49,761 Topics

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Member Avatar for Boldgamer

[COLOR=#000000]Hello everyone. I am interested in learning C++ and am looking for a good book to start out with. I read the topic in the sticky in this forum and have narrowed my choice of beginner books down to either [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]A) [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]C++ How to Program by [COLOR=black]Harvey …

Member Avatar for may4life
Member Avatar for l2u

Hello.. How do I get smart pointer from pointer address? For instance: [code]class someclass { public: char test; }; typedef boost::shared_ptr<someclass> someclass_p; //smart pointer int main() { someclass_p testp = someclass_p( new someclass() ); ULONG_PTR uptr = (ULONG_PTR)testp.get(); //so I have pointer address here //How do I get testp from …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for saqib

hello guys, the following code is taken from my senior. i am unable to under stand its logic . because i am new in graphics can u guys kindly explain its logics thanks. [code] #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> #define left 0 #define top 0 #define right 639 #define bottom 479 #define radius …

Member Avatar for saqib
Member Avatar for bento

hello friend, i am a new programmer, i have probem use gotoxy in visual c++, help me please :cheesy:

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for Lynqu2

OK, I' m just starting C++, I've written a few really simple programs, like calculations and displaying stuff etc. I've used Borland's Turbo C++ 4.5 and DEV C++ to write and compile few of theses progams, I run a Windows XP home OS. The Question I have is: Why, whenever …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for tech291083

Hi, I have just opened the Kdevelop interface to make my first C++ program. I think all I need to do first of all is click on the Project menu and then select New Project. Then click on the All Projects tab. This shows two options C and C++. So …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for tech291083

Hi, I am using Fedora core 5 32 bit Linux. Just wrote this small C++ prgram and saved it as test.cpp on the [URL="http://forums.devshed.com/#"]desktop[/URL] and then tried to compile it using the terminal with the following command [B]gcc test.cpp - o test [/B] but it is showing the following message …

Member Avatar for tech291083
Member Avatar for dr.it

i new with programming or maybe i'm confused!! with many definations of microsoft : 1- explain these things plz and diffrences between them: C++/VC++/C#/COM/MFC/WIN32API 2- i want to learn a cross-platform language which is more low level what is the best choice 3- which one is more low level VC# …

Member Avatar for TylerSBreton
Member Avatar for cdwind

I'm trying write a program with a image shell(?),like a real software. this is my simple code and how can i do.. [code=c] #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct student{ char name[20]; int ID; int score; }; int main() { cout<<"How many students in the class?\nInput the number:"<<endl; int n; …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for JRM

hello all. This program is just a collection of functions to demonstrate various programming principles. What I'm saying is that don't worry about the overall function-it ain't all that... One of the principles is using a 'non member' friend function to display the output. I added this to the public …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for cdwind

I'm learning C++ language now but i don't know which IDE should i use.Someone recommend DEC-C++ to me but it a little terrible debugging. I don't want use the bareGDB and how can i do. thanks.:sad:

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for turnbui

Hello folks, I have a working CGI written in C. It uses the printf statement to build the outgoing HTML web page. I understand that printf is actually outoutting to the STDOUT device. I'd like to use the WriteFile statement to build the outgoing page and I've tried this:- WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jan1024188

ok here`s the code [code]#include <iostream.h> void main() { int x = 0; cout << "Loliko si pa star ? >>>" ; cin >> x; if ((x >= 0 ) && ( x <= 4 )) { cout << "\n dojencek" <<endl; else //error here { if ( (x >= …

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for DynamitMsk

For my project I'm using an array of structs that I declared in the header file [code] struct City{ string name; int visits; }; City* map[200]; [/code] now when I'm trying to initialize it in a constructor, like [code] for (int ii=0; ii<200; ii++) map[ii].visits = 0; [/code] I get …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for kenshihimura

[QUOTE] 1. Write a program that read the data from a file name address.txt. Then, right justifies the text in new text file name add.txt. Given the width of the new text file is 70. 2. Write a program that counts and prints the numbers of line and word from …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for mytime19

[B]i need computer graphics programs written in c..[/B] [B]thanks a lot..:sad: [/B]

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for tech291083

Hi, I am using the Kdevelop IDE on Fedora core 5 32 bit Linux to learn c++ programming, but the funny thing is I can't figure out as how to set up the IDE in such a way that it gives me the option of syntax highlighting and automatic code …

Member Avatar for tech291083
Member Avatar for road22

i have installed djgpp through a cd ( it also has some software called Knoppix... don't know what to do with that... does anyone know?) so here is my problem: i made a c++ program on notepad and saved it with .cpp extension... now how do i compile it? do …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for mytime19

hi...can anyone give advice, tips, on how will i come up in developing the antivirus software coz i dont have any idea.. im know core level in assembly and i haven't tried using the it.. i have had a hard time learning it.. actually i want to create a project.. …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for senguptapallab
Member Avatar for jobra

I am tring to get the real time data [B][COLOR=#7f0055]for[/B][/COLOR] almost 200 subjects [B][COLOR=#7f0055]and[/B][/COLOR] store it in a file. But then I get the each subject data in four different subject codes in the sense four rows from the real time data which I want to store all of it …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for kararu

The differences are listed here [URL]http://www.geocities.com/karthika_79/diff.html[/URL] hope this helps, karthika

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Luckychap

Hi, I had almost completed my program of Analog clock with tC++. but i got stuck, when any arm of the clock is over another arm it erase the other arm when it passess by. I try to redraw that arm but it looks very bad as it start blinking …

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for spaceboy

I'm looking for a C++ certification course, but there seems to be about 1001 offerings on the net, and the last thing I want to do is spend my money on something that employers won't recognise as legitimate. Could anyone please recommend some of the courses/companies out there that I …

Member Avatar for spaceboy
Member Avatar for Walkers

hi, OVer the last few days, I've bee having serious issues trying to check input from the user and making sure its numeric, I recently found this function like many others but I cannot get it to work. [code] #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; bool IsNumeric(const char *p) …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for andrax

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew of a good memory leak checker (like valgrind's memcheck) for c++ win32 apps.

Member Avatar for andrax
Member Avatar for whoknows101

[code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; // structs/Classes /*********************************************************************/ struct Key { char* data; // string Key () {this->data = NULL;} Key(char* data) { this->data = new char[strlen(data)]; strcpy(this->data,data);} bool operator== (Key& key) { return 0 == strcmp(this->data,key.data);} // is this == to that key bool operator< (Key& key) { …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for paradoxxx

Hi all, I need help with an old C program, making it work in C++, and changing it a little bit. For now, can someone help me change this line of code to the new function in C++? Thanks and God Bless. Jonn. [CODE]cp = (char *) malloc(strlen(tbuff));[/CODE]

Member Avatar for wildpine
Member Avatar for green_oasis

I have the following C++ code: [code=cplusplus] class A { private: long num1; }; class B : public A { private: void f1(); }; class C: public B { private: virtual void f2(); }; int main() { cout <<sizeof(A)<<endl; cout <<sizeof(B)<<endl; cout<<sizeof(C)<<end; }[/code] Would someone please help me with the …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for tech291083

Hi, I just came across this list of some of the popular applications on the market today which were developed using the C++ language. [URL]http://www.research.att.com/~bs/applications.html[/URL] I am sure that programmers who love this language would be happy to know about this. Please correct me if I am wrong. I would …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.