49,760 Topics

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Hello, I'm quite new to SOAP but im trying to learn how to implement it into one of my WIN32 c++ API programs. I havn't done a lot of windows programming but i have created a few small programs, buttons, styles etc. I know the basic layout of a windows …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for dors_zone

here are the question: #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { string strWords1, strWords2; strWords1 = "To Be Or Not To Be"; strWords2 = "That Is The Question!"; return 0; } --------------------------------------------- Modify the program to include: a) a statement to replace the last character in the strWords2 with …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for dors_zone

i need to write a function called bmiCalculator, which calculate based on: a) the function is to be passed the weight n height as parameters. the weight and height in pounds and feet, respectively. b) the function should convert pounds to kilograms (0.454kilograms per pound) and feet to meters (0.3046 …

Member Avatar for dubeyprateek
Member Avatar for porterrj

Hi I'm new to C++ and to here. I have an assignment. Make a HOLLOW rectangle using Functions. Have the user imput the amount of rows and columns....and border width . It should look something like this (It's supposed to be a HOLLOW rectangle) : Enter number of rows and …

Member Avatar for porterrj
Member Avatar for njzillest

I started C++ a few weeks ago.. I want to go to MIT for computer science, and for that i want to learn a few computer languages. Im 15 in 9th grade. I know how to make loops and random numbers. I am about to go into arrays and pointers …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for porterrj

Hi I'm new to C++ and to here. I have an assignment. > Make a rectangle using Functions. > > > Have the user imput the row size and column width. It should look something like this (It's supposed to be a rectangle...hollow) : ********** * * * * * …

Member Avatar for complete

I want to set the command line options for the linker in a C++ project in a .NET IDE If I click on Project in the menu and then on Properties a window comes up showing several Configuration Properties. Under the Linker Tab, I can display the command line. How …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for HelpMeImLost

Hello everyone. I am in desperate need of help. I have this question: [I]You have been developing a Fraction class for Teacher's Pet Software. The class contains two public data fields: one numerator and one for denominator. In keeping with the object-oriented concept of encapsulation, you make the Fraction's data …

Member Avatar for HelpMeImLost
Member Avatar for cware

Hello, I am currently a sophomore CS major and have a C++ assignment I need help with. I have browsed the boards to see if asking for hw help was appropriate, and I did not find anything saying that it was not. If this is not appropriate, please let mek …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for Moe

Hello everybody! I would like to know "how to link header file (.h file ) and source file (.c file ) in c. I have downloaded many .h files and .c files. I have noticed that the functions are declared in .h files and denined in .c files. I don't …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for rio

The problem we have been set is to make 3 classes which derive from a base class and 2 of these derived classes has a relationship with each other, now i can get only one of the derived classes to have a relationship with the other, but when i try …

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Member Avatar for p3nguin

Browsing daniweb for a couple weeks and you guys really help but in this lab me and my partners were a bit stumped, the purpose was to pass one set through pointers and the rest arrays. In my opinion a bit silly but whatnot, here's the latest code (we have …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for heavyc

i am having trouble incorporating this createprocess function with opening a execultable.. it is in c++ and i keep getting 2 error messages which are C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\process\process.cpp(24) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before ';' C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\process\process.cpp(27) : error C2065: 'IpApplicationName' : undeclared identifier …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for Lerner

I have two structs: [code] struct Vertex { int row; int col; friend istream & operator >>(istream & is, Vertex & v) { char t[3]; is >> t; v.col = t[0] - 'A'; v.row = t[1] - '0'; return is; } }; struct Move { Vertex orig; Vertex dest; }; …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for tiffani

:idea: :idea: hey, guys & experts :D i'm havin' a big pro now~~i can't past the test 3 now... i know i may hav a bug but seems too hard for me to find it out can anyone help me???seg fault... i hav asked many ppl but....plzzzz ====the file==== dict.cc …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Eng_Girl

