4,589 Topics

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Declaring an array of linked list in C# How do I declare an array of some class in C#? I wonder if it is even allowed or possible. I got the compile error message "Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (try initializing with a 'new' expression)" when …

Member Avatar for RicardoE
Member Avatar for tbohon

All: I am trying, without much success, to append files in a C#.Net application. The code below shows my most recent attempt, unfortunately it doesn't work (this is iteration 5296.5 - approximately). Coming into this case statement there are two arguments, tokens[0] and tokens[1], which I have read and parsed …

Member Avatar for tonymuilenburg
Member Avatar for slider212

Hi, Although I have done a reasonable amount of coding I have very little training (self taught) so apologies if this is a stupid question. I have written a basic Defect Management app which allows developers to create a release and assign defects to it. The release object has the …

Member Avatar for Antenka
Member Avatar for krishnisilva

in the below quote i took from Devasya i implemented in SQL MS VS 2008, and there is an error coming any idea about it???? The code is : [code] db.openConnection(); int j = 0; int k = 0; string[,] a = new string[100, 100]; string data = "\""; for …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for krishnisilva

hi, how to i get the data i the dategrid view and save it in the SQL database in C#. and also how to aloow the user to enter details from the grid view. thankxxxx

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Member Avatar for 00 freedom

hi all, i would like to ask if do you know how to Embed the Remote Desktop ActiveX Control in a Web Page using C#? any help would be greatly appreciated!! thanks!

Member Avatar for murugavel84
Member Avatar for DumbProgrammer

Ok I've spent more time than you would believe on this one. I built the program, started from scratch. Over the course of the last week I've spent no shit about 30 hours on this and still cant get it to work right. What is suppose to happen is the …

Member Avatar for CanYouHandstand
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I have a service (say BS.exe) written using C# of which the installer is created using Wix and C# (which means it has a Custom Action program associated with the Wix installer program as well). Now, after the program in installed there is a need to go to Windows Firewall …

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Member Avatar for "ICode"

These days, as we all know, graphics is probably the most important thing. I made a program using C# and the only graphics im using is that of WFA, but i want to apply EXTREME graphics to it, like that of windows media center, or something like that. What would …

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Member Avatar for sanam2010

hello, I want to make a Report in C# Projetc, but I'm not intrested in using Crystal Report, I want to make it by MSReportViewer. PLS Help me, thanx.

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Member Avatar for krishnisilva

hi, Question 1 i am developing a project in C#.Net, and when a form loads data from the SQL client database is added to four combo boxes in the form, i need to change the data in the combo box when the check box is ticked. I wrote a code …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for Mattan360

Hi! (This is my first post on the forum) I'm trying to capture the desktop of the "not showing" desktop. I got two users, both logged in. I start the program on the first users desktop (to capture), and then the second one on the other user, which is supposed …

Member Avatar for Mattan360
Member Avatar for krishnisilva

hi, i am doing a project in C#.NET desktop application. how can I make a upload, retrieve functionality in C#.NET desktop application for pdf documents, I am using a sql client for the moment, so i need to upload the file(file path, content, title in to the database) how can …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for koki55

Can someone tell me is there any difference between code in C# from .NET1 and .NET4 so can i use examples from visual studio 6 for istance into visual studio 2010?

Member Avatar for powerbox
Member Avatar for davidcrossan

hi there i am building a one page website that i need query data from an access database (visual studio 2008 c# xml). I need to do a sql query displaying customers with possible bookings if any. I have been able to display all customers details but i am finding …

Member Avatar for Mohtshm
Member Avatar for emeryDan

I am looking for a C# grid component (not for database). I found GridView on the net but it seems buggy since it only supports four columns and crashes when I use more than four columns.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
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What is the magic that makes components cling to the edges of a form? I had thought that one must use the resize event of the form and them force each element in the form to resize. But then I saw some sample code which, even when I am editing …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Exaktor

Hi, I have 4 searchbox and with them i can search in a Datagridview. But the problem is that they are not connected to each other. So what I want is that they are connected to each other. If i search in 'firstname' then the firstname displays but when I …

Member Avatar for phoenix911
Member Avatar for zeke188

Hi Ijust started learning c# windows forms and when i set soe data open a new form and get the data into the label the label dissappears.can some one help me please [code] private string greeting; public string Greeting { get { return greeting; } set { greeting = value; …

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Member Avatar for sheery_1

Hi dears, I have build an application using C# to send and receive sms, my application works fine for sending sms but when i try to read sms from my mobile through my application i get following error "Error: Phone reports generic communication error or syntax error." can any one …

Member Avatar for basma.lm

hi, i'm working on a windows application with database sqlserverCE and my question is how connect to the database without writing where it locates in the connectionstring ( i mean auto connection ). i hope you can help me. thanks.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for firstimer

Hi all, still relatively new to c# and asp.net. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here: [CODE]string updateSql = "UPDATE FirstData " + "SET numplay=numplay+1 " + "WHERE PlayerNum = @PlayerNum"; SqlCommand UpdateCmd = new SqlCommand(updateSql, thisConnection); UpdateCmd.Parameters.Add("@PlayerNum", SqlDbType.Int,10, "PlayerNum"); //UpdateCmd.Parameters.Add("@numaddval", SqlDbType.Int,10, "[numplay]"); UpdateCmd.Parameters["@PlayerNum"].Value = "2"; UpdateCmd.Transaction = …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for hkBattousai

A most basic TCT connection is established with the code below: [CODE]// Initialization IPEndPoint m_IpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 5000); Socket m_Socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); NetworkStream m_Stream = new NetworkStream(m_Socket); // Read/write operations m_Stream.Write(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello world!"), 0, 12); byte[] read_buffer = new byte[4096]; m_Stream.Read(read_buffer, 0, 4096); // Closing open resources …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for real_victoria

[code] using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; namespace VersionExe { class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { int i; // Get the file version for the notepad. FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Path.Combine(Environment.SystemDirectory, "notepad.exe")); FileVersionInfo myFileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Environment.SystemDirectory + "\\notepad.exe"); // Print the file name and version number. Console.WriteLine("File: " + …

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Member Avatar for chandruswami

Hi, i have one XML file,... in that i am maintaining the server name and database name,.../ Now i want to delete one set of server name and database name and insert those element into the first position of the same xml document,... for getting the recently accessed element,... [code] …

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Member Avatar for mixelplik

I'm still very new to C#, but have some experience with scripting languages such as javaScript, PHP, and VB.Net. My question is how do I call a method from another method? Below is a chunk of code from my program. I want this method to evaluate a value and two …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for Sparky89

Hy everyone, I got a problem with doin a sum of a column where are only "int" datas, I get those data from Sql Db with a Sql Data Source and use that sds with a nested gridview. I tried with select sum() but it for each employer i get …

Member Avatar for Sparky89
Member Avatar for suranga_kas

Hi, Following is the issue im having.... Im working on a checkers game using c#. ive decided to set each checker within a picturebox that will be displayed inside a panel (gameboard) however the problem comes when I have to move the checkers. I could write code to move the …

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The End.