49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mighty

Hello everyone. I am taking a C++ program at my college.. and i find it pretty difficult honestly.. but, i have to get the hang of it due to my major. If someone could help with this problem It would be appreciated.. A retail company must file a monthly sales …

Member Avatar for preet4fun
Member Avatar for EZO

Hello, and welcome... I have a small question about class functions. Before anythig to understand my problem, when I have this file "test.h" which contains: [code=cplusplus] #ifndef TEST_H #define TEST_H class aFile { private: char *src; char *dst; public: void Copy(char *src, char *dst); }; #endif//TEST_H [/code] Also I've another …

Member Avatar for EZO
Member Avatar for DirtyBird

Hello all, I had previously written a short program to find the factors of any integer. Fortunately, it works flawless and without any problems. However, I want to edit this code so that the program adds up all the factors of that certain integer. Can anyone shed some light as …

Member Avatar for u8sand
Member Avatar for h3llpunk

Hi C++ is my first language i am learning and i would like to start some project that involves a bit of AI and object avoidance but i have no idea where to start. My skill in C++ is pretty poor but i would like to start a small project …

Member Avatar for u8sand
Member Avatar for MyRedz

all i can think i will type here and please explain the others.thank you this is just to enhance my knowledge about oop.The info i got now isn't enough... q1 Write a simple program to ask user to input five digits number. Using the input, output the five digits number …

Member Avatar for arun_lisieux
Member Avatar for mtucker6784

Hi folks! I'm not a student, so this isn't a homework assignment, I'm just trying to learn C++ for my own benefit and my career. My question is: is it possible to call a function that's below another function? If not, how could I do this? For example, in the …

Member Avatar for mattwaab
Member Avatar for jorgeberber

Hi all!!! simple question , i have included a txt file in my program which holds names and numbers like this Alan 23 Bob 50 Joan 35 i want to know if it is possible to do a search in that file by the name and return the corresponding number …

Member Avatar for jorgeberber
Member Avatar for avillachandok

hi, can someone please tell me what is the no. estimated for compares and data moves required by these three algorithms to sort N strings. And what is the order for calculating the time measurement to sort these strings. thanks.

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for sid78669

I have recently been doing an assignment which had us making a text editor. What I was trying to do is to get the terminal screen size so that I could use the coordinates. Can somebody tell me how I can save the environmental variables as integer values? I googled …

Member Avatar for sid78669
Member Avatar for rosenberg_a

I have a header file and a cpp file that i cannot get to compile. The exercise in the book states i need to make a static char of the months. But for some reason i am having trouble initializing the static char[12][25] array for the 12 months. Getting error …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for winrawr

I'm using a windows port of gcc, g++, etc. as a compiler. How would I compile a DLL, and define/use its exports? Can I compile header files, classes, etc. into a DLL or only functions? Can DLL functions call functions in a program, or is it only one-way? For example, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Phil++

Hey there, the problem that I am having is that I'm trying to make a simple scripting language that is coded in notepad, then opens the Engine and it displays the code in a console window. I am currently stuck at displaying text on the screen, if I enter a …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

swap.h : [CODE]#pragma once class Swap { public: Swap(void); public: ~Swap(void); public: void SwapNumbers(int & number1, int & number2); public: void SwapNumbersViaPointer(int * pNumber1, int * pNumber2); };[/CODE] swap.cpp : [CODE]#include "Swap.h" Swap::Swap(void) { } Swap::~Swap(void) { } void Swap::SwapNumbers(int & number1, int & number2) { int tmp = number2; …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for rosenberg_a

[CODE] const char *getName() { return name; } [/CODE] Looking at the following code which is a member function of a class, why would one pass the array of a person's name as a pointer and lock it so it cannot be modified when they can just pass a copy …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for Sam_Surrey

Hi everyone, im not competely new to C++ but we are being asked to create a new program for converting celsius to farenheit which is an easy code set, but we have to create it using seperate units, which i have to admit is massivley confusing me ! [code=cplusplus] #pragma …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for real_castilla

