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Iam using ubuntu 10.04 LTS.I have a problem in including graphics.h in the g++ compiler I am using.I have nearly tried all the possible solutions given while i googled about it. Please help me .I am a beginner to programming.

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Member Avatar for ThrasherK

I need to write a function that sorts a two-dimensional array using this header: [CODE]void sort(int m[][2], int numberOfRows)[/CODE] my code is supposed to primarily sort the rows and secondarily sort the columns. The program is supposed to take ten points entered by the user and sort them. I cannot …

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Member Avatar for khaled mohamed

hello , i have an trouble in switching between graphics mode and text mode i have an interface by using graphics mode and when you press in a key of it will transfer to a window by text mode when this operation occur the dimension of the second window is …

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Member Avatar for Takudzwa Tizora

how would one define RANDOM FILES as well as suggest ways of creating and updating them in Visual C++?

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for everard

I'm creating a logfile interpreter program that consists of two editboxes. The first editbox contains the original logfile code, and the second editbox contains the equivalent code of the first editbox in user-readable format. All I want to do now is, everytime I select or highlight a specific code in …

Member Avatar for Trepach
Member Avatar for Duplaix

hey my name is duplaix..am new in c++ so i need help! I have to write the following set of c++ functions  fromBinaryToDecimal: The function must accept a pointer to a one-dimensional, dynamically allocated, Boolean array together with an integer representing its length as parameters. You may assume that …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for ThrustinDuffman

Hello everyone! Im new to programming and Im working on an assignment but I keep running into trouble. My assignment is to make a trivia game and although I have made pretty good progress, I am stuck on one particular part. The part I am stuck at is I am …

Member Avatar for ThrustinDuffman
Member Avatar for PDB1982

Can someone explain to me, the purpose of the "public" and "private" options of a class?

Member Avatar for Knightly
Member Avatar for Frederick2

The memset function declared in memory.h is declared this way... void* memset(void* dest, int c, size_t count); and the MSDN example of its use I have shows this for setting the 1st four bytes of a buffer to a '*'... memset(buffer, '*', 4); The 2nd parameter confuses me a bit …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for merse

Can you recommend a free C++ compiler and editor under windows which is good for error tracking? I mean, I can step the program line by line, and check the values of variables?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vlad44

hi everbody I was opening all files in a certain folder I've used WIN32_FIND_DATA, FindFirstFile, FindNextFile. it works well but for certain extension that i ask the user to enter i.e it will get only all the files with the extension given by he user and ignore any thing else …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Garrett2011

take two following classes: [CODE=c++] class Test1{ public: Test1()=default; Test1(char in1,char in2):char1(in1),char2(in2){} char char1; char char2; }; class Test2{ public: Test2()=default; Test2(char in1,char in2):char1(in1),char2(in2){} private: char char1; char char2; };[/CODE] I know in c++0x both of these classes are considered as POD types and we can initialize objects of them …

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Member Avatar for Garrett2011

take two following classes and their constructors as samples: [CODE=c++] class One{ public: One(int a,int b):adad1(a),adad2(b){} private: int adad1; int adad2; }; class Two{ public: Two(int input[]){ for (int i=0;i<10;i++) araye[i]=input[i]; } private: int araye[10]; };[/CODE] considering objects with static storage duration, I think first constructor can be applied during …

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Member Avatar for Garrett2011

How does an optimizing c++ compiler determine when a stack slot of a function(part of stack frame of a function) is no longer needed by that function, so it can reuse its memory? . By stack slot I mean a part of stack frame of a function, not necessarily a …

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Member Avatar for badprogrammer

[B]Tic-Tac-Toe Game[/B] Write a program that allows two players to play a game of tic-tac-toe. Use a 2D char array with three rows and three columns as the game board. Each element of the 2D array should be initialized with a space. The program should work as follows. 1. When …

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Member Avatar for Jackie91

I was having an error, it says cannot convert string into int..i have no idea how to convert string into int. My teacher asked me to read 5 students names into the array..help me pls.. [CODE] #include<iostream> #include<string> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int search(int data[], int size, int value) …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for nahmartin

Quick help please I am writing some data to a file but I do not know the information required in the third line until after the file is completed is there a way to point the ofstream back to the beginning of the file so that i can edit it …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for ssmg

Hi everyone; I have a character array of 13 elements and I already defined the first 5 ones. The rest chars are constant so all I need to do is assign the chars between 6-12 instead of writing them one by one.To make it clearer, say my string is "ILoveYouMary" …

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Member Avatar for siriphonic.ner

*I need help solving this. Stuck half way. Would someone mind giving me an example of their program of this?* The local t-shirt shop sells shirts that retail for $12. Quantity discounts are given as follows: Number of shirts Discount 5-10 10% 11-20 15% 21-30 20% 31 or more 25% …

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Member Avatar for emps

Ok, this has got me banging my head against a wall. I have a structure defined in a header file. It get initialized in my "main.cpp" file, then later in a separate file "readconfig.cpp" it gets accessed to store information. I haven't been able to get it to compile except …

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Member Avatar for angelinrajeesha

Hi, what are the classes that cannot be instantiated in c++? I know that one of the ans is Abstract base class.what is the other one in c++? could you please help us?

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Member Avatar for ThrasherK

I am new to programming but when I took my class on Visual Basic it seemed so easy and I learned it so fast. It seemed like a giant puzzle. Now I am taking a introduction course to C++ and I cannot seem to grasp the material at all. When …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for Garrett2011

Is there a macro that can get a text as input like "abc" and then extract characters in that text and generate a code using them, something like "{'a','b','c'}" ? thanks.

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Garrett2011

Suppose we have following two classes: [CODE=c++] class Temp{ public: char a; char b; }; class Final{ private: int a; char b; char c; public: Final(Temp in):b(in.a),c(in.b){} //rest of implementation };[/CODE] can we initialize an object of the Final class with following syntax in upcoming c++0x standard: [CODE=c++] Final obj(Temp{'a','b'});[/CODE]

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for AkashL

I have heard you can efficiently use your GPU to do fast floating point calculations. This can be done using OpenGL but you may have to use the library in an unorthodox way or graphics card toolkits such as CUDA (by nVidia) which I guess is Graphics card specific. Does …

Member Avatar for angelinrajeesha
Member Avatar for StefanTUE

Hey all, I just started programming C++, (only formiliar with matlab/mathematica for image processing) . I like to find the min of my grayscale image. My image is a part of frame token from a webcam. But I don't even know what type of object my image is. Is it …

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Member Avatar for solycutema

Hi all, Currently im doing a little coding to communicate between two PCs through RS232 ports. i am thinking of using: "writeFile" to send a string to the other PC, "readFile" to read back the acknowledgement string from that PC and "strcmp" to check if the read back acknowledgement string …

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Member Avatar for bleedi

Hi, I'm studying C++ at the university and came across a problem in my exercises. Basically I'm trying to retrieve an integer from an object via its getter method. The object is stored in a vector. Here's the main.cpp part: [CODE] vector<Client> vektori; ... vektori.push_back(Client(account, firstName, lastName, balance)); ... vector<Client>::const_iterator …

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Member Avatar for merse

C++ has a standard function isinf()? like isnan()? If yes, it returns true in case of +inf and -inf also?

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The End.