49,760 Topics

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I'm coding in VC++.NET. For some reason, my messagebox is displayed below my application and is therefore hidden from the user. I can't get it to be modal either. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for DotNetUser
Member Avatar for tyczj

i need some help with figuring out how to check diagonals in my 3D Tic-Tac-Toe board. i have the horizontal, vertical and depth done fine but i cant figure out how to get diagonals. i only put in the check part since the full code is really long. the peoblem …

Member Avatar for Drowzee
Member Avatar for prof.thakur

how can we display a panel or small image in the desktop screen before starting our application and after some time it should display the window pertaining to it solution is welcomed in any lnaguage c/c++/java

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for grunge man

just incase no one saw it in the other window here is two questions i need help with o now i get it thanks your trigering back my memory um but hey i have another question what does endl mean and what would happen if you put the values 4 …

Member Avatar for grunge man
Member Avatar for grunge man

um i have been to many tutorials and none of them talk about making forms with c++ and recieving the inputed info withc++ with buttons,text boxes,ect like in html so is there any functions or whatever that could achive this, and im not talking about the cin and cout ones

Member Avatar for grunge man
Member Avatar for weehoong

Hi there guys! Just want to say these communities are great! i've really benefited alot from the forum and its tutorials. Special thanks to [B]FireNet [/B] and his file handling tutorials. It really helped me alot! Not forgetting, thanks alot to all of the members here too. :idea: :cheesy: anyway, …

Member Avatar for Drowzee
Member Avatar for dors_zone

#include <iostream> using namespace std; // allow use of standard names like cin, cout, etc. int main (void) { //variables char answer1, answer2, answer3, answer4, stall; // capital letters selected by the test taker. int numberCorrect=0; // to determine the IQ cout<<" "<<endl; cout<<" ******************************************************************************"<<endl; cout<<" * *"<<endl; cout<<" * …

Member Avatar for tsubasa

i want to find the length of a string but by using string.length() or string.size() well i don't really get the length of the string coz if i have a space well it won't read further. Eg "Hello world!!!" will return me 5 coz it will stop at the space. …

Member Avatar for tsubasa
Member Avatar for heavyc

I have this problem where I have to create a process and then when I am all done i must delete all processes that are created. I have tried to set up a linked list to do this but when i go to implement it it doesnt work>> I have …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for gampalu

Hi! I'm building a Class for matrixes. I have already built several funtions for adding, subtracting, transpose, multiply,.. Now I'm trying to do a function to calculate the inverse... Can anyone help me? [CODE] class CMatrix { public: void Identity(); void SetMaxColRow(int nRow, int nCol); void SetElement(int nRow, int nCol, …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for vietbong87

hey im having trouble workin out the average it keeps showing 0 instead #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int count; double grade, total, average; grade = 0; total = 0; count = 0; cout <<"\nTo stop entering grades. Type in the number"; cout <<"\n 999.\n\n"; total = total …

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Member Avatar for grunge man

um how do you make it so if you give an input, wether from an integer value or from pressing a cirtian key like the space bar,then a sound file will make a sound? in c++

Member Avatar for grunge man
Member Avatar for grunge man

A Nother Question What Are Classes And Is It Possible To Use A Class For Macking Pictures Or Shapes That You Can See?

Member Avatar for prof.thakur
Member Avatar for grunge man

Is It Possible To Use C++ With Html, It Would Be Verry Help Full In My Programing?

Member Avatar for prof.thakur
Member Avatar for Niklas

Is there a specific function in C++ to install/assign a file in a directory? And if t here is are there any limitations to what it can distribute? Are installation in multiple directories possible? Thanks , and I hope to see the responses.

Member Avatar for Niklas
Member Avatar for grunge man

grunge man um i can see some relation ships actually between vectors in phyics and c++ WolfPack Really? Care listing some of them here? For others to learn? ok now as i under stand about what arrays are i will now show the relationship between a physics vector and a …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for some one

Write a menu driven program that manipulates a list of students and has the following options: 1- Build list from file 2- Build list from keyboard 3- Print list Use the standard list ADT to build the student list. Student information are (name, level, ID) information please help with this …

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Member Avatar for javamum

I've been working for over a month trying to figure out how to write a program that finds the root of an equation using the bisection method. someone please help me! the equation that I need to find the root for is a little complicated, let me explain: let summation …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for amen

how to write into the file at the same time display at screen?if there a command that do it?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for grunge man

is it bad to not be a student on this page because i thought it was for anyone who needed help with c++

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Member Avatar for blackdove

I've been working on a binary search tree and I've written out most of what I think the code should look like but I can't test it because of an error I'm getting. I have no idea if what I have is even correct. My professor gave us the class, …

Member Avatar for Nedals
Member Avatar for gropedersen

Hi everybody, I am currently working on an assignment on linked lists. I am stuck with parts of the project, and I would be very pleased if anyone could help me. I am supposed to create a linked list of patient records. Each record is identified by a patient ID …

Member Avatar for gropedersen
Member Avatar for grunge man

um i just starded macking a simple program and i want the user to input a number when it says enter a number then i want it to say that number *3 is, enter then the answer will appear here is what i have and i dont know whats wrong …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for grunge man

how the heck do you "in simpelist programing" creat an image withc colors using c++

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for ultirian

I am currently using Dev C++ to develop my programs as it is free and its easily gotten a hold of. Now the thing is that the proggraming project that I have to do has to be implemented on the unix systems within university. Is there going to be problems …

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Member Avatar for Kashif

hi first of all greeting to every one i want to convert integer value into digits like input into any variable x=234678 into store in array y[8] that y[0]=2,y[1]=3 and so on. how can i do that in c++

Member Avatar for Kashif
Member Avatar for DotNetUser

I want to change the font size but my 3rd party mapping sw needs the parameter to be of type StdFont. Is this supported in VC++.NET. I couldn't find anything about this in MSDN. Do I need to add a dependency? Thanks.

Member Avatar for DotNetUser
Member Avatar for marioxp

I’ve build class with dynamic two dimensional array, and I’ve declared constructor and copy constructor and everything work fine until when I try assign object to object. Then I receive error in debugging. Probably something with copy constructor is wrong or eventually with destructor, but I don’t know how fix …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for porterrj

Hello! I have a program that generates a rectangle based on width and height. ---I just need to figure out how to center this if the screen was 80 characters wide.------ void drawRect(int width, int height) { for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for meenu

Hi, I am Meena. I am Java Developer. I am very much interested in C++. Because of my Basic knoeledge in C++ I easily understand Java. Now my big doubt is Java is fully used for Web Orinted. Oracle and VB for Data orinented. Like that what is main purpose …

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The End.