49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for matt_570

Hey I have to write a program that reads a text file that contains a list of words, 1 word per line. I have to store the unique words and count the occurrences of each unique word. When the file is completely read, I have to print the words and …

Member Avatar for matt_570
Member Avatar for chasee

I'm working on a program that has a class Board, and two inherited classes that will implement different games, but I'm having problems with setting up the initial Board class. The problem is that I don't know how to make it so the board array in the protected section of …

Member Avatar for mahlerfive
Member Avatar for J4YP33

I am trying to open a file after getting its path from the user. here is the code. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cstring> using namespace std; void main(){ const char* filepath; string input, input2; char lines[110]; ifstream infile; cout << "Enter filename (including path): "; getline (cin, …

Member Avatar for J4YP33
Member Avatar for spool

Hay guys, I was looking at a few examples of how a Radix sort works, and writing up a document explaining it. I based my findings on one particular example I found, link follows. [URL="http://www.cubic.org/docs/radix.htm"]http://www.cubic.org/docs/radix.htm[/URL] Well the bit shifting here is giving my head a bit of a spin, and …

Member Avatar for rezzy1
Member Avatar for JD2000

I'm currently working on implementing a small game in C++, but when trying to compile, I get this error: [CODE]..quadtree.h:125: error: no matching function for call to 'Fleet::Ship::overlaps(const Fleet::Ship*&)' ..ship.h:40: note: candidates are: bool Ship::overlaps(const Rectangle&) const ..ship.h:85: note: bool Ship::overlaps(const Ship&) const ..ship.h:32: note: bool Ship::overlaps(const Point&) const[/CODE] So …

Member Avatar for JD2000
Member Avatar for mrnutty

This question is for all the programmers. What makes a good prgoammers? What made you get a job? Why are you a programmer? This is not a interview, or nothing like that. This is just someone that is curious about those question. Thank you for answer or even viewing this …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

i have a training application which incorporates c/c++ and raima database(a database system written in c) i was able to insert some data in it but i cant read from it. the files are as follows: Books.cpp : [CODE]#include "Booksh.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; info bookrec; Books::Books(void) …

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Member Avatar for johnalexandersr

Can someone help me with the follow: How would you implement mergesort without using recursion?

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

i am using a c library from c++ application and i need to fill a c struct from c++ code, this is a c++ console application. it doesnt seem to work when i assign variable values using cin. what should i do ?

Member Avatar for cikara21
Member Avatar for redrum237

hi. i am looking to run the following queries from the project zipped with this message: 1. List all lecturers in alphabetic order by surname within a selected department. 2. List all lecturers within a selected faculty. 3. List all modules taught by a selected lecturer. i am having trouble …

Member Avatar for redrum237
Member Avatar for youngman_kurd

hello,i am new in the forum i want from any member in this forum solution this equation (in the insertion any equation for example this (sum=sum+5;) this equation not enduring ) shown in the screen or to be product: sum identifier = operator sum identifier + operator 5 number ; …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for rpg245

hi....i'm trying to write a code that generate random numbers quickly because i'll iterate my code a lot of times.....millions of times.... I use srand(time(NULL)) to initialize the seed, and random(RAND_MAX) to generate the random number, but this form is annormally slow I need help to reduce the time of …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Awebb999

The following function mixes call by reference and call by value parameters. [ICODE]void T ( int & a, int b ) { int c = a - 1; a = c + b; b = a + 2; }[/ICODE] Suppose that in main we had the following: [ICODE]int apple = …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Holy Roller

Hey, I'm somewhat new to programming in c++ and I have had this code I wrote for a long time now. I wrote this about 9 months ago when I was really interested in learning the c++ language but lost interest during the summer. Well, now I'm getting back into …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for nedsnurb

Hi, I'v written this code for an Assignment however I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions on how to change the loops from IF/ELSE statements to Do/While, if that would be possible just the rest of the guys in my class are doing it this way with IF and …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for Jerrey

error: cannot converst 'std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >' to 'std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >*' for argument '1' to 'void(...)' Well, he cannot convert a vector to a pointer to itself, as it is passed to the void function, where I wish to manipulate it.... I wish to operate on a vector containing about 20. …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for soniagupta98

If there are two arrays arr1[]={1,4,5,6} arr2[]={1,5} I want to get the output as arr[]={4,6} i.e i have to remove all the common elements that arr1 and arr2 have and printing the required output . Can any one give me the program in C++ for this with normal looping techniques?

