49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for ladyscoleman

Hey guys. can anyone help me, i'm a newbie and i need to show the number of times each of the numbers 1 -9 appear in a 2 dimensional array. store counts are suppose to be 1 dimensional and i also have to enter the code to display the nine …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for Shaun32887

Just to introduce myself again, My name is Shaun and I'm a 21 year old engineering student with about... six weeks of c++ experience. I main concern isn't my ability to get the job done. I have enough Matlab experience and logical thinking to accomplish this task. My worry is …

Member Avatar for Shaun32887
Member Avatar for mike issa

hi all i was a able to create a .def file from lt360lib.dll using Borland C++ (impdef.exe) [CODE]LIBRARY LT360LIB.DLL EXPORTS LT360LIB_CloseLink @3 LT360LIB_Cmd @7 LT360LIB_CmdIndexValue @9 LT360LIB_CmdString @10 LT360LIB_CmdValue @8 LT360LIB_GetDllVerDate @1 LT360LIB_GetUsbFirmwareVerDate @6 LT360LIB_LinkedCnt @2 LT360LIB_OpenLinkCOM @5 LT360LIB_OpenLinkUSB @4 LT360LIB_ReadBinary @12 LT360LIB_WriteBinary @11 [/CODE] how can i convert this …

Member Avatar for mike issa
Member Avatar for ThomYork

Hello All! I have a program in C# and I am trying to write it in C++. Somewhere in my app I have to run a command. In C++ I am trying to do it using system() To run the command I have to give the absolute path. For example: …

Member Avatar for ThomYork
Member Avatar for chavas

Hi All, I'm brand new to C++ and writing a program which asks for user input to open a text file then displays the text file using specific characters which parse the file. The files that I need to open are too large to display the entire contents and the …

Member Avatar for AceofSpades19
Member Avatar for Pikachumanson

For Visual Studio 2008. I am not sure if this is the right place for it, but maybe someone here can help me. I have my program set up for Open GL, I also want to put Open AL in there too. Now I scoured the net for tutorials and …

Member Avatar for Pikachumanson
Member Avatar for ederX

Ok, I posted earlier and your suggestions worked fine, I had to rework the program a bit but it compiles now. The only problem is that it segfaults right away now. This is the gdb backtrace: [code] (gdb) backtrace full #0 0x95082630 in std::istream::sentry::sentry () No symbol table info available. …

Member Avatar for ederX
Member Avatar for Aamit

[code] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string> #include<stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include "convert.h" using namespace std; int check(string); int checkNo(string); int checkMinSec(string); string send(string); int getTime(int); string hr_str,final_time; int main() { int ch,result=2; int i=1,x,y,z,p,q,n; char tt[2],dd[5],ll[9],mm[5],nn[3]; char xa[3]; char choice; printf("\nEnter the Time in 24 hr Format"); printf("\nE.g. 10:05:03 It shoud …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for &rea

Hello, I have got a problem of An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException'. I have read that it is possible that the reason is that I have too many method calls. I am working with a GUI and I didn't want that the code in Form() was too big so …

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Member Avatar for lomo

I have to store my input values from function 1 into another array caled namesMore in function 2. Not to sure how to store into second array #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; const int NR_PLAYERS = 4; void inputInformation(int goalsP[], int cardsR[], string names[]) { for(int i =0; …

Member Avatar for lomo
Member Avatar for mike issa

i have a dll "lt360lib.dll" and want to create a .lib file in order to link with it. when trying to create a .def file using impdef.exe that comes with c++ builder i get the following error "error lt360lib.dll: unknown filetype" by the way i enter the command using command …

Member Avatar for mike issa
Member Avatar for guy40az

I was wondering if anyone knows of a good resource online to learn the IDE of visual studio 2008. I have been using an older version (visual studio 6), I need to learn the 08 .net IDE. If any one has any suggestions on where to go online or even …

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for Superfat

Okay, i am trying to figure out how to use the Continue, and Break flow controlls correctly, however i keep getting an error: [code]continue statement not within a loop or a switch break statement not within a loop or a switch[/code] My code: [code=C++]#include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include …

