49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for mmeyer49

For some reason my grid will not display in my program. Can you tell me what i would have to do to fix it. In all logic its right i think [code] #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include "color.h" #include <conio.h> using namespace std; using namespace Petter; void title(); void credits(); …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for elitedragoon

Please help, I keep getting error C2664: 'State_Tax' : Cannot convert parameter 1 from 'float *' 'to float' [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "./myheader.h" void Calculate_Taxes(float gross, float deferred, float *federaltax, float *statetax, float *ssitax); float Federal_Tax(float deferred, float gross); float State_Tax(float federaltax); float SSI_Tax(float gross, float …

Member Avatar for elitedragoon
Member Avatar for robgeek

I am writing a program in which a print function takes in users' street address(string), city (string) , state (string), zip(int). What will my return be for this function? My code snippet is this: [code] string addressType::print_add(string str, string Cit, string St, int Z) { cout<<str<<endl; cout<< Cit <<","<<St<<endl; cout<<"Zip: …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for robgeek

Hi I am writing a address book program that is giving a run time error. Please if someone can compile and check this error, and then explain/ show me how can I resolve it. I am pasting my code in parts here as well as attaching the files. Also please …

Member Avatar for robgeek
Member Avatar for cpeeyush1

i am trying to learning c++ and i have a basic or i can say good knowledgeof c so please tell me the link of free ebook (pls don't tell any rapid share link) -PC(INDIA)

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for Nina 4 Ever

Hello every body. i'm new here , and i didn't have the chance to introduce myself.i will,later...but for now:...i need help designing a mini C# compiler...i tried to find something practical to implement the symbol table using a hash table, but i found nothing really useful on the net...any ideas??? …

Member Avatar for Nina 4 Ever
Member Avatar for mmeyer49

im working a pretty advance program which is a huge jump from what we were doing. 1) im having problems displaying the grid and the robots. its suposed to refresh each time the rounds end. 2)Not really sure on how to assemble my functions =/ the most functions we ever …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for k33l

I'm trying to sort a Linked List of type T. Here's the parameters for the function that sorts it: [code]void quicksort(SinglyLL<T> & A, bool (* needSwap)(T &, T &))[/code] needSwap is actually a function pointer that just helps in deciding if swaps are needed - there are two different functions …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for freelancelote

Hi all, let's say I have a string object. I can cout the string literal by just stating the name of the object or I can use the data function. [CODE=cpp] string myStringObj = "Hello World!"; cout << myStringObj; cout << myStringObj.data();[/CODE] So, why do we have a function like …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for monere

Hello, Thouh i am 60 years old i am still a beginner in c++ and i need some directions from more experienced programmers. The following code successfully reads file clip1.txt. I want to replace the quoted file "clip1.txt" with an expression or a variable or a pointer as i have …

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Member Avatar for clutchkiller

[code=c++] #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { SetConsoleTitle("The Guessing Game!"); int guess; int clue; srand ( time(NULL) ); int num(rand() % 25 + 1); int total; cout << "Hello Internet\n"; Sleep(2000); cout << "Today, we are going to play the Guessing Game!\n"; cout << …

Member Avatar for clutchkiller
Member Avatar for mybluehair

Hi. I am making a c++ console program, and I wanted to add a new feature. but to do this, the guy said i needed a library named curl. Ive only installed 1 library before, but the instructions were VERY straight forward. i have been researching how to install curl …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for asifjavaid

Hi, I have an application which is currently in VC++.NET 2003. It is using two static libraries, 1. mfc71d.lib 2. wsock32.lib. Now I want to convert this application in VC++.NET 2005. But it contains mfc80d.lib instead of mfc71d.lib. If I change this static library to mfc80d.lib, my application in VC++.NET …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for dmanw100

I always wondered if it is possible in Windows to read in general file information (size, created date, modified date, etc) and then modify that data? If it's possible, how can it be done?

