49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for iansane

Hi, I am writing a program to read from a file. I want to ask the user for the file name to open. I have tried to use the basic open file code from cplusplus.com and it won't work unless I specify the file name in the code. If I …

Member Avatar for Jaja19
Member Avatar for Warrens80

So this friend, the boyfriend of another friend, is interstd in acareer as an IT, he knows quite a lot but wants to learn C++ so I reccomended Daniweb as a source of information. I don know I dont if he will join but I'm spreading the word about Daniweb.

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Member Avatar for Nithin_1

Hi all, I'm new to this forum. I'm learning C and embedded SQL. I have a question. In one of the project am doing, i want to check whether any records with a particular local_id and global_id is there in the database with in the last 90 days. If it …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky

Hi all! I am working on creating an SMS language translator (SMS -> real English), and I am having trouble initializing a map for the SMS -> English codes. My code is below: map<string, string> THE_SMS_CODES{ ".02","Your (or my) two cents worth", "10X", "Thanks", "2MI","Too much information", "2U2" ,"To You …

Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky
Member Avatar for XP78USER

This might sound crazy or something, but i've always wanted to build an Operating System like Windows where people can do everyday things I know some people do not like the new Operating System and that the new screens look atrocious. Also I need a group at least five or …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for usmanjani

how to make this pagehttps://www.facebook.com/ on console screen and also set the size of cotrol screen to window size???????? i anyone can help i all apricate it?

Member Avatar for usmanjani
Member Avatar for Ali_50

hello guys i have a favour to ask i would like to help me out with this problem .. 4) Write a method binaryToDecimal that takes a string as argument (the string consists of a sequence of ’0’ and ‘1’ characters representing the binary representation of a number) and returns …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for can-mohan

Hi, As we know constructor doesn't have any return value so it is not good idea to perform exceptional handling inside constructor.SO i would like to know if i am opening a file inside constructor and due to some reason (file not exist) failure happened inside constructor then how to …

Member Avatar for can-mohan
Member Avatar for tinsaea

In turbo c++,how can i copy a certain file from one drive to the other e.g,the file is located in G:\one ,i want to copy it to C:\tc the file name is "file.txt"...Much love

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for TObannion

I'm working on a project for a tic tac toe game. I'm working on this with a partner (assigned) but he has kind of fallen by the wayside. Here is the assignment: Filenames: ttt.h, ttt.cpp, tttmain.cpp Your second project will be completed with a partner. For this project, you will …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Sarkurd

Hello. I have a few Qs about Hash tables. how does `std::hash` return a `std::size_t`? for example how does it convert a `std::string("Hello")` to `std::size_t`? How do these functions work? i have no idea what's `hash_combine` and `seed` do in `hashval.hpp` This is from STL 2nd edition. hashval.hpp #include <functional> …

Member Avatar for James_47

Hello I am tring to write a code to generate random numbers into an array, I don't understand why this isn't working. please help #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> const int NRows = 5; const int Ncols = 5; using namespace std; int main() { //declare variables int num[NRows][Ncols]; …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for usmanjani

title says all.......! oid diamond(int n); // where n is the number of stars in the middle row what it shows me

Member Avatar for usmanjani
Member Avatar for usmanjani

void diamond(int n); // where n is the number of stars in the middle row. You can assume that n is odd. (You can change the prototype of the function diamond)

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Member Avatar for hansinimaya

please give me some[Click Here](http://www.facebook.com) # student #

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula

With regard to C++ books, I'll just echo the advice here .The following books are recommended; read them in mostly the order listed." Accelerated C++ " Andrew Koenig & Barbara Moo " The C++ Standard Library " Nicolai Josuttis --- a "must have" " Effective C++ ", " More Effective …

Member Avatar for shahidali6
Member Avatar for William Hemsworth

Quite a while ago, I made [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet217147.html"][B]this[/B][/URL] snippet. This code is basically the same, except that it adds animation. This method of blitting is very fast assuming you don't use a surface that's too large. On a 500 x 500 surface, I managed 350fps using only 0-1% of the cpu. …

