49,762 Topics
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[code] _ _ _ _ function2(_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ); main{ int n[]= {4, 5, 6}; int *kptr ; kptr = function2( n ) ; } [/code] Fill in the blanks and you get: [code]int *function2( int array[ ]); or int *function2( int … | |
Hi, im at the end of my tether after spending hours trying to find a solution to this so hopefully somebody here can help me out. I have a structure, customer, which contains just a few details such as name address phone number etc. I need to store this info … | |
how can we do "make" and "makefile" in VC++ should I download the GCC compiler to windows | |
Hi All, I am working on a situation suppose i am calling one exe(C++ code) from unix shell script now i want that 2 values in that unix script which this c++ code will get from some URL. Any Idea how can i get those 2 values from C++ code … | |
My assignment asked me to write a function that would print out a "*" when a number was prime. My output also has print out the odd numbers between 5 and 49. Anyway My function prints out only the prime number, while I want it to print out all the … | |
Hey guys, we were given an opportunity for extra credit in my OOP class. We're going over recursion and my prof said if we could do a project using recursion and do another useing iterative statments, and time them, we would be given extra cred. Is there a way to … | |
My Question is regarding the code written below. If you look at the function called "function" when 'a' is passed to the function and the function "function" is evaluated. I was wondering what the return value would be for the first pass when (a =2), my questin specifcaly is that … | |
I tried to write a basic calculator program, Visual basic finds 1 error. I cant find it. Please help. I am kind off new to programming. [code=c++] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(void) { system("TITLE calculator"); system("COLOR 9"); char cChar; double dfirstnumber; double dsecondnumber; char cDoagain; do { system("CLS"); … | |
My C++ program creates a nxn matrix with given value. For e.g if the input is 10 it will creates a matrix of 10x10 now what i want is the script should run program and give input values in a variation of 1000. Say first matrix of 1000 then 2000 … | |
I am trying to relearn C by going through the K&R exercises (I have the first, non-ANSI, edition...that's how long it's been since I last programmed in C under Unix as a software engineer). I have Visual C++.net version 2003 on a Windos XP computer. I would prefer to continue … | |
i have written the following code. the problem is when i run (F9), i dont see my output neither do i see any error in the program. any idea why? thx in advance. empId: an array of seven long integers to hold employee identification numbers. hours: an array of seven … | |
I don't know if I am the only one having trouble with StretchBlt or if my symtom is a normal situation. StrechBlt works fine as I zoom the picture larger. I expect the pic to loose quality if I zoom out too far. My problem is: As I zoom smaller, … | |
Alright, I am back and I have a new program that I have been working on all day. It's funny because I'm sure most of you guys could do this in 1 minute. But as I said before I am 49 years old and do not use computers, just trying … | |
I have to write five function which i do not have to put in "main" but have to call inside main. i hade come up with a code which did not work and was incomplete but i was futher told i have to use global variables and not local variable … | |
hello .. please i need ur help in this .. i have this exercise .. 1. Define the following data member: a. fahrenheit_temp of type float. b. celsius_temp of type float. 2. Define a constructor that: a. Set the default value for the data member to zero. b. Call set … | |
[QUOTE=krnekhelesh;454927]got it... Windows XP[/QUOTE] Hi , Do anyone have any idea regarding the oracle APIs, i am using the APIs os oracle 7.3 client library and i want to make it unicode compatible without changing the APIs, but by just making datatype conversion,is it possible??? | |
Hi everyone, this is my first post. I'll try to be concise. It's been a while since I've worked with C++, since I usually work in Java. I'm writing a program that I want to have run in the background while the system (Windows XP) starts up. But I want … | |
[COLOR=#000000][B]Hello I am asking for help with this question that I have. I have tried to to find the solution for this but I have had no luck, please help [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000][B][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000][B] [/B][B]Analyze how the principle of [/B][B]const[/B][B]ness of objects can be violated or circumvented by using ordinary read/write … | |
Hey, I'm making a very simple program to find out how many months it would take to pay off credit card debt [code=C] // Calculate Credit Card Debt and How long it would take to pay it off #include <iostream.h> using namespace std; int main(void) { double Debt, APR, MinMonthPay; … | |
Hi all, I create a database on SQL 2005 Express edition and link it to a C++/MFC application as follows. It wont gives any compile time errors. But at run time, it gives an error. Here are details. Link the database in OnInitDialog() here is the code [code=c++] BOOL CSRFDBDlg::OnInitDialog() … | |
I need help to understand what I'm supposed to do in this question I'm not asking for a code what I need is explanation thanks a lot write a function template that returns the range of values stored in a vector <T>that is the difference between the largest value and … | |
I need to modify this program (complete missing functions and anything that must be added) . I'll post my attemps and i want to know if it's correct and if there is any thing missing and need to be done . thanks in advance [code]#include <iostream.h> class point{ int x,y; … | |
So far this is what I have: [CODE] #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> #include <fstream> #include<string> #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream infile; ofstream outfile; infile.open ("Wordcalc.txt"); outfile.open ("WOutput"); char A = (1*2.0);//value for letter A char C = (3 - 20.4); char D = ((4/12.0) *3.09); char E … | |
Is this an example of a recursive function?? Somebody on another forum helped me put this together, as I am trying to make a diamond shape out of asterisks. But he did not know if this was a correct way of using recursion. Can somebody just tell me yes or … | |
Question : Phonebook Write a phonebook program that can be used to save your contact list (like what you have in your mobile phone). The program should have the following features : •Displaying all the contact records •Save new contact into the list •Delete contact from the list •Search for … | |
I had this for classwork and was able to get it to work.. is there a better way to do the right alignments for the cost columns?? When I turned this in, the output returns right, but I was told there was an easier way to get them to align … | |
I'm starting school next year at ITT Tech for programming in visual C++ and I'm hoping to get an early start. I have Visual Studio 2003 ver 7.1 and I dont' know ANYTHING about it! I was hoping for a link to a step by step web page that can … | |
hi friends, I don't have c++ software. plz give me the c++ s/f and tell me the link........ | |
I have been assigned to create a program to simulate a soft drink machine. The following structure is supposed to be used to store the following data: Drink Name Drink Cost Number of Drinks in machine I am suppose to create an array of five structures and initialize the elements … | |
I am new c++ programmer. I looked at the code for the "bouncing ball" which was said to be "hello world" of Win 32. I have been trying to do the following: 1. Make the this ball move in a predefined rectangle (one ALREADY drawn) even before the ball starts … |
The End.