Member Avatar for low_coder
Member Avatar for Matt_V_Clarke

I installed a IDE named CodeBlock on Windows Vista and for nothing would it compile anything that I wrote. When I installed it on my Xp system it worked fine. Is there an IDE that works on Vista??? Help please.

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for mybluehair

I have a new feature for my c++ console program. its an updater feature. the updater goes online to my website and downloads a txt file, then the updater reads the file, to see if the program is up to date. but theres a problem. the updater is a whole …

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for Grub

Hi is it possible to get the file creation date of files on the mac using c++? If so, may you assist me on how do I go about doing so? Many thanks

Member Avatar for Grub
Member Avatar for shankhs

I am searching an efficient algorithm to find all the palindromes in a string(actually I have to find the largest palindrome in a string).. Here is my code [code] string palindrome(string str) { int n=sz(str); for(int l=n-1;l>=0;l--)//Palindrome can be of any size. { for(int i=0;i<n-l+1;i++) { int j=i+l-1; string str2=str.substr(i,j-i+1); …

Member Avatar for cikara21
Member Avatar for ninja_gs

[B] i need to find the user I/p is an String or char or int or float in C++ lang . [/B] My Goal is to Get 3 inputs from user and Find the Greatest of all and list out it but matter of fact the Big deal is the …

Member Avatar for som shekhar
Member Avatar for clutchkiller

My biggest problem right now in understanding c++ is pointers. Im curious to its specific funcionality, so instead of doing somthing like p = &x then calling x using *p, why couldn't you just say x = p? Im pretty sure my syntax is wrong, but hopefully i'm getting my …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for vicky_dev

Hi, Please let me know if this post doesn't belong here... I couldn't find a dedicated forum for network programming, so posted this here. [INDENT]I'm developing a client and server for using Winsock/TCP/C++. I'm relatively new to network programming and have a few doubts :[/INDENT] [LIST=1] [*]Suppose I send 8 …

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Member Avatar for kinger29

I have a c++ application in microsoft visual studio. Is it possible to create a button on a dialog that will pop up the device manager window in windows so that the user can see all the different hardware connected to their computer? If so how?

Member Avatar for low_coder
Member Avatar for ohlaph

I'm working on this project due by 4AM and my loop keeps stopping after following part of a loop. I've checked the code several times, but it just freezes inside the checkstuff function. Can someone tell me how I can break from that fucntion or loop and continue looping through …

Member Avatar for cerb63

I'm having an issue that so that Book A and Book B's Author and Title will print at the end of the program. So This will verify that the overloaded = is functioning. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Book { public: Book(char*, char*); private: char* title; char* author; public: …

Member Avatar for tarakant_sethy
Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for rtmarch

ok so i am almost done with this assignment but i keep getting an error on line 51 about my function i am calling. please help me! [code=cplusplus] //calculate energy bill part 9ish // #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int i; void sort(int[], int[], …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for sjhentges

Ok here is my assignment, i know its alot to read, but i would really appreciate the help: Write a program that asks the user for a file name. The file contains the part number, cost and quantity for up to 50 parts in the current inventory at a store. …

Member Avatar for sjhentges
Member Avatar for Lukezzz

General question: If you want to create a homepage, wich application can you do this in ? I know C++ well but I am not sure if you can use Visual C++ Express Edition 2008 for something like this ? Does anyone have experience of this, What application could otherwise …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for hamadak

i have a c++ project and am using has-a inheritance ... the project is to create a class Sensor then makes is-a inheritance to classes Regular Sensor and CriticalSensor .. uptill now no problem ... i want then to create a class Building that (has) sensors so am using has-a …

Member Avatar for hamadak
Member Avatar for Ameerah

[COLOR="Green"]Hello pleas any one helpe me in my code my code include error iam convert thise function to over loading(laste function) but include error Code:[/COLOR][CODE]bool Student::operator!() { if(!canRegisterMore()) return true; else return false; } bool Student::registerCourse(Course course) //thise function expline abilety of register course but you should //the 1 can …

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The End.