Member Avatar for mahlerfive
Member Avatar for chchiu

Can any one slove this question? It is really hard. [url]http://img168.imagehshack.us/img168/7080/task3vn7.png[/url] I don't know how to write it in c++ but i have write up the programing logic that should work for this question.

Member Avatar for brechtjah
Member Avatar for CPPNOOB

Hey i need help with the final assignment of my Microsoft Visual C++ class and its a hard one its an online address book where it keeps a bunch of information such as name id birthday and etc. i know it looks messy but if you copy paste into the …

Member Avatar for amt_muk

Hello Friends, I am trying to porting some pre-existing code to VC++ 2005 in Win XP environment. I have a segment of code like, [code] ... #include<fcntl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> ... ... cm_iFile = open(l_chBuff,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY); ... [/code] During compiling this file I am getting the following error message, [B]..\source\CRaterEDRFile.cpp(276) …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for christiangirl

The program is all working now, but I'm worried because on the last linked lists assignment I got a C because I did not do the link correctly. My prof said that I did not create the links up correctly just used a stack to get descending in the last …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for Awebb999

26. What is printed in the following code segment? [ICODE] I = 1; do { I = I + 25; } while ( I > 50 ); cout << I + 50; [/ICODE] a) 50 b) 51 c) 75 d) 76

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for christiangirl

Hey, This is the same code as my other forum for those of you who were helping me there. It is all working now, but when I go to call return_value from applicant.cpp(it has to be .cpp not .h because thats how the prof made it) Its coming up with …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for Awebb999

23. To convert Fahrenheit ( F ) temperatures to Centigrade ( C ) temperatures people use the formula: (32 degrees F is 0 degrees C, 212 degrees F is 100 degrees C, etc.) double C,F; [ICODE]cin >> F; C = ( 5 / 9 ) * ( F - 32 …

Member Avatar for mahlerfive
Member Avatar for Awebb999

14. What will be outputted given the segment of code, if 11 is entered from the keyboard? int number; [ICODE]cin >> number; if ( number > 0 ) cout << "C++"; else cout << "Soccer"; cout << " is "; cout << "fun" << endl; [/ICODE]

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for karang

Hi I have defined the class in C++ file as __declspec(dllexport) int clsName ::CreateDocument(char* filein, char* fileout, char* config) where clsName is the class name But after I compiled the code and use the dll in .net code I am getting a run time error "Unable to find an entry …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for christiangirl

Hey, I am having problems with this code, I think it is not linking up the whole file, because when I run it it only says "hi" 3 times. And also it keeps crashing because of best[i] = point->item->return_value(); [code] #include "applicant.cpp" #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> using namespace …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for JLopeman

Hello everyone....again. I have a program that is using a queue. I have a class member function that is to traverse the queue, and output the smallest number in the queue. Pseudo for this function is: Compare the front and front->next. Whichever is smaller, keep it. Traverse the queue until …

Member Avatar for JLopeman
Member Avatar for DLightman

I'm getting a strange compile error with getline. My question is if you make a statement like: [CODE] getline(is, a.lastName, ','); [/CODE] can you revert back to: [CODE] getline(is, a.country); [/CODE] Or in other words, once you set a delimiter, are you bound by that delimiter for the rest of …

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Member Avatar for Yilon

First, let me introduce myself. I was a pretty good C programmer, back when [and very modest as well.] I got into other lines of work and have been out of programming for several years. The other lines of work have ... you have read the headlines, right? I need …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.