49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for singhraghav

i need some help here....i am taking input as name and i want to count the alphabets in the string as integers....e.g. if the in out is cab i have to output 3+1+2 = 5 i have been able to ad d up the strings..but if my input starts with …

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for ademsaykin

I am studying a Software Engineering Degree Course in London.I am very keen to learn C++ One of my Units named Programming Methodology and we have been given a coursework during xmas holiday. I have been trying to sort it out by using internet sources but I am struggling. Our …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for freelancelote

Hi, I'm trying to have a function that takes an ifstream object and returns an int as in [ICODE]int wCount(ifstream myFile);[/ICODE] Is that possible? The compiler gives me loads of errors that I simply don't understand. Thanks,

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for AntiBNI

Hi every one,Is there a way to leave resource bitmaps uncompiled in MFC? by uncompiles i man that the compiler does not embed it in the exe.

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for lostincpp

I am new to programming and have no idea how I have made it this far in the class, but this is our last assignment and I am stuck. This is what the assignment says: Create program that calculates the average of three test scores: The program should contain 3 …

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for elitedragoon

Don't know what is up with it. Any help is nice, thanks. error c2660: 'Totaler' : Function does not take 20 arguments error c2660: 'Averager' : Function does not take 30 arguments [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "./myheader.h" void InputEmployeeData(char*lastname, char*firstname, float*hours, float*payrate, float*deferred); float CalcGross(float hours, float …

Member Avatar for elitedragoon
Member Avatar for shadwickman

Hi, I'm really confused now about how to return an int[] from a C++ function. Inside the function, I need to dynamically resize the array, but at the end I want the variable returned to be an array, not a pointer, but I have no idea how to do this: …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for singhraghav

hey ppl! i have got an assignment which asks me to do a personality evaluation on the basis of the users name and gender....i have to take user name input in upper or lower case....but have to output it in a proper manner with only the first letter of the …

Member Avatar for unbeatable0
Member Avatar for meistrizy

It also might help if I tell you guys the whole program (*smh*...lol): Ok...the bottom part of the program is supposed to read the file and then display the rounded number in a table as the charted population. I tried to redo the same piece as StuXYZ suggested but it …

Member Avatar for meistrizy
Member Avatar for singhraghav

i am trying to take input for name and return it with only the first letters of the name as capital....i am able to it the first name but m unable to move on to the second and last name.... please help.. [code=cplusplus] string ToUpper(string n) { for(int i=0;i<n.length();i++) { …

Member Avatar for BeyondTheEye
Member Avatar for clb8372

[QUOTE][LIST] [*]Identify a task you perform regularly, such as cooking, mowing the lawn, or driving a car. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]Write a short, structured design (pseudocode only) that accomplishes this task. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]Think about this task in an object-oriented way, and identify the objects involved in the [*]task. [/LIST] [LIST] …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Ouais

So , I've been obsessing about this for a while , as stupid as it may sound , I don't seem to know where exactly can I declare functions when I'm Drawing in VC++ 2008 , all I did so far was initialize paint Handle , wrote a couple lines …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Grub

Hi, is there a place from where I can get or read up on the C ++ standard library for the mac? Something similar to Sun's java documentation. I am looking for GUI libraries and others such as handling files not opening for streaming but to get attributes of files …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for SHWOO

while((board.getgXPos() != board.getXPos()) && (board.getgYPos() != board.getYPos())) { system("cls"); board.printBoard(); board.moveBall(); } I would like this while statement to continue repeating until both gxPos equals XPos & gyPos equals YPos. I can't seem to figure out why the statement exits if either both x's are the same or if both …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for mypopope

I'm using dev c++ beta i downloaded from the internet.but the problem is i cannot compile my source code even a simple one like this: #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::end: int main() { cout<<"HELLO" <<end; return 0; } The error says "The system could not find the specified file" …

Member Avatar for AHUazhu
Member Avatar for brandn.

so i have been taking my c++ class for about a couple months and really had no problems till we hit functions. The other assignments with functions I eventually got, but this one is eluding me to no end. I think I am heading in the right direction, but just …

Member Avatar for brandn.
Member Avatar for robgeek

Hi, I am trying to write an address book. The problem is: in my class declaration I declared a mutator. In the implementation, I am asking the user to enter his address, city, state and zip. So my prototype void set_add(string, string, string, int). In other words I am trying …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for ninja_gs

I use Turbo C++ compiler to compile Cpp program. when i use it . shows error( undef :"cout " "endl") but included CONIO.h . Also I checked OPTIONS-> DIR - where I have TC Folder(My case I have it in E:\TC\INCLUDE & E:\TC\LIB) Even The Example Programs is Not Running …

Member Avatar for ItecKid
Member Avatar for meistrizy

Ok...the program is supposed to read data from the file and then output one star for every 1000 people. At the bottom of the program, it is supposed to round the numbers up or down (2500 = 3 stars, 2499 = 2 stars) but I can't get that part to …

Member Avatar for meistrizy
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

Hey, so basically i need to decrypt/encrypt traffic on a specific port on my computer. How can i capture incoming/outgoing packets and manipulate them?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for AutoC

Hi, I've got a program that I wish to run in a powerful server so that it can run on several cores simultaneously and work faster.I need to do client server programming for this.That is, I recieve input in my local system which I forward to the server, it does …

Member Avatar for AHUazhu
Member Avatar for tori10

i have started writing a program to do a fast sort but on one of my builds an error is coming up and i don't know what exactly it means could you please help. [CODE] int main(void){ char c[k]; cout<<"Please enter the input filename:"<<endl; // read in the input and …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for q8y_4u

hi guy's , iam a new member i got stuck with my c++ assigment. i really want's your help the program reads in a series of student data sets from the keyboard, stores them in an ordered linked list of records, supports editing an existing record, and displays a summary …

Member Avatar for AHUazhu
Member Avatar for robgeek

Hi, I declared and implemented a print() function in a class. But when I call this function it is giving me an error: which says that function does not take 0 arguments. But what should my arguments be. I have posted the part of the code for more specification. Thanks. …

Member Avatar for AHUazhu
Member Avatar for cplspls

I am kind of a neophite and I need your help in the following; How do you right justify the field output in the <iostream> headerfile and how would one determine the compiler one is using/

Member Avatar for cplspls
Member Avatar for burakcayir

Hello, I need to know if i can get informations like vehicle speed or steering angle from CAN bus in a vehicle and set them as inputs to some functions in C++ with opencv. I think i need to read them from PCMCIA but i don't know how to access …

Member Avatar for singhraghav

Hey guys! i Have a prblm writing a program, i hope i can find help here.... in the prgram i have to take user input on gender as 'm' or 'f' or 'male' or 'female' or 'Male' or 'FmAle'.... what i mean is i the input should not be case …

Member Avatar for unbeatable0
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I am trying to output 00001 instead of just 1, so I do this: char pos[5]; sprintf(pos, "%05d", 1); string Index = (string) pos; It works just as I'd expect - if I cout << Index it says 00001 However, it is breaking something totally unrelated. On the next line, …

Member Avatar for grumpier
Member Avatar for VBNick

i have a struct with an array of three points in it, for example: struct POINTS { POINT pts[3]; }; then I have another struct with two single points in it like this: struct EDGE { POINT *p1, *p2; } is there a way to set p1 to a single …

Member Avatar for Murtan

The End.