49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for tgreiner

I want to read data into an array from a data file. Because I do not know, ahead of time, how much data is contained within the file I need to declare the array at run time using new. My current strategy is the read through the data file to …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for biko stevens

i need some help to input some prompting in a ready programm written by someone else for a school,thoughht all night,giving me no errors but the out put is not what i need

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for lewashby

I'm reading the book 'C++ Without Fear 2nd Edu' and I'm a little confused on the subject of shallow copies. The book says the problems can arise if you make a shallow copy of an object and something happens to the original, goes out of scope, is deleted, etc... I …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Alan_7

**Question-1: Write a program to sort in ascending order random entered numbers by user using Linked Lists. - Size of LL is not limited - Entering numbers should be stopped by entering '0' (zero) - Sort entered numbers using any sorting algorithm (Bubble, Selection or Insertion sort) - Display sorted …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Utopia_1

Problem Statement: NAtural DIAlogue team at Orange labs has an abbreviation "Nadia Team". This abbreviation causes a big problem for them in Egypt as a lot of Egyptians think this team is owned by a female called nadia and they don't know they are working on NAtural DIAlogue. To solve …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Mahnoor_1

I need to find out the output of the following code snippet return by function go(2) ... int a=10; int go(int b) { if(b<=4) return b; else return go(b+1)*go(b-2)-(b*2); ++a; cout<<a; return -1; } When I do the dryrun myself on paper , it should first return the value of …

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Member Avatar for Graceyy Fanning

Hi! I have an assignment. A C++ program. But sad to say I dont know how. -Write a program that multiplies two numbers withou using (*symbol). (Use for loops) Please help me!

Member Avatar for hamzayammu
Member Avatar for adnan_6

My dears , I have a opengl c++ program that works fine in the vs2013 and draws tree. Now I want to use that program in the qt gui open gl project. I know how to make gui program and add classes and headers. But I do not know how …

Member Avatar for adnan_6
Member Avatar for rythreion

hi!im new in c++ i need help how to make a software that convert any number that the user will enter and convert it in any base that the user will enter. It will convert it and show the result.

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky

Hello all! When would it be advisable to use string iterators vs the "for char c in string" loop that is a feature in C++-11 or vs the for (int i.....) loop? And why? The only two situations I see myself using string iterators is for the STL algorithms and …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for Kasxar
Member Avatar for Hassaan_3

An electricity board charges the following rates to domestic users to discourage large consumption of energy: Unit used (u) Residential rate Commercial rate 0 < units <= 100 6 8 100 < units <= 200 8 13 200 < units <= 400 12 17 500 < units <= 800 17 …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Rafiii

Hello, so this user input all in one line string , i need to parse the input into two categories: user age and user name. for example , the user input -->> [23:Frank] [15:Jack] [45:] [33:sofia] [] in this case i have more than one argument (delimiter, total of 3 …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Gulu Guliyev

Good evening to all. I have a question related to programming contest between countries or universities and so on. Does anyone know the best programming book for olympic contests for C++ programmers ? Best Regards

Member Avatar for masaker

**Student and Courses Record Management System (LinkList of LinkList)** In this Assignment you need to create a small student and courses record management system with following functionalities. 1- Add New Student This function will allow you to add a new student record,you can use any three attributes of your choice …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for khalid_5

i try to compile this programme and thasn't work :p i think that the problem come from the string fonction (int r=strcmp( CL[j].nomC , cl);) #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> struct etudiant{ char nom[7]; char prenom[7]; float not1; float not2; float not3; float moy; }; /*struct branche{ char nom[10]; …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Đăng

Hi community, I want to prevent user input character in Edit Control on a dialog. I think i need to catch WM_Char to prevent showing the character, but i do not know how to do it. Thanks for your help.

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Member Avatar for alexx006

Hi everyone, I’m beginner and I need a little help. I have to make RPN (postfix) calculator using stack which is implemented by singly linked list in C. Now I found that but in C++ and I’m having trouble translating it to C. Can you help me getting things to …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Simon180

I have some source code done back when time first started and long before unicoding of a old gaming/chat system used mostly in 90s knowing to millons of young gamers as mplayer.com now questions I have is the server side was coded for Solaris Sparc/Intel server core using Sun workshop …

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Member Avatar for new_developer

Hi everyone, My program is crashing on taking input of alpha-numeric and store it in char[]. I don't know why, please anyone help ! sample input : C9H8O4MgOH #include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; bool hydroxide(char[]); int main() { char formula[] = ""; cout<<"Enter chemical formula : "; cin …

Member Avatar for Mayukh_1
Member Avatar for Norbert_2

Hello dear members, i am looking for a solution for my problem: -I want to write .ini values (xor-ed) -Then i want to read the .ini (un-xor) -Finally i want to be able to access the values Example : [test] boom = 1 haha = 23446453 text = ADSdsajew I …

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Member Avatar for leonardo123

Write a C program to input an integer, and output how many times each digit occurs in the integer.

Member Avatar for mridul.ahuja
Member Avatar for danila726

Hello everyone. I am new to c++ and I just wrote a program. I am on linux so just saying. This is the code. What keeps happening is all the commands just keep coming. here is an example. Welcome to the Calculator. Please enter your operation. addition Please enter your …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for ashhad kamal
Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for lewashby

#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class String { private: char *ptr; public: String(); String(char* s); ~String(); operator char*() { return ptr; } int operator==(const String &other); }; int main() { String a("STRING 1"); String b("STRING 2"); cout << "The value of a is: " << endl; cout << …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky

Hello all! I am working through a book here and it says that there is a class-template "basic_string" that is used in the namespace std as `typedef basic_string<char> string;` to create an alias for the "string" type. However, I know that there is a header file `<string>` for the declaration …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky

Hello Programmers! I am trying to write a recursive implementation of the quicksort algorithm in C++. I believe you all know what it is so I shall not go into the details. However, I run this, but it never ends. Going through it with a debugger shows that my partitioning …

Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky
Member Avatar for Mahnoor_1

hey guys Im here again :P Here is my code for bank account class.. #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; class account { private: int account_balance; public: account(int acc) //constructor { if(acc>=0) { account_balance=acc; } else { account_balance=0; cout<<"initial balance is invalid"<<endl; } } int credit(int ammount) //credit member function { …

Member Avatar for Mahnoor_1
Member Avatar for nitin1

I built one Sync code. I am using eclipse for the same. Actually my code is working fine in eclipse. But when I run it in Tizen OS device. I am using beecrypt library for the same. I have one line auto_ptr<Mac>(Mac::getInstance("HmacSHA256")); Actually, it is throwing exception on this line. …

Member Avatar for Mahnoor_1

can anyone please tell me what's wrong with my code? I have made this code but the compiler is giving the error that all member functions are non-class type. I can't fix this. Here is my code: #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; /*class Invoice which demonstrates capabilties */ class invoice …

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The End.