49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen

So I started doing c programing and now I want to understand how file systems like fat 32 and NTFS works. So I want to know how to create a file transfering program. So here's a few questions.... 1 How do I do it the portable way? -find file size …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for sivaslieko++

hi everybody, how can I split my text into the array? for example mytext = "1 2 3 4 5 6"; mytext2 = splitFunction(mytext); then, mytext2[0] = 1; mytext2[1] = 2; mytext2[2] = 3; --- ------ ------------

Member Avatar for sivaslieko++
Member Avatar for sTorM

hello, I have problem with plus. i couldnt get right total number! And also I ld to know how to store all list of total number. coz i ld to compare them wh is biggest and smallest. [code] int n = 0; cin>>n; //vector<int> v; //int scores[n]; for ( i …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for gamesnmore

Hi There, I am in the process of creating a game based around the board game Diplomacy. anyway, I keep getting the following errors, and I have no idea of how to solve it. AlliedConflict error LNK2022: metadata operation failed (80131187) : Inconsistent method declarations in duplicated types (types: frmGameScreen; …

Member Avatar for Xorn27
Member Avatar for sTorM

Hi all, How can make the output not to repeat again for many players. here is part of code. [code] struct { int face; unsigned int value; } card[13] = { {'2', 2},{'2', 3},{'2', 4}, {'5', 5},{'6', 6},{'7', 7}, {'8', 8},{'9', 9},{'X', 10}, {'J', 13},{'Q', 12},{'K', 11}, {'A', 1} }; …

Member Avatar for Ravalon
Member Avatar for l36963

Hi, I am pretty new to C/C++, and would like some tips on writing the code fo my first 'try' I am trying to write a programme that marks exams and such and calculates grades. I am not looking for somebody to write it for me, well if you want …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for sTorM

hello, pls find out why code is not work for solitaire game... Thanks in advance.:rolleyes: code: [code=cplusplus] #include<iostream> using namespace std; /*****CLASS PLAYING CARD*****/ class PlayingCard { private: int rank;//integer 1-13 int suit;//integer0-3 char color;//red('r') or black('b') public: PlayingCard(int,int); PlayingCard(); void display(); ~PlayingCard(); const static int diamond; const static int …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for geek

Hello everybody, I have a program in c++ (console) that takes in numbers...I want to write another program to open this program and send numbers to it automatically...instead of me typing this numbers and pressing enter....how can I do this?? Thanks

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vatsal17

I want to write various programs using ' Loops' in C language but new to C .please solve my query

Member Avatar for TylerSBreton
Member Avatar for Wreef

Hello Everyone, I was just wondering if people could tell me what they think is the best way to learn C++, and link to some tutorials maybe? Recomend a book, ect. Maybe I havn't found any good tutorials....But the ones I have seen aren't very good. Help Apreaciated. Brendan.

Member Avatar for WoBinator
Member Avatar for DynamitMsk

Hello, I'm working on a stock trading assignment. I have developed the algorithm for trading, and now I need a little help on getting the data from a server. There's a server that replies to the following request: servername stockcost <stockname> and I assume I can use it like: int …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for catty50

hi, I am new to programming ! I am just writing match game ! I am trying to move the letter to concerning place .. so I created two dimen-array for it .. but I have problem with moving those to concerning place .. here is my some code of …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for anjutalks

Hello, i really need code for creating a binary search tree from pre-order and post order traversals.......and print its output in post order and level order traversals....pls help...

