49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for karang

Hi I have defined the class in C++ file as __declspec(dllexport) int clsName ::CreateDocument(char* filein, char* fileout, char* config) where clsName is the class name But after I compiled the code and use the dll in .net code I am getting a run time error "Unable to find an entry …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for christiangirl

Hey, I am having problems with this code, I think it is not linking up the whole file, because when I run it it only says "hi" 3 times. And also it keeps crashing because of best[i] = point->item->return_value(); [code] #include "applicant.cpp" #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> using namespace …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for JLopeman

Hello everyone....again. I have a program that is using a queue. I have a class member function that is to traverse the queue, and output the smallest number in the queue. Pseudo for this function is: Compare the front and front->next. Whichever is smaller, keep it. Traverse the queue until …

Member Avatar for JLopeman
Member Avatar for DLightman

I'm getting a strange compile error with getline. My question is if you make a statement like: [CODE] getline(is, a.lastName, ','); [/CODE] can you revert back to: [CODE] getline(is, a.country); [/CODE] Or in other words, once you set a delimiter, are you bound by that delimiter for the rest of …

Member Avatar for DLightman
Member Avatar for Yilon

First, let me introduce myself. I was a pretty good C programmer, back when [and very modest as well.] I got into other lines of work and have been out of programming for several years. The other lines of work have ... you have read the headlines, right? I need …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mrnutty

The program i made below is a c++ program. All I ask for is some feedback of my program. This program has a menu of option, but I have only implemented option 1,2,3,7thus far. So here is the code. [code] #include<iostream> #include<ctime> #include<cstdlib> #include<cmath> #include<string> using namespace std; void MemoryMatchingGame();//The …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for mibit

Can you please help me with the source code solving this task under C++/G++ (linux) or dev C++ (windows) [img]http://mail.dir.bg/~storage/cPlus_plus111.jpg[/img] Below you can see a hint for solving Exercise P14.1 but I need to write the source for [color=red][b]Exercise P14.1 [/b] P[/color]lease help me http://www.horstmann.com/bigcpp/solutions/ch14/ExP14_1.cpp [code] #include <string> using namespace …

Member Avatar for brechtjah
Member Avatar for rottmanj

I am working on a project and I have run into an issue with populating a 3d vector array. When I try to complile the code below I get the following error. no matching function for call to ‘std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > I am not sure where I went wrong …

Member Avatar for rottmanj
Member Avatar for gamer12223

I am working on a program and this what I must do, Create a class based on TMoney. TMoney only contains three denominations, tdollars, twons (worth 1/5 or .2 of a dollar) and tpennies. Create an array of three Tmoney objects. Use a loop to input data into each of …

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Member Avatar for AntiBNI

I'm making an app that needs to safely remove USB Drives and SD cards. When i execute my code,the drive gets forced not to be ready. I have an old 128MB usb drive and when i start transferring data to it and execute my code,a msg box pops up saying: …

Member Avatar for AntiBNI
Member Avatar for Foe89

Yes, I have the do while set to go on forever until I get on to the solving part, but while trying to shrink my program down so I can make it more modular, the O's that player 2 have are showing up as a face? I know I have …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for MaRtO

Hello everyone, I just started learning c++ and I started with creating a programme that gets your wan ip adress. Just because it covers some basic stuff. Getting the content of the website works fine. But the parsing doesn't really work. If tried with sscanf, but it didn't work. Also …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for weasel5-12

The below code, is a source code which i am trying to learn double linked lists from, as for a 2nd year assignment. For some reason my editor keeps returning the error messages [icode]'cout' : undeclared identifier 'cin' : undeclared identifier[/icode] Can someone please help me?? All help is VERY …

Member Avatar for weasel5-12
Member Avatar for inktri

I'm trying to write a DNS server and I need the IP/name mappings to delete themselves after a given number of seconds. How can I accomplish that? Thank you