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Member Avatar for edman

In the main function below I am trying to pass two array parameters to a friend function which will return the month object back to the main function with the monthly updated weatherreport details. I am studying and this is my first year doing any sort of coding so please …

Member Avatar for edman
Member Avatar for Cyberage

I have the following overloaded extraction operator function where I need to read values into an array. I keep on getting compile errors when I uncomment the: dayReport[i].dayOfMonth = dayP part. Could anyone point me to where I am going wrong. What I am trying to do is to read …

Member Avatar for Cyberage
Member Avatar for cam875

Ok, I have a MySQL server 5.1 community edition setup on my computer, and I have SQL/ODBC connector 5.1 installed. Now I want to take my C++ console app and be able to connect to my sql server. Yes I have looked through many tutorials and source code and I …

Member Avatar for cam875
Member Avatar for CoolGamer48

Hey, sorry if this is in the wrong forum. My computer keeps crashing, causing it to restart, and I don't know why. Here's what I know: [LIST] [*]It's happened only on Windows XP [*]Its happened on one of my machines multiple times,and just started happening on my second [*]The crashes …

Member Avatar for Miyuki

Is it possible to have Netbeans set up for Cygwin and for Borland 5 free compiler then let me choose a compiler for each project?

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for guest7

Hi, I am trying to generate 2000 random 3 bit binary numbers. I am using the following code to do that but I am getting an error. #include <bitset> #include <stdio.h> #include <cstdlib> #include <strings.h> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <time.h> using namespace std; int main() { for(int i=0; i<2000; …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for sweety0

Hello!! this time i got mad because i didnt even got a single answer from your site regarding shortest path. please tell me how to embed vb.net and C++. [B]can anyone please tel me the code of dll import function??[/B] Vb.net at the front end and coding in C++ at …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for WillMcc

The basic purpose of the program is for the user to enter 10 numbers, then the program to add them all up as they are entered until it gets to 10 numbers entered which at that point it divides total by 10. [code] #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; …

Member Avatar for Shaun32887
Member Avatar for Black Magic

Hey, When i say right i mean is this the best way to do it. The program works fine and I just put it together in about one minute. [CODE=C++]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { srand(time(NULL)); const char* words[] = {"silly", "bafoon", "monkey"}; int i = rand() % …

Member Avatar for Black Magic
Member Avatar for ninjaneer

I've been floating around the web looking for a way to add a cap to my Cpp program's processor use, and so far I've only come across a few painful looking Cpp-to-assembly tutorials and a bindprocessor function in an IBM API. I was wondering if any of you wizards knew …

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Member Avatar for Jennifer84

In a Form Window you have in the upperright corner, Minimize, Maximize and the other red control that you close the Form with. I wonder what this control is named and if it is possible to put code inside this control. Because if I doubleclick on it, I doulbeclick on …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

This perheps is a strange question but if I have a buttoncontrol on the form I could programatically make this button invisible like below: [code] button1->Visible = false; [/code] What I wonder is if it is possible to make the button Visible = false; by fading the button away so …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for Zolookas

Hi, I am new to C++ and Qt and despite that i am thinking of using threads in my app. Here is an example code which outputs "." and then "QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running" error after pressing button. [CODE=C++] class MyThread : public QThread { public: void …

Member Avatar for Zolookas
Member Avatar for CoolGamer48

Hey, What will happen if you link to the same lib twice using #pragma? Will this cause an error, or if the lib is already being linked to, will the second #pragma be ignored? Thanks.

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for mhil_joy

guys.. please give me some idea on how to program tic tac toe using user to user.. thank you.. god bless you all...

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for bpacheco1227

I am a C++ beginner and I am stuck. I can't get the random number generators to run properly, specifically the random number generators are all coming up with 1 . The point system is not running properly either, I'm sure it has something to do with my do-while loop. …

Member Avatar for bpacheco1227
Member Avatar for xyzt

hello I need to do something like this: for ex. if the N is 12 then, i will produce strings like "001" "002" "003" "004" ... "012" if the N is 6 then, I will produce strings like "01" "02" ... "06" is it possible to do that with standart …

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The End.