49,762 Topics
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Hi I'm a noob. Can anyone please explain why I get a "'ranum' was not declared in this scope" error in this script? I was obviously using Arduino. void setup() { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); pinMode(12, OUTPUT); pinMode(10, OUTPUT); pinMode(09, OUTPUT); double ranum = rand()%11; } void loop() { if (ranum==0){ digitalWrite(13, … | |
I have a project coming up Select a Theme and have 50 words associated with it Words must have a common theme - your choice Examples: Like Periodic Table Elements, or Sports teams, or Types of cars… Have one Term describing category you picked. This is the FACE term… Menu: … | |
hello, so i am having some problem x = 50; y = 31; //declaration from line 1 to 5 lastx = x; lasty = y; while(1 == 1) { gotoxy(lastx, lasty); printf(" "); gotoxy(x,y); printf("**|_A_|**"); a = getch(); lastx = x; lasty = y; if (a == 77) x = … | |
Having a problem with the link list program . have failed to resolve.worked over 12 hours but the solution looks pretty disorganised an incoplete, please advise thanksInline Code Example Here ` #include <iostream>` #include <stdlib.h> #include<list> using namespace std; class Node { public: int get() { return object; }; void … | |
My data is going in to the queue just fine, but when I go to print the data nothing happens. How do I pull the data from the priority queue heap to print? NOTE: The heap implementation cannot be altered. /** ADT priority queue: Heap-based implementation. Listing 17-3. @file Heap_PriorityQueue.h … | |
- the GetWindowRect() give me the window size and position; - the GetClientRect() give me the window size without inclued the scrollbars\menus\borders\others; so when 1 image is more big than client size, what size i can use? DC size? and if a child window position is more big than client … | |
* I have to make a maze with 21 rows and 77 columns, allow some for the user's input and for messages. * It also has to have A multidimensional array containing the board. * A function to print the board. * Find the user's starting location (i.e. the location … | |
Hi. I want to output all of the processes in the printer queue here, and I'm not able to figure out quite how to do that. The only process that shows up is the last one I entered. For instance, if I put a process into printer queue 1 and … | |
write c++ program to find sum,sub,mult,div by using function the user will input two number by keyboard | |
I have a container object which contains float*. struct MyCon{ MyCon(){ matA = new float[10]; matB = new float[10]; } float *matA; float *matB; } And, I am storing pointers to MyCon objects in a std::map. map<string, MyCon*> myCon_map; myCon_map.insert(pair<string,MyCon*>(string("str"), new MyCon())); Once I am finished with myCon_map, how do … | |
i need answer for this Q is that how we can write program in C++ to eccept any number and print it with its digit? and thanx^^ | |
really need help figuring out this program, it crashes during the getdata() function in main any tips or suggestions appreciated thank you #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<cstdlib> #include<iomanip> #include<fstream> using namespace std; struct StudentData { string Name; int Idnum; int* Tests; int* TestNo; double Average; char Grade; }; void ReadHeader(int&, ifstream&); StudentData* … | |
Hello , I can't figure how to properly measure time execution when I have 2 loops and I want to measure the time for the innermost loop: for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { ..... clock_t begin = clock(); for (int j =1; j<= M; j++){ //want … | |
by the book, i read that with WM_SIZE message i can get the client size instead use the GetClientRect() function: case WM_SIZE: GetClientRect (hwnd, &rect) ; VerticalScrollSize=rect.bottom; si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SIF_ALL; GetScrollInfo (hwnd, SB_VERT, &si); si.nMin = 0; si.nPos = VerticalScroll; si.nMax = VerticalScrollSize-2; si.nPage=2; SetScrollInfo (hwnd, SB_VERT, … | |
I'm working on a bit vector class that I'm using in a current project. Basicly BitVector is a container class for storing and manipulating data a bit level. I have two member fuctions for "setting" and "getting" bits at a given index. // Returns the bit at the specified index. … | |
Hi everyone, I wanted to write C++ a program that's going to logon to my twitter and alert me if I have any new messages or tweets. I found an article that explains how to log on to a website with libcurl, https://www.hackthissite.org/articles/read/1078. Using that article I've written a simple … | |
Hello, I was wondering how to pass an array to a class constructor. When I run my program, I get the same gross pay for every different employee even if I enter in a different number of hours for each one. That might be where I have a problem. Any … | |
![]() | Hello folks, I came across [Chaiscript](http://chaiscript.com/index.html) which promises scripting within C++. I am not able to figure out how it will be compiled or interpreted. Anyone have any idea ? Thanx. |
I am new to Qt and I'm trying to connect a remote database. QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QMYSQL" ); db.setHostName("IP ADRESS"); // local or IP db.setPort(3306); // Default port is 3306 db.setUserName("DB USER"); // example root db.setPassword("PASSWORD"); db.setDatabaseName("DB NAME"); if( !db.open() ) { qDebug() << db.lastError(); qFatal( "Failed to connect." … | |
![]() | I am trying to create a 2-3 tree using an insert function and I am stuck beyond this point. I am able to get the first node with the small and large value, but I do not know what do to from here. Any advice/tips? #include <iostream> using namespace std; … |
I have to write a program that must compute and display the charges for a patients hospital stay. first the program should ask if the patient was admitted as an in patient or an out patient. If the patient was as an in-patient the following data should be entered: the … | |
i'm testing the win32 scrollbars, but i'm with 1 problem: when i use the SB_THUMBPOSITION message, why the window isn't repainted( the WM_PAINT message isn't used)? case WM_VSCROLL: switch (LOWORD (wParam)) { case SB_LINEUP: VerticalScroll-=1; break; case SB_LINEDOWN: VerticalScroll+=1; break; case SB_THUMBPOSITION: VerticalScroll=HIWORD (wParam); break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: VerticalScroll+=10; break; case … | |
![]() | I am confused on how to implement this. I was thinking a loop, but the loop I was doing would only fill the array and make the stack full. Any tips/suggestions I can use to help me get through this mental block? I put the code for all three of … ![]() |
I need help. I just finished with the c++ tutorial on learning c++ syntax. So my question is what do I do next. I wanna learn | |
Hey guyz, I've done with some coding, actually I've to submit it in the project form, what the question arises is that I dnt know where and what's the mistake in the coding. please help me out. but it's necesaary to do traversing through linklist. My topic is 'Departmental store', … | |
hi all i have ekiga open source code that i want to modify but when i open the downloaded code in the text editior all i get is rubish i download the source from this website [Click Here](http://ekiga.org/download-ekiga-binaries-or-source-code) thanks in advance | |
I used to have turbo c++ but it is outdated now, so the only problem i am having with that is that there was a great help documentation in turbo c++ for the language and i could just browse to any function of c++ and get its details. After turbo … | |
![]() | Here is a simple Polynomial class. Its purpose is to show how one can [B]simply [/B]create a Polynomial class without using abstract datastructures such as linked lists etc. Each term is printed out in order of its power - from highest to lowest. Inspiration was taken from a Java source … |
In my book a new tabpage is created programmatically this way: auto tabPage3 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TabPage(); but I want to do it without "auto" word because that's a new 2010 feature and I use VS2008. The MSDN solution didn't help. I hope it'll take just a little tweast to solve … | |
If I prompt the user for n number of printers, is there a way of creating n number of vectors on the fly as opposed to creating vectors and putting them in your class structure at the start? I have to create as many printer queues as a user specifys. … |
The End.