Hello, I need to know how to compile and run this example in Windows XP the example in [url]www.boondog.com[/url] go to-->tutorials---->GPS and Serial Interfacing it uses some libraries to communicate with the serial port . I tried this example but I got so many errors . can anyone see this …

Member Avatar for Vinoth
Member Avatar for rc_ashish

Hi, I want to change the font size of text in C language for printing text. Thanks in Advance. Ashish

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for joyjit

hi , i m new to windows platform. i have been programming in linux platform using c. please advice an effective tutorial in win 32 programming using c n c++. n please advice a fast c++ tutorial for intermediate c programmers. waitin for ue response thanks in advance joyjit

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for hari12341

Iam Trying to implement a basic text editor in c++. I've used a doubly linked list for storing the typed characters in a line and have implemented another linked list (No 2)to store many such lines for a document... When i try to save the file using list No2,i find …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for pdhaz

i just started a class in programing and we are working in C, i was wondering is there a way to input graphics into the program and if so where would a good place to go to show me the way, also if there are good tutorials for programming since …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for Podge

Hi, I am looking to hire someone to spend some evenings or days helping me understand Visual C++ 2005 better. I am a Structural Steel Detailer by trade but have developed some application related to my field. I have written some in C and C++ but I would like to …

Member Avatar for Podge
Member Avatar for renzo666

Moshi2... could anyone help me, how to convert ASCII to Hexadecimal and binary just like this.... "Hello this is a test" Hex: 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 74 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 61 20 74 65 73 74 Binary: 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100000 01110100 …

Member Avatar for renzo666
Member Avatar for beuls

hi, how can you read a hexadecimal number in c++? is there any option with cin/ your help is greatly appreciated. Beulah

Member Avatar for beuls
Member Avatar for gpta_varun

Hi All Was just working on detecting memory leaks ....... Where can i get the actual code implemention of new and delete functions in C++ , Best Regards Varun

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Member Avatar for akshayabc

Hi every body! I want to make project on speech recognition in linux using C/C++. In which user will speak linux commands(mostly letter by letter) and that will be entered on the console. ex- if he wants to enter 'ps -l' he has to speak- 'p', 's', 'minus', 'l'. I …

Member Avatar for calcop
Member Avatar for mcook228

I'm trying to read data from file into a graph and am wondering if anyone could suggest the best way to go about this... The data will be presented with commented lines that need to be skipped - these lines will begin with "/". Once I've skipped the comment lines, …

Member Avatar for AstroNox
Member Avatar for Dabdob

Hi Guys, i was reading a book about C++ sorting and come up with the first type of sortting knowing as "Bubble-Sort" belwo is the main code for, you can run it and see how the arry will be ordred. int main() { int a[]={5,4,2,8,1,9,2,10,3,7,6}; int i,j,temp; for(i=0;i<11;i++) cout<<a[i]<<" "; …

Member Avatar for Dabdob
Member Avatar for Yustme

Hi, Im trying to make a multiply table from 1 to 10. Im trying to do this with array's. This is the code i have till now: [code] #include "conio.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <cmath> #define arraylen = 10 main() { int x[11], *a; int …

Member Avatar for Yustme
Member Avatar for tyczj

i have 3 errors that i cant figure out y they are appearing i thought everything was fine [CODE] template <class TYPE> class Darray{ protected: TYPE DEPTH; TYPE ROW; TYPE COL; Cell *** array; public: Darray(); //constructor Darray(TYPE depth, TYPE row, TYPE col); //overloaded constructor ~Darray(); //destructor Darray(const Darray& darray); …

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Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello folks my fstream system appears to have failed! it all worked until i split the file up into *.H and *.CPP. // header file [code] #include <string> #include <fstream> #ifndef SCANNER_H #define SCANNER_H void openfile(void); bool check(string token); bool testing(char sym); string getsym(void); #endif [/code] the .cpp file: [code] …

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The End.