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for nuwan243

09)What is the purposes of register used in c++.in c++ help they are used more examples and they are used memory addresses……How can we find the specific functions of memory addresses used in programming?Ex int() and int86() functions….. [B]#include<stdio.h>[/B] [B]#include<iostream.h>[/B] [B]#include<conio.h>[/B] [B]#include<dos.h>[/B] [B]#define VIDEO 0x10[/B] [B]void movetoxy(int x, int y)[/B] …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sTorM

Thank for most who helped me to find out random fun before.. I am new to programming .. I just writing simple twenty one game.. Now my random out is like that ... k 5 6 q j .. mix char and int together randomly.. it might be suck..! now …

Member Avatar for sTorM
Member Avatar for nuwan243

Hi everybody, How to crack a password of a simple C++ Programme? Please give me a simple code sample????????? heres to, Nuwan

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for sTorM

Hi , I ld to print out characters and intergers together randomly? for example .. k 10 5 r 3 .. etc.. But I set 4 char and 10 int(frm 1-10) .. pls help me out thz in advance!:)

Member Avatar for sTorM
Member Avatar for D.Mark Phillips

Could someone please advise me on a reasonably priced simple graphics library that I could add to the standard C++ functions. I would also like to add a new compiler with a book containing all the latest functions as well as backward compatibility with the older styles. I need lots …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for nuwan243

10)Can we use C++ codes to change the voltages of mother boards? How can change this ? simple codes please? How can we check whether that changes are configured to the mother board or not? Is there softwares?

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for nuwan243

05)What is the purposes of the Followings? These are located in device manager list………………Under [B]System devices[/B] [B]a) [/B][B]ACPI Fixed Feature Button[/B] [B]b) [/B][B]ACPI Sleep Button[/B] [B]c) [/B][B]Direct Memory Access Controller[/B] [B]d) [/B][B]ISAPNP[/B][B] Read Data Port[/B] [B]e) [/B][B]Microcode Update Device[/B] [B]f) [/B][B]Microsoft ACPI- Compliant System[/B] [B]g) [/B][B]Numeric data Processor[/B] [B]h) [/B][B]PCI …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for nuwan243

11)Please give me a code sample to eject cd rom and close it…..in c++…..???

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for nuwan243

12) what are the I/O ranges?funcitons of it? is it useful to a programmer ? if How ? 13) can we use a C++ programme without windows? I mean can we use C++ programme in MS-DOS mode? Can we run a C++ programme before windows boots?if can how to do …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for smaran

hi all, hope you guys are doing fine. i need a help. can any of you tell me where I can download free ebooks. i am particularly looking for "data structures in c++ by tanenbaum". please help me. thanks

Member Avatar for Eko
Member Avatar for gabs

hi! I'm kind of new to this site, but I saw some of your guys posts, and man, you are brilliant. so I hope someone can help me as well. I am doing a vc++ program, and I'm using many comboboxs. how can I tell between them? I mean, I …

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Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

Well, I am writing a program in which i need these global variables. However when I compile, ile I get a message To Much Global Data in This File. I have no other option, i.e. use pointers and all, cause there are certain restrictions to as per my teacher said. …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

I have just started with Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition. I have also installed Platform SDK with it. I have few questions: 1. I couldn't see line numbers, or gutter on the editor. How could I toggle gutter/line numbers. 2. I saw the include directory of the VC. I saw …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for Boldgamer

[COLOR=#000000]Hello everyone. I am interested in learning C++ and am looking for a good book to start out with. I read the topic in the sticky in this forum and have narrowed my choice of beginner books down to either [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]A) [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]C++ How to Program by [COLOR=black]Harvey …

Member Avatar for may4life
Member Avatar for l2u

Hello.. How do I get smart pointer from pointer address? For instance: [code]class someclass { public: char test; }; typedef boost::shared_ptr<someclass> someclass_p; //smart pointer int main() { someclass_p testp = someclass_p( new someclass() ); ULONG_PTR uptr = (ULONG_PTR)testp.get(); //so I have pointer address here //How do I get testp from …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for saqib

hello guys, the following code is taken from my senior. i am unable to under stand its logic . because i am new in graphics can u guys kindly explain its logics thanks. [code] #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> #define left 0 #define top 0 #define right 639 #define bottom 479 #define radius …

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Member Avatar for bento

hello friend, i am a new programmer, i have probem use gotoxy in visual c++, help me please :cheesy:

Member Avatar for Ene Uran

The End.