49,761 Topics
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For my (online) programming class, I have to format certain output in columns using setw. I am having trouble understanding how to do this. My professor says that I am supposed to be creating columns, not counting characters to align things. I haven't been able to find any examples of … | |
There was a question in topcoder. Question: Three kids are playing the following game: A word is written on a sheet of paper, and one after another, the players take turns adding letters to the word. During each turn, a player must add a single letter to either the beginning … | |
The house is built of non-standard form. All four walls are of a rectangular shape, but different height and length. The width of the walls is two bricks. There are two types of bricks. The outer part of the wall is constructed from the first type of brick, and the … | |
I am beginner in C++. Please someone support me. Help me in learning C or C++ Java compiler. I am just a beginer. have just installed Cygwin & MinGW in my computer. Please someone guide me in learning programing language. | |
hello i'm trying to figure out how to write a program in c++ that check when i insert a password and force me to add at least 2 capital letters and 2 numbers in the password (you've seen this before right? when signing up for new account and checks for … | |
heres my function for select the font: CHOOSEFONT ShowSelectFont(HWND hwnd=GetForegroundWindow()) { CHOOSEFONT cf = {sizeof(CHOOSEFONT)}; LOGFONT lf; cf.Flags = CF_EFFECTS | CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT | CF_SCREENFONTS; cf.hwndOwner = hwnd; cf.lpLogFont = &lf; cf.rgbColors = RGB(0,0,0); cf.lpLogFont->lfStrikeOut=FALSE; cf.lpLogFont->lfUnderline=FALSE; cf.lpLogFont->lfHeight=-MulDiv(12, GetDeviceCaps(GetDC(hwnd), LOGPIXELSY), 72);//change font size _tcscpy(cf.lpLogFont->lfFaceName, "Arial" ); //we must include tchar.h if(ChooseFont(&cf)) { … | |
class brick { private: int length, width, height;// in mm public: void set(int len, int wid, int hei); int getlength(){return length;} int getwidth(){return width;} int getheight(){return height;} }; void brick::set(int len, int wid, int hei) { length=len;width=wid;height=hei;} #include <iostream> using namespace std; /*After Set() method write main() function which would … | |
class item { public: string name; string code; double price; }; class buyer { public: string name; int count; }; #include<string> #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { item item1; buyer buyer1,buyer2; double sum1,sum2,sumTotal; cout<<"enter name, code and price of item:"<<endl; cin>>item1.name>>item1.code>>item1.price; // The data for the first buyer cout … | |
I would like to say hello, first of all. I have been attempting to change the color of a character on my program for some time now. The characters in question will represent lava tiles with the letter "L" in my program. I would like to know how I can … | |
I'm sitting in classroom, trying to find more advanced usage of pointers in C++, suddenly Googling, not suspecting a thing I almost fell of the chair in middle of class laughing like a donkey (I'm young adult, so "immature" jokes tend to be funnier for me than for you likely). … | |
i have these function for get the string size: SIZE GetStringSize(string text, HWND hdccontrol=GetForegroundWindow()) { RECT textrect={0}; HDC txthdc=GetDC(hdccontrol); DrawText (txthdc,text.c_str(),-1,&textrect,DT_CALCRECT); ReleaseDC(hdccontrol,txthdc); SIZE a={textrect.right-textrect.left, textrect.bottom-textrect.top}; return a; } the 1st string size isn't correct. then i get the correct one. so why i get, sometimes, the wrong size? something to … | |
Problem Statement Number-Guessing Game Assignment Write a program for a number-guessing game. Each player will be given 10 attempts to key in a 4-digit number to guess the randomly generated number. All four digits of the computer-generated number MUST be different and the left-most digit cannot be zero. Create a … | |
#include<iostream> #include<string> #include <cstdlib> //rand #include<ctime> #include <algorithm> //shuffling #include <vector> using namespace std; int main() { int option,i=0, num_part; vector<string> names; cout << "Welcome to Number-guessing Game !\n\n"; do { cout << "Menu" << endl; cout << "-----" << endl; cout << "1)To register number of participants and name … | |
Hello I'm a freshly new Graduate student of computer technology engineering, i'm interested in C++ as my first step into learning computer science, what books other than Bajarni books do you recommend, i don't like book that are 1000+ pages long, and prefer ones that are straight to the point … | |
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { string Choice; string On, off; char a = 'A'; int i = 0, j= 0 , NUM = 2 , z = 1; cout << "Please enter 'start' to start the program\n"; cin >> On; if (On == … | |
redo (or do for the first time) programming project 2 from chapter 11. define your ADT class in separate files so that it can be compiled separately. I need help with that!!! | |
Q 1) In this small snippet #include <stdio.h> void passingAddressOfConstants(const int* num1 , int* num2) { *num1 = num2; } int main(){ const int limit = 100; int result = 5; passingAddressOfConstants(&limit,&limit); } Error : error: invalid conversion from 'const int*' to 'int*' Here I defined "limit" is of type … | |
Create a class Candy with the following data: weight of one candy bag, price of one candy bag. There are three types of candy in the store. Find the weight and price of heaviest candy bag. What is the price of 1 candy bag with minimum weight? Extend the … | |
Ok guys ! I'm trying to study operator overloading. which i found the toughest article in OOP :( I tried a code for == operator overloading to check whether both arrays have same elements or not but it isn't working. Can anyone help? Here is my code: #include<iostream> using namespace … | |
hello guys i need a real good ideas from u i want to create social networking program for c++ like instagram,facebook etc my general q: how to implement the coorect DSA structure on building profiles and mangae post comments message from other freinds and user? | |
import java.util.*; class occult { public static void main(String[] args){ int n = 2; for (int i = 0; ; i++){ if(Integer.toString(i).contains("666")){ if ( n == 1 ) System.out.println(i); n -= 1; } } } } I have written the above java code into c++ . i wanted to know … | |
Hi, Actually, I want to make one Singleton class which will create one instance for one thread. I mean if we have 10 threads, then Singleton will create only one object for one thread. IF same thread will ask for one more instance it will return the same instance. Basically, … | |
the GetDesktopWindow() give me the desktop HWND, but how can i get the desktop toolbar HWND? i belive that theres 1 function for get the toolbar on windows, but i don't know how :( | |
I have a little confusion in my mind. I know very well the difference between preincrement and postincrement, postdecrement and predecrement. But i wonder how do these operators work during loop. I ,myself, use postincrement or decrement in loop as follows: for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { //code } But in my book … | |
Hi All, in below class i wanted to have two friend function(overloading) one with default argument and other is without default argument. but during compilation it gives error. could you let me know how to fix (overload) this by not changing the function name , argument type or number of … | |
write a c++ program to compute compound interest. the program should be structured as follows A function to compute interest and another function to compute amount **Bold Text Here** | |
Design a C++ program by considering the following conditions; 1. User must keyed-in “start” to start the program and “stop” to end the program. . 2. If the user keyed-in “choice1”, print out PATTERN A. 3. If the user keyed-in “choice2”, print out PATTERN B. Use if else statement, while … | |
Hello Everyone! I'm using C++ to write a small 2D app with SDL and OpenGL. I'm trying as much as possible to keep my code cross-platform. However, I've hit a bump. I can't find a good, easy way to display text on the screen. I am able to do it, … |
The End.