4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for mmeyer49

I am trying to write a smiple email web program. Whenever I try to get an out going email I keep getting the general message that the computer is denying me access. "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it " I have tried this at …

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Member Avatar for hanvyj

Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place for a WPF question... but you might be able to help me! I am using Visual Studio Express 2010 (Which I didn't know had an evaluation time, going to have to change to 2008!) and I'm developing a WPF application. …

Member Avatar for hanvyj
Member Avatar for compulove

Hi! I am trying to teach myself C# and basically I have been reading books and online materials to help me but I think I need to really be more hands on with it to really have it sink in. Any ideas on websites or software that I could get …

Member Avatar for compulove
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a code to open an excel file and get the information from the excel file, but how can i get the used rows in the excel file appreciate a lot if someone could give a tutorial or some guidance thankx

Member Avatar for mukund1988
Member Avatar for richjohn.bulante

hi, good day . ahmmm, i have a problem in terms of adding a technology which is biometrics in our project, can you please help me on how to code the finger biometric in our online website my front end is asp.net and my back end is sql database. and …

Member Avatar for richjohn.bulante
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

HI, how do i draw the observer pattern in a component diagram? appreciate if someone could point me to a link thanks,

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for badboy515

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; /* * @(#)fractal.java - Fractal Program Mandelbrot Set * www.eckhard-roessel.de * Copyright (c) Eckhard Roessel. All Rights Reserved. * 06/30/2000 - 03/29/2000 */ //import java.awt.*; //import java.applet.*; //import java.awt.event.*; /** * @version …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for richjohn.bulante

i have a problem on how to code for automatic generate an employee id whenever i registered an account in my system. i used asp.net as my front end and Sql Server Database 2005 as my back end.. thnx a lot!

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

during signup by applicant he/she must fill her educational details , total 5 educational levels, 1.ssc 2.hssc 3. BS 4. MS 5. Phd now lets say that an applicant has only BS passed then it mean that he/she would not have fill 4 and 5 option, now i want that …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for gfsasa

hi, I wan to develop sms gateway of my own in c#, can anyone provide me source code...... or the ways show to develop client/server application

Member Avatar for kingrobbie
Member Avatar for pmark019

Here is my code. unametxt = textBlock1.Text; passtxt = textBlock2.Text; WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.BaseAddress = "http://students.usls.edu.ph"; webClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(unametxt, passtxt); webClient.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(client_DownloadStringCompleted); webClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("http://students.usls.edu.ph")); After connecting, the source code is downloaded and saved to a string variable. public void client_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e) { data …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Momerath

Below you'll find a small program. The challenge is to predict the output of the program, then explain why it gave the output it did. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Sample { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { MyStruct a; a.a = 1; a.b = 2; Dictionary<MyStruct, int> …

Member Avatar for f.khansaheb
Member Avatar for mini person

[COLOR="Green"] hi every body i'm a new user in this site , and this term I am doing graduation project .. So , I wanna ask some questions in programming .. first one : how to connect between 2 computers via wireless ?? second : If the connectivity between the …

Member Avatar for WVPhysicist
Member Avatar for lilwizz770

I'm new to asp.net and i will need help with my csharp, i will be glad if anybody can assist.

Member Avatar for Michael27
Member Avatar for pmark019

This code is a java code. Can you please help me convert this to c#? private static URL URLObj; private static URLConnection connect; static String source = ""; public static void main(String[] args) { try { URLObj = new URL("http://students.usls.edu.ph"); connect = URLObj.openConnection(); connect.setDoOutput(true); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { System.out.println("The …

Member Avatar for cale.macdonald
Member Avatar for Delnith

I am looking to expand from C to C# and would like to know of some very basic programs to start with or a place to find basic program assignments or a tutorial

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Brick Wall

Hi I’m fairly new to c# programing so please bear with me. I’m currently working on a “simple” little program which allows the user to enter 5 values into the same text box and once this has been done I want to be able to display the maximum and minimum …

Member Avatar for Brick Wall
Member Avatar for lion8420

I am attempting to create a "dirty form" checking class based on an example found at codeproject. I am hung up on the first line of one of the classes public class ControlDirtyTrackerCollection: List<ControlDirtyTracker> I am unsure how to replicate that : List<> part in vb net. Thanks

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

how do i represent this in aggregation C# code P1 and P2 as classes and then use aggregation to assign A, A’ instances to them. apprecite a reply thanks

Member Avatar for anisha.silva
Member Avatar for catbuituyetvoi
Member Avatar for requimrar

Hello, I want to ask if there is any way to play an mp3 file in C# without the use of P/Invoke or winmp dll and the like. I can use external libraries too. It would also be nice if I could "include" the mp3 in the C# project, as …

Member Avatar for asad_dani
Member Avatar for SCass2010

Hi everyone, Just wondering if anyone could give me a bit of advice... For a project at university I'm going to try and create a sort of stock market advisor. Basically it will take data say from Yahoo, parse it, and based on certain rules provided by a user it …

Member Avatar for everphilski

long time listener, first time caller... I'm trying to generate Excel charts using c#. I'm using Excel.Range to set a range (series of values) to plot. However, I'd like to plot two series that are not next to each other. For example, B1:B10 and G1:G10 versus A1:A10 on the x-axis. …

Member Avatar for lokendra jain
Member Avatar for Behseini

Hi, I just wondering if it is possible to read and write files from Mac Mobile devices in PC using C#?Is it possible to create a file transfer to iPhone and iPad (Something like iExplorer or very simple iTune) using C#? If yes, can you please advise me how I …

Member Avatar for stevenbc
Member Avatar for jeha0

Hi. I'm Jens from Sweden. I have been programmming mostly embedded (AVR) using C for a couple of years. Tried Java (for Windows and Linux on desktop PC) but discovered lots of problems with that. Also tried C++ with CodeBlocks or other IDE's. Struggled with QT4 designer for a while …

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Member Avatar for shabi kuti

Hi I have a question in writing this code. it goes as follows: i have to 2dropdown lists , that is the start location and the end location . if the user selects a start and a end location the distance falls to a textbox called txtdistance. can anyone help …

Member Avatar for Sayfuddin
Member Avatar for Devi_1

**I develop a simple asp.net application.My grid has autogenerate columns,i want to pass my last cell value in grid to hyperlink**

Member Avatar for shalshal

hi, is it possible to collaborate matlab and c#? if yes..how do you do it? and will the application be able to run on windows phone 7?

Member Avatar for nikita singh
Member Avatar for Dendei

Hello, so im trying to send an metod that takes a class as input parameter with a bunch of variables. I want to write in some textboxes in my php side of the program send them with my class and into a database. but the database part is no problem …

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Member Avatar for nmaillet

The End.