49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for mikki2

hi, i'm new to c++(just 3 days) and new to this forum too (so pls go easy on me). my problem is i can't remember how to use the for, while and do loops. but when i see a program with these loops in them i completely understand the program …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for invinate

ok, quick question for those who know the standard well. when is a variable (and array and class object) set to 0 by default (all elements, all members) in C++. i know that if it's global it should be (is it?). are there any other cases?

Member Avatar for invinate
Member Avatar for pench

hai freinds, this is pench.i have finished my psot gradution(MCA) in S.K.University.i am new to this group.plz help me if post any queris in forum. queris: 1. what is the difference between New and Malloc or Calloc in C

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for lchamarthi

I am newbie to C. Now one urgent application i got that is.. I have to talk to the other equipment through some defined protocol using serial COM1 port in the windows environment. means i have to send 1 Command (Bytes of Hexa data) from PC as a master in …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ok555

Hi, I am still very new to C++ and need help with new/delete, I am posting what I wasn't able to find answers for on msn search or by myself after hours of testing.. 1. Am I using new/delete correctly? [code] char hehe[1024]; memset(hehe,0,sizeof(hehe)); sprintf(hehe,"Some Text"); char *testx; int testxlen …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for achala

hello, can some one pls tell me if we can ignore strings in a sentence in c++?? Eg: hello , how are you? am fine , how are you? when will you get to the party? If this is a mail then how do i ignore the word "you" in …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for grautu

Hi! HERE IS MY PROBLEM ============== I'm interested in a function that opens for editing, then saves and closes in turn all the files in C:\DIRECTORY\ WHY THAT PROBLEM ============= The C:\DIRECTORY\ contains text files *.txt whose content should undergo some changes (that pertains to ALL THE FILES IN C:\DIRECTORY\). …

Member Avatar for grautu
Member Avatar for Omher

Hi to all, I'm new here, I start reading the forum and you have help me, now I heve the following problem, hope you can help me Thanks. Now my problem: I want to write a DLL that returns an Object I write a function in the DLL, that returns …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for BlackManta

Hi all. I have been trying to teach myself a little opengl and I have the Visual C++ 2005 express edition. Now I am sure the the biggest problem is the express part, but I downloaded the windows SDK like another thread suggested. I also used the #pragma command (I …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for takayuki

:sad: I have to submit the assignment tomorrow i got stuck in something looks silly the question is: parking garage charges a $2.00 miniumum fee to pack for up to three hours. The garage charges an additional $0.50 per hour for each hour or part thereof in excess of three …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for mmh771

I've made an image processing application in Matlab, that reads an image and stores the width and height of the image in 2 variables, x and y .... Now i want to read those 2 variables in another application (a C++ application) that is running with the Matlab application... Does …

Member Avatar for b4codes
Member Avatar for agarunk

hello all, I have to create a dll file which can be used in .NET thats why i have choosen ATL project to create dll file. Im developing dll(using VC++.NET 2005) which inturn uses Adobe XMP SDK API's. My basic intention is to use fewer API to ensure that everything …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for yuzhang

Here is the problem: Since there was a change in the code skeleton I was given, I had to somewhat modify my already-written codes to suit that minor change. Vast majority of the codes were still the same, so created a file with the same name and copy-paste the codes …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vissor3

i'm taking a computer programming class, and i was given a chalange to create a program in "C++" that would tell you if the number you entered was a Perfect number, being that the sum of all the factors of a number minus itself would = the original number. aka. …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for yuzhang

Hi all: The function malloc returns a void* pointer, and so I need to explicitly use type cast e.g.: (struct*)malloc(sizeof(Message_from_server)); I am wondering if it is a legal expression or at least, I should give it a tag name like (struct*message_from_server)malloc(sizeof(Message_from_server)); Thanks

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for CStallion

I am having problems with a code that I would like to go something liek this [code] string array; int z = rand()%2; switch(z) { case 0: array = {"entry 1","entry 2",...,"entry n"}; break; case 1: array = {"entry A","entry B",...,"entry (letter)"}; break; } //then do stuff with array [/code] …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for Tester99

[COLOR=#000000]Hello![/COLOR] Command line builds: devenv solutionfile.sln /build solutionconfig [ /project projectnameorfile [ /p rojectconfig name ] ] I try to build.........please could somebody tell me what is solutionconfig? Thanks

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for debugger

Hi there, could someone please help me debug this code. I need it to perform the following tasks 1. Ask the user for the number of cars he or she owns. 2. Create a class to represent a car, and then declare an array of cars. 3. Ask the user …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for mhm_ra

hi i need to r write binary(hexadecimal) values into a text file then read this data and manipulate it as a number :sad:

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for arrogant

can u ppl help me in implementing trie........... i need complete data structure of trie...............and how to implement it????

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for rajkaC

Hi Every body I want to know how it is possible to connect to database whether it may be Oracle,Ms-Access.I am using Turboc2 Compiler and windows OS and i found something like ProC that is file extension as .pc in Oracle 9i is there any relation between these i want …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for geez85

Hey, i just got alil problem. Im trying to create a 2d array with a size of [1000][1000]... [code] double variable[1000][1000] = { 0 }; [/code] its compiles fine but when i run the program, it just crashes...is the array too big?? the maximum i can get is [300][300]...any ideas??

Member Avatar for dubeyprateek
Member Avatar for complete

What are some of the pluses and minuses of MFC? I think it is better to do a lot of things that are complicated without it. Any thoughts?

Member Avatar for dubeyprateek
Member Avatar for grindit

hi im new to the forums and im stuck on a part of my code that i need to do for homework in the code below in my loadPuzzle function it seems to skip my cin.getline and i dont know why. [code] #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstring> …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for ontrix

Hi there im wondering how to use a time delay in my code. What i have done is searched through a saved file and picked out infomation the send it to the rs232 port. what i want to do is create a time delay of 100 micro seconds for every …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for gampalu

I'm programming in C++ and I've been told that "printf" is faster than "cout", so since then I've been using "printf" instead of "cout". Do you recommend my option or not? thanks

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for Joncamp

I wrote a cgi-bin program to run with Apache/Linux. When I do a form-post operation from a web page to my cgi-bin program, the form fields are not passed to the cgi-bin program? The cgi-bin program runs ok and returns some html through stdout, but doesn't read any form fields …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for jazzz

I need to sort a list of numbers Here is the sample input: code -> subcode -> brandcode ( each code has a subcode and each subcode has a brandcode) [code] 7366->65535->65535 7379->65535->65535 7379->65535->65535 7379->65535->65535 7366->65535->65535 7366->65535->65535 7379->65535->65535 7366->65535->65535 9113->65535->65535 7379->65535->65535 7315->5->65535 7314->65535->65535 7315->5->65535 7314->65535->65535 7379->65535->65535 7314->65535->65535 7314->65535->65535 7314->65535->65535 7311->65535->8 …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for nanodano

Hey everyone, I'm trying to write a simple program that can do more than one thing at once. I'm not an expert on the iostreams, so I don't know if I need to create threads to accomplish what I want. What I'm trying to do is run a loop while …

Member Avatar for dubeyprateek
Member Avatar for achala

hello, am doing a project for school . it involves a lot of file and string operations and i keep compiling the code over and over again to see if it is working properly ... all of a sudden the code simple stopped executing .. the code ran a number …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.