Hi all, I'm a newbie with C or C++. I have a raw PCM file 16-bit (like a wav file but no header). I need to build a console application that can read the file, store data in an array, modify it (ex: add 100 to each value of the …

Member Avatar for rafi867
Member Avatar for daviddoria

[code] double P = 3.5/(.1 * sqrt(2.0*3.14159)) * exp(-pow(5.0,2) / (2.0*pow(.1,2))); cout << P << endl; if (P==0) cout << "P is zero!" << endl; [/code] Is this underflowing so it is getting rounded to zero? The problem is that I am taking the log of this, so if it …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I wrote a pause function: [code] void Pause(void) { printf("Paused...\n\n"); fgetc(stdin); } [/code] It generally works fine (hit enter to continue). But one program doesn't seem to want to stop at all... [code] if(P == 0) { cout << "P=0!" << endl; //just as another attempt to stop it , …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for are_nice

can u give me an example of a program like this? write a program that allows the user to play the game called the secret number with the comp. the user will try to guess the secret number, a number known only by the comp. this secret number is an …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for adarrell

Hi, I have been trying for several hours without success to write a function that takes a filename, opens the corresponding file, populates a std::vector<double> with values from the file, and returns the std::vector<double>. I can't get past the passing the filename stage unfortunately, despite reading about this here there …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for ishaanarora

Suggest a nice college project for subject named Object Oriented software engineering ...preferable coding language is C++.............

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for dhpatil1

I'm getting the following exception "ORA-24960: the attribute OCI_ATTR_USERNAME is greater than the maximum allowable length of 255" when using Environment:createConnection. I'm using VisualC++ 8.0 and Oracle 10g R 10.2.0. Below is the snippet of code that creates the problem:[code] #include <iostream> #include<occi.h> using namespace oracle:cci; using namespace std; try{ …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for yasserovic

who can find the Errors in this statments ; 1-[CODE]Assume that: char str[ 5 ]; cin >> str; // user types "hello" [/CODE] 2- [CODE=c]int *zPtr; // zPtr will reference array z int *aPtr = 0; void *sPtr = 0; int number; int z[ 5 ] = { 1, 2, …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for rosenberg_a

I basically got all the errors out of this software program i am doing for my own study, not for school. But i keep getting an error saying that in the main program before the cout it is missing a ;. This leads to believe i am missing a ; …

Member Avatar for rosenberg_a
Member Avatar for computercobra

Heres my problem. I can add a node to my linked list in the front and middle, and at the end. But if I add a node to the end of the list and try to print it out, the program crashes. I studied the code and didn't find any …

Member Avatar for computercobra
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

i tried to see the preprocessed file after it is preprocessed. i created den.cpp : [CODE]#define PROC_ERR(MSGSTR, DO_ACTION) \ { \ cerr << MSGSTR << endl; \ DO_ACTION; \ } PROC_ERR(error,action)[/CODE] i run the following command on unix command prompt to create the preprocessed file : [CODE]g++ -E -o den.i …

Member Avatar for ejubenville

I'm porting a program that used stdio file facilities to use an std::ofstream instead. The original program uses fsync to force a file's buffers out to the disk. The fsync() is used because I'm writing a logging file, and want to ensure that data is written ASAP (i.e., before a …

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for SAZAR

Is there a utility which you load with a .txt file which is a list of files and directories you made previously, so it generates, sort-of, a virtual directory tree (explorer-like, with icons and all)? _______________________________ For example: You have a list, a .txt file, which has this text in …

Member Avatar for GDICommander
Member Avatar for smashpumpkin

Hi everyone, I've been having a little trouble with an assignment I've been given and I'm looking for a little help. The assignment requires me to read in a line of text from the user, and then use Parallel Arrays (both iteratively & recursively), An Array of Object (iteratively, recursively, …

Member Avatar for smashpumpkin
Member Avatar for LucyB

Do you do the flow chart first or go straight to the code? I find it easier to do the code first for some reason, maybe this is bad?

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol

The End.