49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for grautu

Hi! As a beginner in Borland C++ Builder I'm facing a Linker Error message which I have no idea of how to deal with. Concretely, my console project called as "my_proj" is calling the function my_func() whose code definition is included in the source file source.cpp (this source file is …

Member Avatar for sabuj
Member Avatar for codergem
Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for angle188.shroff

Hi, I am new to vc++. While trying to run the vc++ code i am getting the following errors. I am posting those errors and code lines where i am getting the error. If anyone knows about these errors please help me. 1)Error: Instruction Operands must be the same size …

Member Avatar for angle188.shroff
Member Avatar for jaden403

Hello, When I compile the following code I get this single error: In constructor `Point::Point expected `{' before ':' token ()': I cannot figure out what is wrong. What am I missing? Thanks. Header file [code] #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; class Point { friend void setX( Point &, …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for TMcIsaac

How can I make it so if the user hits the arrow key that the program will see it as input in a console application? I am using the Dev C++ compiler.

Member Avatar for nanodano
Member Avatar for Omher

Hi I'm writing an application that should have when the aplication start working, I'm using the function of C++ "GetTickCount()", the problem is that I read that this function has a 'BUG' that after '49.7' days the function return '0'. So I'm trying to write a Custom function, I thoug …

Member Avatar for dev.cplusplus
Member Avatar for arunnic

hi frnds, can anyone help me in getting a sample code for developing an IVRS using C++.if anyone is having sample code pls send it to me.thanks in advace.my id is << email nipped by wolfpack>>

Member Avatar for vietbong87

hey i need helpin in pipping a file and using those values in the file to work with the program. ive done the program but it doesnt read the file. can someone help me here. [code] #include<iostream> #include<string.h> using namespace std; //the cost of the toll gates const double A_GATE …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for aeinstein

Hi All, If the user is to input text - alphabetic or numeric, when is it advantageous to use [I]getline[/I] rather than [I]cin[/I]? It's obviously easier to code something like [inlinecode]cin >> favoriteVacationSpot;[/inlinecode] than something like [inlinecode]getline (cin, favoriteVacatioSpot);[/inlinecode], so I don't see the advantage of using [I]getline[/I]. If anyone …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for jaden403

Hello, I think my problem is a simple one (but probably isn't) and something that I have foolishy overlooked. I have created a class (Time) with a constructor that has as its argument a 3x3 int array. It is defined in a header file as follows: [code] public: Time(int [][columns]); …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for LieAfterLie

I am extremely new to C++, can sum1 tell me a faster way to output stuff than cout? It either outputs too slow or takes too long to automatically scroll or something. I was trying to sort of output and refresh in real time w cout

Member Avatar for AhmedHan
Member Avatar for aeinstein

Hi All, Short story: How do you compile two .cpp files at once? Text excerpt: "Step-by-Step 4-1: 1. Open [B]apstring.cpp[/B] and [B]stringex.cpp[/B] into a project in your compiler. The file [B]apstring.h[/B] must also be available to your compiler." All three files are downloaded from the Instructor's Text Resources of my …

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Member Avatar for aeinstein

Hi All, The program below is returning the following data... A 1 AB (empty line) 3 9 ...when it should be returning... A 1 AB 2 ABCDEFG 7 I've tried changing the assignment code statements to read [inlinecode]MyString = MyString + "B\n"';[/inlinecode] and [inlinecode]MyString = MyString + "CDEFG\n";[/inlinecode], but that, …

Member Avatar for aeinstein
Member Avatar for Joncamp

I'm running Apache 3.0, and have a c++ cgi-bin program working fine with Apache... except the cgi-bin program wont create or even read from files it uses as a database? Anybody know the answer to this one? Thanks kindly, jon

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Member Avatar for slippygod

[LEFT]Taking a chance here, as I know this is a pretty DSP (digital signal processing) specific question... (Using C++ in Visual Studio 2005) I have a series of data points that are supposed to represent a 60 Hz sine wave. However, there is both: (1) Noise in the data (2) …

Member Avatar for halloula

please i just a hint in how to start doing this home work [B]Notes:[/B] [I]There is no need to make use of arrays. In fact using arrays to store all customers' records is a bad design.[/I] Interstate Motorway Pty Limited requires you to design a program that will produce customer …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for ArNy

hello iam new to c++ and i was wondering what kind of program would be the best for coding c++?thanks

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Member Avatar for newgurl

Hope people dont mind (Lerner and iamthwee), but I would like to start a new post for this assignment of mine. since I think the length of the other one is putting people off and the code is now a lot different. Can someone help me finalise this (has been …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for type-r

can sum1 help me think of another loop to us instead of a do loop [

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for Joncamp

I am wanting to create C++ modules to load with Linux Apache web server, to give it additional functionality while not requiring a new process to be executed. I want to do this because I believe it would be faster then cgi-bin programs which require a new process space every …

Member Avatar for Joncamp
Member Avatar for rowin

Hi, How can I do the following? I have a DBGrid and I need to get values that grid. When I click on a cell in the grid, I need to get all values in the selected row. If for example there are 3 columns named ID, name and age. …

Member Avatar for grautu

Hi! As a beginner in C/C++ I'm now practicing console applications under C++ Builder. Could anybody please tell me how to enlarge the default size of the programs' console? It is too litle for some of my applications and I wasn't able to find out an enlarging recipe in the …

Member Avatar for grautu
Member Avatar for Tamir

Hi all, I programed an addin which works with ms-word. I wish to parse the text of an active ms-word document and to replase some of its words and chars. [B]How can I retrieve the documents text?[/B] How can I write text into the document? AND [B]how can I replace …

Member Avatar for Tamir
Member Avatar for insider

Hi I want to catch if someone tries to add a tuple with some existing key value. But I could not do that. Whenever I add a record with an existing key value , I get the exception EDBEngineError with message Key violation. I want to catch this exception. Where …

Member Avatar for newgurl

Hello, I am stuck on an assignment I am working on. To be honest, the way I've structured it, it goes a bit beyond me. Can someone kindly assist? I have to get the following text: 3435344 @ L Brooks,12 Shaftsbury Road,Burwood NSW 2134 3435344 A 2005/02/22/08:22:41 3435344 A 2005/03/20/08:22:41 …

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Member Avatar for lette

:sad: There's something wrong with Visual Studio .Net 2003 every code I write, it could even be a simple cout code, ends up giving me 216 build errors no matter what. All the build errors are from c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\include I have a final due and I …

Member Avatar for soniona
Member Avatar for aeinstein

Hi All, As a non-required, ungraded, "activity", I coded the following program, and I'm wondering if there was an easier way for me to of solved the problem. Please note that this is only a second semester type course, and to this point we've only covered basic variables and constants, …

Member Avatar for aeinstein
Member Avatar for mikki2

hi, i'm new to c++(just 3 days) and new to this forum too (so pls go easy on me). my problem is i can't remember how to use the for, while and do loops. but when i see a program with these loops in them i completely understand the program …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for invinate

ok, quick question for those who know the standard well. when is a variable (and array and class object) set to 0 by default (all elements, all members) in C++. i know that if it's global it should be (is it?). are there any other cases?

Member Avatar for invinate
Member Avatar for pench

hai freinds, this is pench.i have finished my psot gradution(MCA) in S.K.University.i am new to this group.plz help me if post any queris in forum. queris: 1. what is the difference between New and Malloc or Calloc in C

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The End.