4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for abd640

Hi I want to change the permission of a registry key , and I want to set it as a read only... How can I do that ??? I tried this way, but it doesn't change anything, also it doesn't give me anything. like nothing is happened... [CODE]RegistryPermission rp = …

Member Avatar for abd640
Member Avatar for srch07

Hi, I have made a port forwarder, ZA is server side, and Client is client side. This Port Forwarder sits in middle of both, and simply sends data coming from Client to ZA, and from ZA to Client. Its not like for every ZA packet, Client will send a response, …

Member Avatar for Ubiad

copy in your program and then run.. [CODE]void Ubaid(int x)[/B] //this is function x value is 5 or directly set x=5 { // x=5; for(int i=x;i>0;i--) { printf("\n"); for(int j=1; j<=i; j++) { printf("%d",j); } for(int u=i-1;u>0;u--) { printf("%d",u); } [B]}[/B] //start another from here that print the opposite for(int …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for VasquezPL

Hi guys I have small problem... I will be provided with group names...(each time = different group) I need to add user there... I use code to add users: [CODE] public void AddToGroup(string userDn, string groupDn) { try { DirectoryEntry dirEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + groupDn); dirEntry.Properties["member"].Add(userDn); dirEntry.CommitChanges(); dirEntry.Close(); } …

Member Avatar for VasquezPL

Hi! I have big problem..I don't know how to read delimited file line by line. for example: [CODE] my csv file looks like this Michael;Jackson;Beat it; Jay;Kay;Supersonic;Cosmic Girl;Star Child; . . . etc . [/CODE] program has to: take name and put it into texbox1 take last name and put …

Member Avatar for VasquezPL
Member Avatar for tbanisida

I have two tables tb_Rnd1 RndId(Pk) RndWood Rndlength RndWindth RndPNo RndConst RndCft Tb_Rnd2 RndId(Fk) RndDate RndName RndTCft RndRCft RndTotalAmt If I click btn_Add Insert Records like this first RndId(Pk) RndWood Rndlength RndWindth RndPNo RndConst RndCft 1 Teakwood 23 12 1 144 X Tb_Rnd2 RndId(Fk) RndDate RndName RndTCft RndRCft RndTotalAmt 1 …

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for chathuD

hi guys i have developed a simple application to insert data in to a SQL DB and get data from same DB using stored procedure. ( 1 table ,2 SP's ) so now i want to run this application on my friends computers to. so how to transplant my simple …

Member Avatar for mono_jit23
Member Avatar for ibdatx

How can I refresh a window sort of in the combined operations of close and reopen. Thanks.

Member Avatar for ibdatx
Member Avatar for ami7

hi I am looking for ideas to develop a map I'm looking for source code with c # to develop this map

Member Avatar for Xcelled194
Member Avatar for mrjohnka

The compiler is showing "not all code paths return a value" for the CalculateCharges. Help!! [CODE] public decimal CalculateCharges() { decimal pay; decimal decHoursParked; decHoursParked = Math.Ceiling(_hoursParked); if (decHoursParked <= 3) { pay = 4; } else if (decHoursParked > 3) { pay = decHoursParked * 2 - 2; } …

Member Avatar for Xcelled194
Member Avatar for Joey_Brown

Hello I need to program two radio buttons for directions [up down] for my simple textbox search. Any help would be appreciated. Im new to c#.

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for RogerInHawaii

I'm using the webBrowser control and trying to capture a screen shot from it. I start up the webBrowser control and set its URL to some web page. It displays just fine. Then, in response to a button press, I capture the image of the page that's contained within the …

Member Avatar for tbanisida

Hai Friends, its me bency. Im newly to c#, I have two tables table name Round fields are Rnd_id, length, width, pno and RndCust is another table RndCustId, RndId, name,date, total but first time i will insert in second table name and date only. can i insert like this, Please …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for rannamaa

Ive got some quetions and hope someone has the answere. When I create a project i vs and want to have one gui what do I chose, console application or what? When I in the same project want to add a class do I then chose "add class"? If I …

Member Avatar for rannamaa
Member Avatar for 03029174

Hi I am designing an Installer Process Recorder application to integrate into a larger Build Management application i will complete at a later date. I wish to record the steps a user follows when installing an application, for example MySQL. For instance the user presses 'Ok' 'Next' 'I accept License' …

Member Avatar for krishnisilva

hi, i have a two datetime picker in a C# form, when i select a earlier date (before today date) there is a caparison i have addded to the validateing event in the date timepicker.below is the code. Question 1: for some reason say that i add 10th may, the …

Member Avatar for kheddy
Member Avatar for k1robert

I haven't done any sort of development for a while, but what i'm looking for is to see a simple example of an ntier application using linq. Showing BLL, DAL with roles and membership. I'm also keen on getting better with my OOP and would like to find a site …

Member Avatar for k1robert
Member Avatar for poonamjadav

hi i am a student and i want to develop a 3 tier web application can any one explain me the step by step process to develop a 3 tier application inn asp.net with C#. thanks

Member Avatar for poonamjadav
Member Avatar for duranvskp

Hi I'm trying to build a master page. What I'm trying to do is have a header in the master page with login and register link buttons (which would change to username and sign out) and there are content pages like home.aspx, shoppingcart.aspx, checkout.aspx which would inherit the master page …

Member Avatar for yousafc#

Can anyone tell me how to make game in c#.if any one please send me source code Thanks

Member Avatar for Wakesta
Member Avatar for navimir
Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for Jessurider

hey i've created a counting mechanism project............in the attached project there is two labels label1 & label2.........on pressing the numberpad1 and numberpad3 keys, the count increments and decrements simultaneously which is been displayed in the corresponding labels (see the attached project)........ can anyone tell me an another method to do …

Member Avatar for agugglez
Member Avatar for lianpiau

who can help me?? I got a datagridview, one of column in datagridview is checkbox call Finish. So that, when the Finish checkbox is checkbox, I want certain row background color become yellow color. when each time I run the program, it will display yellow color when that row Finish …

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Member Avatar for ChrisHunter

Hi, At the moment i'm trying to locate xml files to use their content. I would like to be able find all files that have a particular pattern in their name (for example student_James.xml; student_Chris.xml so "student" would be the pattern). I want to be able to do this using …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for gogs85
Member Avatar for WASDted

The devastation is horrifying to see, all the videos, pictures... awful. On a tech note, I wonder what kind of effect this will have to pricing and availability of products from our friends in the East. Memory, LCD panels, Blu-ray, Sony, Sharp and others affected already, see here: [url]http://www.channelnews.com.au/Hardware/Industry/P4L9C8M3[/url]

Member Avatar for benmar
Member Avatar for cloudspade

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void btnRom_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] Roman = { "M", "CM", "D", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X", …

Member Avatar for cloudspade
Member Avatar for Macko888

Hello Fellow Webberz. I am from a php,html,css,jquery blah blah background but have always had a fascination for the .net languages. Finally my time to join the C# environment has come, due to some financial success i can now afford to study :). I would greatly appreciate it if anybody …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Jessurider

here is a webcam capturing project............. suppose imagine in our system we have connected 3 webcam device, say iBallCam1,iBallCam2,iBallCam2.............and if we run this project there will come an webcam selection option, and in that we have to choose the corresponding webcam device............. what i want to do is this........ can …

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for shoeson

Hi there, we are trying to do a project on Web based video conferencing.. i guess we will test it on LAN. it will be a web page where multiple users can perform video conference... we are confused which platform to use for this? Java or C#, please suggest kindly.. …

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The End.