Member Avatar for kux
Member Avatar for StainlessSteelR

For a class assignment we need to make a C++ program in putty of the game war. It has to have 7 functions; it's suppose to use a time() function and srand() function in the dealRandomCard() function. The output should be asking you how many cards you want to play; …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for afg_91320

im making a grade book code using functions and SINGLE arrays (multi arrays would be easier, but my teacher wants this in our code) outline: from main() ask the user for info about 4 students ---> use functions getStudentInfo() 4x (once per student; im assuming this will have the students …

Member Avatar for mrboolf
Member Avatar for wizzsm

The output from this only returns the letter 'C' in the path string. Help! Wizzsm. std::string GetServiceConfig() { HKEY keyHandle; char rgValue [1024]; LPCTSTR regPath = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\ApirbiService"; LPCTSTR regReq = L"ImagePath"; DWORD size1 = sizeof(rgValue); DWORD Type; if( RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regPath,0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &keyHandle) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegQueryValueEx( keyHandle, regReq, NULL, &Type, …

Member Avatar for wizzsm
Member Avatar for robgeek

Please can someone show me how would I create a file using fstream that would take the contents from another existing file and user input sentence. for example: I have file1 with some contents The user inputs a sentence Now I want to create a file using streams that has …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for fatsbear

I'm having trouble inserting a bubble sort for my program, any help would be appreciated. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string food[100]; string lookup; int calories[100]; int x = -1; do { x++; cout << "Enter a menu item (enter 'done' when finished): "; getline(cin,food[x]); …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for michael1201

Ok so i got part of my code written out but i dont understand how to go about checking all the numbers to see if it is a valid soduku code. i need a function to check the puzzle and make sure it is correct and if it is not …

Member Avatar for mynameisor
Member Avatar for JLopeman

To any and everyone :) As stated in my title, this is a homework assignment, so I appreciate any help or suggestions that are given. Also, per the website rules, I have put effort to this, and I'm not asking anyone to just do my work. (The program compiles and …

Member Avatar for JLopeman
Member Avatar for Foe89

I'm currently writing code for a soon to be simple tic tac toe program. Currently i'm just testing out methods of how to run it, so it'll be more "modular" in the end but for now I'm just testing things out. My question is, how would I go about validating …

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Member Avatar for cloudedvision

Lets say we have appA and appB. appB is running in the background, not doing anything. Then the user opens up appA. They punch in a number, and hit enter. Then appA "pokes" appB and sends it the number. appB multiplies the number by 5, pokes appA and sends it …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for jchanger07

Hi! I'm new to this forum and C++ programming and I am currently taking and introductory course to C++. I have a program that compiles fine but will not execute. I am posting my code and a sample input file....Please if anyone can get it to run or give me …

Member Avatar for sabertoothMAX
Member Avatar for kotkata

This is part of a larger program and this is the only part that I can't get down. Right now, it runs fine once through, but telling it yes to repeat the loop at the end does not allow the user to input a new name for student once the …

Member Avatar for kotkata
Member Avatar for habuchas

Below is the code I am starting with. What is desired is to have the user input the number of players and the number of scores and then populate the players and scores. To check the program out I usually will use random numbers for the scores. My problem is …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cloudedvision

Wasn't sure where to post this, I couldn't find a relevant forum. Whats the LGPL and how does it differ from the GPL?

Member Avatar for sabertoothMAX
Member Avatar for cloudedvision

How do you embed a file within an application (lets say a text file) and read it with the application? Also, how do you set an icon for you application?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for brixton

Hello there, I'm learning file I/O in c++ ATM and I'm getting a strange problem when I'm (at least I think so) following a tutorial. What I'm doing is simply writing a User object to a file and then read that same object from the file. I'm doing this just …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for FTProtocol

Hey, #1 is it possible to search for a specific exe file on a computer and return the path to it. If not is it possible to get the directory of an exe from its running process. If not is it possible to search for a registry entry to return …

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The End.