4,589 Topics
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I need a little help with the below code. I am basically reading text from a .txt file and need to be able to convert the text into an array(fam6) that i can then search for a value that is typed into a text box. If said text box search … | |
I'm creating a XML-viewer which should be able to read **every** XML file and put it in a treeview. My goal is to create a XMLViewer control, an user should be able to change certain routines in his own implementations. I provide default implementations that offer a basic functionality so … | |
Enroller.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace HRSYSTEMPROJECT { class Enroller : IEnroll { #region IEnroll Members public String Enroll(String a,String b ,String c,String d,String e) { return a; return b; return c; return d; return e; } internal string[] Enroll() { throw new NotImplementedException(); … | |
hi m following [this link](http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/0146e3/crystal-report-in-visual-studio-2010/) for generating crystal report in visual studio using c#. but in the above tutorial the database is created first and then reports are generated. but in my scnario i already have connected with database. now is it possible to generate report from existing database???? if … | |
hi i have a table like this for attendence: table name attendence. id std_rolNum std_fname date std_bkfast std_lunch std_dinner i want to make search on the base of `date`, `std_rolnum`, `std_lunch`, `std_bkfast` and `std_dinner`. so that if on the same date if student have already taken breakfast, lunch or dinner … | |
hi! i want to open a word document directly from a windows form application running on visual studio 2010! i tried a particular code but it wont work!!! this is the code! [CODE]this.Application.Documents.Open(@"C:\Test\NewDocument.doc");[/CODE] i also imported and used the following header: [CODE]using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;[/CODE] it says that the word application does … | |
I need some help to make a order form in C#. My development environment is: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate SQL Server Express Edition 2005 Programming Language C# Sample Database = NorthWind (Tables Orders and OrderDetails) I've create a form for order entry, which contain a textbox for OrderID, a … | |
| Hi, i have csharp server(console application) and java client. I need to get a java client ipaddress, can someone tell me what is the function in csharp? I am new in csharp. I was searching on web and nothing help me. |
Hi double[] MyArray = new double[10]; I have 10 numbers and I get average of them. But how can print out how many of the numbers that are smaller than average, and how many of the numbers that are larger than average? | |
this is a very very basic question but while coding i got stuck. in c++ we use the statement: if (back_tracking(0, y + 1)) to check some condition but while coding in c# it says cannot convert implicitely int to bool! anybody kindly tell me whats the workaround in c# | |
i need to perform port forwarding in a desktop application written in C#. i used this code : using System; using System.Threading; using NATUPNPLib; namespace iSpyApplication { public static class NATControl { public static UPnPNAT NAT = new UPnPNAT(); private static IStaticPortMappingCollection _mappings; public static IStaticPortMappingCollection Mappings { get { … | |
Hi I would like to write program that calculate the sum of all integers from a minimum number up to the maximum number.by using the following formula? sum = 1/2 * number of integer * (minimum numbers + maximum number) How can I do it? | |
this is how my data in txt file: 1--2--3-- 3-4-4-5-- -7-3-4--- 7--5--3-6 --7---4-- 3-2--4-5- ------3-- 2-6--7--- 4---4--3- is my c# code to do file reading with the display too: public void populate_grid_by_file() { int counter = 0; string line; // Read the file and display it line by line. System.IO.StreamReader … | |
I am using Visual studio 2005(.NET framework 2.0) .My project is window application and using c# language. We are having word templates created in office 2003, 2007 and 2010. I want to search text (string) in word template (.dot/.doc/.docx).This text is exist in two places in word doc : 1) … | |
I want to work on excel file in C#. But it is giving error - Old format or Invalid library Exception from Hresult 0x80028018 | |
| I have a gridview which totals up the quantity of items the buyer has added to basket. I have added a delete button and this button is meant to reduce the quantity by one when clicked. removing the latest record from the database. I keep getting a the following: > … |
Hello Everyone, I am new in visual studio and trying to learn it. I am exploring a scenario but couldn't find how to do that in visual studio 2012 using windows 8. The Scenario is: I have three buttons named as Bob, Jolly, Elas. When user clicks on a button … | |
Hello, I have just bought a "USB Network server": http://www.conrad-uk.com/ce/en/product/992249/LOGILINK-4-port-USB-network-server I have attached a harddrive to the USB Network server and the USB Network server is connected to the router. I use 2 computers that needs to use the harddrive at the very same time. However the software that connects … | |
Hey everybody, I have a project(network programming) about simple application of load balancing in win form c#, so who have a simple, example or can guide about it, please help me, I'm very hurry, thank for help very much. | |
I need help converting this python code to c# could someone help me please? #!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 import sys, getopt import os, urllib, urllib2, re, string, math help_message = ''' ''' no_param = ''' ''' verbose = False fakeMode = False curPath = os.getcwd() + "/" # Should … | |
| I have a client , middleware and server . The concept is a client sends a number this passes through the middleware to the server. The server checks the number against the number generated on the server side , if the client guesses the number correctly a message is then … |
| Hi, I have problem with my connection to the database generate from entity data model of Ado.Net Entity framework. I work in Console Application. My code looks like that: public static void Main(string[] args) { string connectionString = "Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0;Initial Catalog=BarDatabase;Integrated Security=True"; using(SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { string queryStatement … |
Hello everyone. I have a problem trying to develop a windows phone app as a university project. Part of it is to use google APIs. So I'm trying to make a test web request.My code is as follows: string api_request = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/textsearch/xml?query=restaurants+in+Sydney&sensor=true&key=AIzaSyDpXZSLtOeGLJcYwKKJs2yAAEdfLST0ZXs"; HttpWebRequest google_request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(api_request); HttpWebResponse google_response_file = (HttpWebResponse)google_response.GetResponse(); … | |
Hi! I am designing a form which contains a datagridview which can display all customer orders. I also have a button inside the datagridview so that if a user clicks the button it will open another form which contains the items which the customer ordered in a datagridview. I am … | |
Actually, i want connect a database is in another computer, may i know how to connect the database over LAN to retreive the database on another computer, and what step i need to do? | |
I clicked through the tweets on [this post](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/threads/441223/how-to-make-short-code-in-vb.net "How to make short code in VB.Net") and found the post had been tweeted by the C# tweeter, although it was in the VB.Net forum... Feature? ![DaniwebTweet](/attachments/small/3/DaniwebTweet.jpg "align-left") | |
Good evening guys, i just wanna ask some advice on how will i update the time in DateTime that is displayed on my web page? Thank you in advance | |
How do I check if a certain IP address is online and get its current location in c# | |
I'm calling a c++ project from c# , the process is like this , i enter some numbers in a textbox and when i push a button it calls a c++.exe program and run it with the numbers i've inserted in texbox ,after this return the result in another textbox. … | |
How can i link c# Asp.Net with ArcGIS software? |
The End.