4,589 Topics
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C#, SQL SERVER 2005 first. Sorry for the bad english :> can anyone give me ideas, techniques, theories, or any posible solution. Here is a scenario i have a form called SearchItem and a database table doc_Item doc_Item has a 1 million. . . data. when i click a button … | |
Hello i managed to call my C# DLL in Lisp with (command "Program.dll") and I m able to call Lisp from C# with sendstring ... What I need is a Lisp Function that called from C# which gives its results (picked Objects) back to C# Has anybody an idea ? … | |
hi, i wanted to know how to i test a metho as below int32[] AT; int32AB,ab; int32[] at; public void A() { AT = at; AB = ab; return; } is this correct public void SetStaticTest1() { Int32[] AT ; Int32[] at = {1,2,3,4,5}; Int32 AB ; Int32 ab = … | |
Hello, I was wondering how could I display around 10 rows vertically and 34 horizontally in a table view with ticks? Every row will have a tick, which upon saving will be added to the database. Any suggestions are highly appreciated! | |
Who know how to let winForms C# access SQL database through internet. | |
Hi I am developing a windows application. For your infomation FRONT END : C# (VISUAL STUDIO 2008) BACKEND : SQL SERVER 2008 In a single form I have an option for add and remove client. Two different buttons are used(Add and delete clients). When I click on Add button the … | |
I want to develop an area converter program. In this program i used two combobox in which user can select value From and to Converting Area And two TextBox In one textbox user enter the value to convert and other textbox give the converting output. pls provide me the Coding … | |
Ok let say i have the following xml file <Users> <User> <Name>David</Name> <Attempts> <Place>Paris</Paris <Date>3/29/2012</Date> <Duration>50 seconds</Duration> <Distance>100</Distance> </Attempts> <Attempts> <Place>New York</Paris <Date>7/28/2012</Date> <Duration>30 seconds</Duration> <Distance>100</Distance> </Attempts> <Attempts> <Place>Paris</Paris <Date>8/19/2012</Date> <Duration>70 seconds</Duration> <Distance>60</Distance> </Attempts> <Attempts> <Place>New York</Paris <Date>9/29/2012</Date> <Duration>60 seconds</Duration> <Distance>200</Distance> </Attempts> </User> <User> <Name>Lenny</Name> <Attempts> <Place>Paris</Paris <Date>9/29/2012</Date> <Duration>51 seconds</Duration> … | |
how can i play music in C# visual studio please give a simple example. | |
As a first part of really using Windows Azure I'd like to use C# running on Azure to verify the license code of a program I'm about to issue the upgrade for. I'm planning on porting the whole thing to the cloud, but to gain experience I'd like to license … | |
I have a c# project to Create a console project named Cards that includes a struct Card, two classes Deck and Hand, and two enums: Rank and Suit. I attached a require output for this project. I have all my class but when I compile it only show the first … | |
hi, does any one know about the pipe & filter architecture implemntation in C# have a question in that. | |
Hey guys, I am working on an application for my school and work. I work for the It team that maintains and checks the AV equipment we have around campus and solve the problems associated with them. We usually just mark them down with pen and paper etc. Im trying … | |
Hello, is there any good tutorials,library for downloading a file? I have an application that has a check for update button. please help me with my project | |
hi, for program to be concurrent i created 4 threads as below Thread th1 = new Thread(a1.run); Thread th2 = new Thread(b1.run); Thread th3 = new Thread(c1.run); Thread th4 = new Thread(d1.run ); th1.Start(); th2.Start(); th3.Start(); th4.Start(); how do i know when the threads are finised done with the work, … | |
Whats the best way to port a Java web service to a C# web service? Multiplatform. Thanks | |
I am using LINQ in my project. I have tried using update query. But this is not working for me. Please any body help me. Did I need to change any settings of my database? or for the datacontext? My code is as follows: here dc is the datacontext, getinteger() … | |
i tried to create a dll using c# and now i have something like this I have 5 files Extension.cs, Encryption.cs, MySQLQuery.cs, etc. and in my MySQLQuery file i have somthing like this using System; using System.Data; using System.Text; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; namespace gLibrary { public class MySQLQuery { protected internal … | |
HI, I want to implemtna a file & filter architecture for reading data from a txt file and then removing the non alpahbatical words in it and display the 20 words in alphabatical order in the Consol window. how do i do it. appreciate a reply, thanks | |
Hi how do i create a final variable string and send in one parameter to it public static string POISON_PILL = new string("AAA"); when i do this it gives me an error highlighting the 'new string("AAA"); ' error msg: initalizes a new instance of the system.string class to the value … | |
How to print portion of the List<int>, it contains 30 elements but i only want to print first 7 elements? List remains unchanged but is should only prints first 7 elements of the list | |
How do I do a get/post for an array in c#? In C#, you get and set variables like this: `public int ID { get; set; }` How would one get and set an array in C#? This will not work: `public uint [5] BIG_Hash {get; set;}` | |
Hi, Please help me with home work: c# highest and lowest value of 6 inputs. | |
Hi, I am writing code for connecting to an access database in my windows 7 machine. Am using visual studio 2010 with access 2007. While debugging the code am getting the exception **"The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4,0' provider is not registered on the local machine"**. Below is my code, Try connection = New … | |
hi i am a php developer. i am working as a beginner. but now i have got a project in C#. i have practice of writing sample code in C++ so i think C# will not be that tough. but i dont how to use it to make a desktop … | |
Hello All, I am writing an image processing application in C# that needs to be speed optimized for faster performance. I have been told that using Unsafe Code together with Pointers can speed my algorithm up significantly. Unfortunately, I have no experience with Pointers at all. How can I make … | |
i have a datetimepicker with format dd.MM.yyyy.. when i have, for example, date 14.02.2011, save it and then want to enter 31.12.2011 then datetimepicker validator doesnt allow me to enter 31 because of month 02 inside, so it set automatically 29 in the datetimepicker. in this case, i have to … | |
Hi. Does anyone know how I can create a new printer port in C#? At the moment I've got this, which uses WMI (System.Management): [code=C#] ManagementClass portClass = new ManagementClass("Win32_TCPIPPrinterPort"); ManagementObject portObject = portClass.CreateInstance(); portObject["Name"] = portName; portObject["HostAddress"] = ""; portObject["PortNumber"] = portNumber; portObject["Protocol"] = 1; portObject["SNMPCommunity"] = "public"; portObject["SNMPEnabled"] … | |
i want to display hindi text in label but there is no option of hindi font in the font property of label ? | |
I am rewriting an internal Coldfusion app that stores passwords in the database using Encrypt and Decrypt into C#. My Coldfusion code is using two parameters like this: `<cfset strDecrypted = decrypt(ToString(toBinary(strBase64Value)),"keycode") />` Where strDecrypted is the decrypted string returned, strBase64Value is the encrypted string in the database and "keycode" … |
The End.