4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for Beginerman

I need a little help with the below code. I am basically reading text from a .txt file and need to be able to convert the text into an array(fam6) that i can then search for a value that is typed into a text box. If said text box search …

Member Avatar for Beginerman
Member Avatar for opticaltim

I'm creating a XML-viewer which should be able to read **every** XML file and put it in a treeview. My goal is to create a XMLViewer control, an user should be able to change certain routines in his own implementations. I provide default implementations that offer a basic functionality so …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for SPRINGHEEL

Enroller.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace HRSYSTEMPROJECT { class Enroller : IEnroll { #region IEnroll Members public String Enroll(String a,String b ,String c,String d,String e) { return a; return b; return c; return d; return e; } internal string[] Enroll() { throw new NotImplementedException(); …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for shahai.ali

hi m following [this link](http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/0146e3/crystal-report-in-visual-studio-2010/) for generating crystal report in visual studio using c#. but in the above tutorial the database is created first and then reports are generated. but in my scnario i already have connected with database. now is it possible to generate report from existing database???? if …

Member Avatar for shahai.ali

hi i have a table like this for attendence: table name attendence. id std_rolNum std_fname date std_bkfast std_lunch std_dinner i want to make search on the base of `date`, `std_rolnum`, `std_lunch`, `std_bkfast` and `std_dinner`. so that if on the same date if student have already taken breakfast, lunch or dinner …

Member Avatar for shahai.ali
Member Avatar for Mirfath

hi! i want to open a word document directly from a windows form application running on visual studio 2010! i tried a particular code but it wont work!!! this is the code! [CODE]this.Application.Documents.Open(@"C:\Test\NewDocument.doc");[/CODE] i also imported and used the following header: [CODE]using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;[/CODE] it says that the word application does …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for ahmed_one

I need some help to make a order form in C#. My development environment is: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate SQL Server Express Edition 2005 Programming Language C# Sample Database = NorthWind (Tables Orders and OrderDetails) I've create a form for order entry, which contain a textbox for OrderID, a …

Member Avatar for ahmed_one
Member Avatar for kubiak

Hi, i have csharp server(console application) and java client. I need to get a java client ipaddress, can someone tell me what is the function in csharp? I am new in csharp. I was searching on web and nothing help me.

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for tony75

Hi double[] MyArray = new double[10]; I have 10 numbers and I get average of them. But how can print out how many of the numbers that are smaller than average, and how many of the numbers that are larger than average?

Member Avatar for tony75
Member Avatar for mIND.dEcEpToR

this is a very very basic question but while coding i got stuck. in c++ we use the statement: if (back_tracking(0, y + 1)) to check some condition but while coding in c# it says cannot convert implicitely int to bool! anybody kindly tell me whats the workaround in c#

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for Nina 4 Ever

i need to perform port forwarding in a desktop application written in C#. i used this code : using System; using System.Threading; using NATUPNPLib; namespace iSpyApplication { public static class NATControl { public static UPnPNAT NAT = new UPnPNAT(); private static IStaticPortMappingCollection _mappings; public static IStaticPortMappingCollection Mappings { get { …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for tony75

Hi I would like to write program that calculate the sum of all integers from a minimum number up to the maximum number.by using the following formula? sum = 1/2 * number of integer * (minimum numbers + maximum number) How can I do it?

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for mIND.dEcEpToR

this is how my data in txt file: 1--2--3-- 3-4-4-5-- -7-3-4--- 7--5--3-6 --7---4-- 3-2--4-5- ------3-- 2-6--7--- 4---4--3- is my c# code to do file reading with the display too: public void populate_grid_by_file() { int counter = 0; string line; // Read the file and display it line by line. System.IO.StreamReader …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for nivarshn

I am using Visual studio 2005(.NET framework 2.0) .My project is window application and using c# language. We are having word templates created in office 2003, 2007 and 2010. I want to search text (string) in word template (.dot/.doc/.docx).This text is exist in two places in word doc : 1) …