Member Avatar for thetukiet
Member Avatar for it@61@sec

Does C++ have predefined text constants / string constant to be used as replacements for digits when testing errorcodes ? An example: if (errcode == 17){ std::cout << "The file already exists!" << std::endl; } To make it more readable I can write: if (errcode == FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS){ std::cout << "File …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for hadisur_rahman

# What's the problem in output where the algorithm was correct ???? # #include<iostream> #include<stdio.h> using namespace std; main() { int LA[100],K=1,N=5,L;//K=POSITION...N=element for(int i=0;i<=4;i++) { cin>>LA[i]; } L=LA[K]; for(int J=K ; J<N-1; J++) { LA[J]=LA[J+1]; } cout<<"DELETE ITEM:"; N=N-1; for(int P=0;P<=4;P++) { cout<<" "<<LA[P]; } }

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for Kausik_1

I am using following C++ code to enter a value of X which is used to print out variable CDF. This C++ code is expected to give very similar value we get from NORMDIST function in excel. However I get following error in debugger with out getting any output in …

Member Avatar for Kausik_1
Member Avatar for cambalinho

i have these function for create the tooltip: HWND CreateToolTip(HWND hwndTool, string text) { /*INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icc; icc.dwSize = sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX); icc.dwICC = ICC_BAR_CLASSES | ICC_TAB_CLASSES | ICC_WIN95_CLASSES; InitCommonControlsEx(&icc);*/ if (text=="") { return FALSE; } // Get the window of the tool. //HWND hwndTool = GetDlgItem(hDlg, toolID); // Create the tooltip. g_hInst …

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Member Avatar for cambalinho

i did several ways and nothing work correctly. i have 2 controls: 1 - label: with an animation; 2 - the tooltip is showed on top until the label is re-painted. so is there another way for put the control, always, on top?

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Member Avatar for cambalinho

see my property constructor: template <typename T> class property { private: T PropertyValue; std::function<T(void)> getf; std::function<void(T)> setf; public: property(const T &value) { getf=nullptr; setf=nullptr; PropertyValue=value; } property(const property &value) : PropertyValue(value.PropertyValue) , getf(value.getf) { } property(std::function<T(void)> GetFunction=nullptr,std::function<void(T)> SetFunction=nullptr) { setf=SetFunction; getf=GetFunction; } inside a class i have 2 functions: void …

Member Avatar for cambalinho
Member Avatar for tgreiner

I want to read data into an array from a data file. Because I do not know, ahead of time, how much data is contained within the file I need to declare the array at run time using new. My current strategy is the read through the data file to …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for biko stevens

i need some help to input some prompting in a ready programm written by someone else for a school,thoughht all night,giving me no errors but the out put is not what i need

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for lewashby

I'm reading the book 'C++ Without Fear 2nd Edu' and I'm a little confused on the subject of shallow copies. The book says the problems can arise if you make a shallow copy of an object and something happens to the original, goes out of scope, is deleted, etc... I …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Alan_7

**Question-1: Write a program to sort in ascending order random entered numbers by user using Linked Lists. - Size of LL is not limited - Entering numbers should be stopped by entering '0' (zero) - Sort entered numbers using any sorting algorithm (Bubble, Selection or Insertion sort) - Display sorted …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Utopia_1

Problem Statement: NAtural DIAlogue team at Orange labs has an abbreviation "Nadia Team". This abbreviation causes a big problem for them in Egypt as a lot of Egyptians think this team is owned by a female called nadia and they don't know they are working on NAtural DIAlogue. To solve …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Mahnoor_1

I need to find out the output of the following code snippet return by function go(2) ... int a=10; int go(int b) { if(b<=4) return b; else return go(b+1)*go(b-2)-(b*2); ++a; cout<<a; return -1; } When I do the dryrun myself on paper , it should first return the value of …

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Member Avatar for Graceyy Fanning

Hi! I have an assignment. A C++ program. But sad to say I dont know how. -Write a program that multiplies two numbers withou using (*symbol). (Use for loops) Please help me!

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The End.