AFAIK VB.NET also supports it. If someone can give me a … | |
Who can help me?? [B]Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Window Form Application C#[/B] I'm want store some data and picture in access database and display the data and picture in datagridview. when the user double click the record in datagridview. it will display data and picture into above textbox for update … | |
I have a one problem for backspaces in c#(windows) I have written following code in keyup event for textbox i.e (Text Box is placed On 5 th panel) Collapse if(e.keydata==keys.back) { sendkeys.send=("+{BS}"); Sendkeys.send={Break}; } It will delete ONLY ONE char. When I'm pressing backspace button but when I'm holding backspace … | |
What would be a common strategy for using DLLs coded in native C++ in C#? I'm not really finding much good information about it, other than writing the DLL in C. | |
..Im preparing my way on studying C# this summer for my C#programming class.. .. well of course, I need a compiler so I could try it myself.. ..I just want to ask what could be the "BEST" compiler I can use for my purpose.. .. | |
HY DEAR i want to access or retriving pictures from MS access to C# program. what r the qurey to send . thanks | |
I am thinking of learning C++ (I already know Python and Java), and a friend of mine is thinking of learning C# (already knows some Java and JavaScript). I know there is a long debated "C++ or C#" ordeal out there, so I am not asking about that! :) (I've … | |
Goal: drag-and-drop from one button to another button and have access to the following info from the original button: - Image - BackColor - Tag Problem: I can only implement one. If I try to implement all three I get null pointers. [code] private void button1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { … | |
I have created .exe file in matlab but i want it to use it in C# form.What is the code to do this??plzz help | |
i got a problem i have a registration and log in program the registration is fine but on log-in , the 1st entry on registration is the only accessible on log in i tried the 2nd and 3rd username with correct psw but it got an error heres my code … | |
I try to develop the program with C# VS in Windows Mobile5.0 My application up and running, however when I scan the barcode and get the data from database it work fine. Once I keep scan the barcode for a while. Program stop working and sometime can be terminate as … | |
hi, can anyone tell me how can i get the OUT parameter value in my calling code. my code is like following: [code] Class abc{ public int sum(int a,out int b){ [COLOR="Green"][B]b[/B][/COLOR] = 10; return a+b; } } [/code] how can i use the value of [COLOR="Green"][B]b[/B][/COLOR] in my calling … | |
PLease can someone help? I need to create a program that reads a list of units and names "eg ounce,gram,28" then asks for a user input, and then converts and displays the result. So far all i have been able to do is get it to read the first line, … | |
Create a console-based application that computes the price of a desk and whose main() method calls four other methods a method to accept the number of drawers in the desk an input from the keyboard. this method returns the number of drawers to the main method a method to accept … | |
hi i am looking for some code and step by step instructions for the c sharp encryption and decryption process. if anyone is willing to send me some instructions i would be grateful. thanks Neville |
The End.