Member Avatar for NanaYee
Member Avatar for archana.khare.395

I want to work on excel file in C#. But it is giving error - Old format or Invalid library Exception from Hresult 0x80028018

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for adrian.mcguinness

I have a gridview which totals up the quantity of items the buyer has added to basket. I have added a delete button and this button is meant to reduce the quantity by one when clicked. removing the latest record from the database. I keep getting a the following: > …

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Member Avatar for muzamilsw10

Hello Everyone, I am new in visual studio and trying to learn it. I am exploring a scenario but couldn't find how to do that in visual studio 2012 using windows 8. The Scenario is: I have three buttons named as Bob, Jolly, Elas. When user clicks on a button …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Darth Vader

Hello, I have just bought a "USB Network server": http://www.conrad-uk.com/ce/en/product/992249/LOGILINK-4-port-USB-network-server I have attached a harddrive to the USB Network server and the USB Network server is connected to the router. I use 2 computers that needs to use the harddrive at the very same time. However the software that connects …

Member Avatar for Darth Vader
Member Avatar for myfit

Hey everybody, I have a project(network programming) about simple application of load balancing in win form c#, so who have a simple, example or can guide about it, please help me, I'm very hurry, thank for help very much.

Member Avatar for caKus
Member Avatar for That.T3rr11

I need help converting this python code to c# could someone help me please? #!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 import sys, getopt import os, urllib, urllib2, re, string, math help_message = ''' ''' no_param = ''' ''' verbose = False fakeMode = False curPath = os.getcwd() + "/" # Should …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for FakeTales

I have a client , middleware and server . The concept is a client sends a number this passes through the middleware to the server. The server checks the number against the number generated on the server side , if the client guesses the number correctly a message is then …

Member Avatar for kubiak

Hi, I have problem with my connection to the database generate from entity data model of Ado.Net Entity framework. I work in Console Application. My code looks like that: public static void Main(string[] args) { string connectionString = "Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0;Initial Catalog=BarDatabase;Integrated Security=True"; using(SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { string queryStatement …

Member Avatar for grarhakim
Member Avatar for SpyrosMet

Hello everyone. I have a problem trying to develop a windows phone app as a university project. Part of it is to use google APIs. So I'm trying to make a test web request.My code is as follows: string api_request = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/textsearch/xml?query=restaurants+in+Sydney&sensor=true&key=AIzaSyDpXZSLtOeGLJcYwKKJs2yAAEdfLST0ZXs"; HttpWebRequest google_request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(api_request); HttpWebResponse google_response_file = (HttpWebResponse)google_response.GetResponse(); …

Member Avatar for SpyrosMet
Member Avatar for Mirfath

Hi! I am designing a form which contains a datagridview which can display all customer orders. I also have a button inside the datagridview so that if a user clicks the button it will open another form which contains the items which the customer ordered in a datagridview. I am …

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for howard.teoh.7

Actually, i want connect a database is in another computer, may i know how to connect the database over LAN to retreive the database on another computer, and what step i need to do?

Member Avatar for BobS0327
Member Avatar for john.knapp

I clicked through the tweets on [this post](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/threads/441223/how-to-make-short-code-in-vb.net "How to make short code in VB.Net") and found the post had been tweeted by the C# tweeter, although it was in the VB.Net forum... Feature? ![DaniwebTweet](/attachments/small/3/DaniwebTweet.jpg "align-left")

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Jake.20

Good evening guys, i just wanna ask some advice on how will i update the time in DateTime that is displayed on my web page? Thank you in advance

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for gtsiga
Member Avatar for caKus
Member Avatar for AbaianitCristian

I'm calling a c++ project from c# , the process is like this , i enter some numbers in a textbox and when i push a button it calls a c++.exe program and run it with the numbers i've inserted in texbox ,after this return the result in another textbox. …

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Member Avatar for Akintunde Dare

The End.